Chapter 49 Qiao Jiuye Dies

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The moment he fired the second shot, his hand shook again.

In other words, when he was about to shoot, the gun in his hand automatically adjusted the direction of the muzzle, as if someone pushed the gun body!

There's nothing wrong with the gun. Someone must be doing something wrong.

Biaozi said with an ugly face: "Master Jiu, isn't it really haunted?"

"What the hell!" Master Jiu shouted angrily, pointed the gun at Chen Hu again, and said in disbelief: "I don't believe it yet!"


The moment the gun rang out, Qiao Jiuye's arm turned ninety degrees, from the front to the side, aiming at Biaozi.

Biaozi's forehead shot out a spray of blood, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground instantly.

"Fuck you!" Qiao Jiuye was sweating and his hair stood on end as he threw the gun to the ground.

"Is it really haunted?" It's hard for Mr. Qiao Jiu not to think about ghosts this time!

Just when everyone was trembling with fear and wishing they could fly away, they saw that enchanting woman, as if she heard something, raised her head and looked somewhere on the second floor.

The moment she looked up, she saw a pair of purple eyes in a dark corner on the second floor.

Suddenly, the enchanting woman trembled all over. After being in a daze, she took two steps forward, bent down, and picked up the pistol on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, wondering why the woman wanted to pick up that sinister gun.

Qiao Jiuye cursed and asked her to put down the gun.

However, the little wife who always obeyed his words seemed to have turned a deaf ear to his words and had no reaction at all.

Not only did he not put down the gun as he was told, but he raised the gun and pointed it at him.

Aimed at Mr. Qiao Jiu!

Master Qiao Jiu was completely stunned. Today was simply the craziest day for him. His outlook on life was about to collapse!

"You crazy bitch, are you crazy!?"

The enchanting woman didn't say a word and didn't say any nonsense at all. The moment she pointed the gun at Mr. Qiao Jiu, she fired suddenly!


There was a gunshot, and Master Qiao Jiu screamed, covering his shoulders and falling to the ground! wavv

"Kill this bitch to death!" Mr. Qiao Jiu never dreamed that one day he would be shot and wounded by his own woman!

Fortunately, this woman had never touched a gun and could not hold her down, otherwise the two of them would not have been able to blow his head open at such a close distance!

The man holding the gun was also stunned. It wasn't until Qiao Jiuye shouted that he realized what he should do. He quickly raised the gun and pulled the trigger on the enchanting woman.


What frightened Mr. Qiao Jiu was that the subordinate turned the gun the moment he fired, and the bullet also hit him!

"Fuck..." Qiao Jiuye, who only had time to say this, his arms and legs were injured, had no ability to escape after falling to the ground.

Immediately, he was shot in the head, and the bullet penetrated a black hole. His eyes were wide open, and he could not die anymore.

It was only then that the enchanting woman seemed to wake up. After a moment of confusion, she screamed in terror.

Master Qiao Jiu died so mysteriously?

Or was he killed by his own people?

Everyone present was dumbfounded. In addition to being at a loss, they were also deeply afraid.

Chen Hu took advantage of the chaos and untied the ropes on his body, turned around and ran away.

It wasn't until he ran to the door that someone finally noticed him.

"Chen Hu ran away!"

However, among the people present, Biaozi and Qiao Jiuye were both dead, and the enchanting woman was frightened.

Of the remaining three people, two were injured by Master Qiao, and the last one was the murderer of Master Qiao.

Who still has the ability and ideas to chase Chen Hu? After all, he himself is in danger.

"No matter what he does, just let him run away. What a hell today. Think about what to do. Master Jiu died in such an inexplicable way. If we are held accountable, three lives are not enough to kill him!"

"Are you stupid? Didn't the murderer escape?"

An injured man pointed to the door and said thoughtfully: "As long as we all say it was Chen Hu who killed Jiuye and Biaozi, won't everything be fine?"

Several people looked at each other and immediately began to confess their confessions. The enchanting woman also colluded with them in fear and did not dare to stay out of the matter.

After all, she shot Mr. Qiao Jiu once.

It was only then that someone finally flashed past a corner on the second floor, jumped out of the window, and quickly left the villa area.

Under the hazy moonlight, the tall figure in slightly shabby clothing lit a cigarette and walked along the roadside grove instead of taking a ride.

That night, Su Xiaomeng stayed up almost all night. She thought a lot about Fang Lin, Qiao Jiuye, her father's illness, and the management of the hot pot restaurant.

That night, several hot pot restaurant employees sent text messages saying that they would not come to work again for the time being.

After all, these employees were beaten up by Mr. Qiao Jiu's people yesterday and were more or less injured. In addition, they were afraid that Mr. Qiao Jiu would not let it go, so they would rather not work than be implicated again.

The business of the hot pot restaurant has been deteriorating in the past two years, and there are not many employees left. The remaining employees are loyal to begin with.

Su Xiaomeng felt sorry for having troubled them, so she asked them to have a good rest first. The hotpot restaurant would welcome them to come back to work whenever they wanted.

At six o'clock in the morning, she got up at dawn, tidied the house, and as usual, visited her father who was bedridden with liver cancer. Then she went down to the first floor, planning to tidy up the lobby of the hot pot restaurant again.

After the hotpot restaurant was smashed yesterday, there were still some remnants that had not been cleaned up.

As soon as she came downstairs, before Su Xiaomeng could pick up the rag, she saw the back of the figure sitting on the steps outside the glass door.

At six o'clock in the morning, there were very few people walking on the street, and that figure from behind was so special that she recognized who it was almost immediately.

He quickly opened the door, walked out, and came to the man's side: "Brother Fang, why are you sitting here?"

Fang Lin looked up, smiled, threw away the cigarette in his hand, stood up and said, "I came back from the provincial capital last night, so I was thinking of coming over as soon as possible to see my uncle's illness."

Fang Lin looked a little tired, a little tired, and there were more than a dozen low-quality cigarette butts thrown on the ground.

He must have been sitting here for a long time last night!

Su Xiaomeng felt a pain in her heart for no reason, and choked up: "How long did you sit here last night? Please call me."

Fang Lin waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it didn't take long." Su Xiaomeng wiped her eyes, knowing that Fang Lin must be tired and hungry now, so she said, "Well, I'll take you to take a bath first, and then I'll give it to you.

Make some breakfast."

Fang Lin was not polite and nodded: "Okay."

The two locked the door again and came to the third floor.

Listening to the suppressed and painful coughs that kept coming from a bedroom, Fang Lin asked, "Is that where my uncle lives?"

"Yeah." Su Xiaomeng nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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