Chapter 664 Qin Muwan's Resentment

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After recovering his cultivation, Fang Lin began to refine the teleportation array disk.

It is also something from Buddhism. Based on the previous experience, it can be refined very quickly.

Time flew by and it was noon.

Fang Lin put away the refined formation disk, cleared away the stones on the ground that had exhausted their spiritual energy, stood up and walked out of the Huilong Tower.

It is noon at this time, which is the time when Yang Qi is at its strongest during the day.

Fang Lin's prescription for replenishing his energy contained several herbs, and it was the best time to pick them.

With a flash of body, Fang Lin used the power of the large formation to perform the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, and instantly appeared in the medicine field.

At this time, all the workers in charge of the medicinal fields went to have their meals, leaving only one or two old men to watch over the fields.

Fang Lin greeted them and picked the required herbs one by one.

Then, he found the two ginseng dolls, and under the indignant struggles and protests of the two little guys, he picked two leaves from their heads.

Other required herbs need to be picked at different times and using different methods, so there is no rush.

Fang Lin slowly walked home. His parents had already learned the news about his return from Chen Xiangyi.

When Fang Lin walked into the house, the two elders were busy cooking, with smiles on their faces.

After having lunch with his parents, it was rare that he had time to relax, so Fang Lin planned to go out for a walk.

Fang Tianai, who had just gone to Chuzhou to attend college, received a phone call. All she heard was a complaint, saying that Fang Lin had not visited her for so long.

Fang Lin couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only console her with good-natured words. Finally, under the scolding of Fang's mother, Wang Xiu'e, Fang Tianai gave up and ended up acting coquettishly with Wang Xiu'e.

In the afternoon, Fang Lin continued to go to the medicinal fields to collect herbs.

Wei Tingxuan called and said: "President Fang, we haven't seen each other for a while.

Where are you always?"

"Go away, stop doing this with me."

Fang Lin laughed and scolded: "Why did you, Mr. Wei, think of calling me?"

"Cough, cough."

Wei Tingxuan cleared his throat and said seriously: "Does President Fang have time?

How about having dinner together in the evening, at my Splendid Palace."

Upon hearing that this guy suddenly became serious, Fang Lin thought for a moment and then understood.

There must be other people around Wei Tingxuan, and the invitation to dinner this time may not be his original intention. It is most likely that he is being entrusted by others to save his face.

With Wei Tingxuan's character, the number of people who could allow him to do such a thing can be counted on one hand.

As elders, Wei Xiangyun and others do not need to beat around the bush.

If Qi Zejiang and others come to him, they will be straightforward.

"Who asked you to invite me?"

Fang Lin asked directly: "You, Mr. Wei, don't have this kind of character.

In other words, who wants to see me?

I’ve been begging you all for this.”

Wei Tingxuan muttered there: "I'll just tell you, I won't be able to hide it from him.

You can't make the call yourself, you have to involve me."

Then, there was a sound on the other side, and the phone was handed into the hands of another person.

A pleasant female voice came, with a hint of resentment, and said: "It's me.

You, the company’s major shareholder, don’t take the initiative to find you, so you forget about the company?”

When Fang Lin heard this voice, his heart moved.

It turned out to be Wei Tingxuan's cousin, Qin Muwan, the tough girl who even dared to fight against Yao Chengjun, the bloody god of war! Hearing the other party's resentful words, Fang Lin's mouth showed a wry smile and defended: "You can't say that, I The president of the Dignitary Chamber of Commerce must be busy..." Qin Muwan didn't listen to his excuses, interrupted him and said: "Yes, you are the president, and you have a handsome daughter-in-law as your secretary. I'm sure I won't miss Shu and will never forget to leave.

Those of us who have worked so hard to make money for you have been thrown out of the window by you a long time ago."

The sarcastic remarks made Fang Lin unable to resist.

Since the last time when the Business Alliance was established, Fang Lin had really not seen Qin Muwan for some time since he witnessed Qin Muwan being fearless and angrily attacking Yao Chengjun.

No wonder there is so much resentment.

Fang Lin knew Qin Muwan's thoughts clearly.

He also did not deny that he had a lot of affection for this woman.

Just these two... Fang Lin felt that he owed enough romantic debts, so he always kept an appropriate distance from Qin Muwan.

He is not a beast like Yao Chengjun. He has eight wives and wants to harm Ren Yufei.

Fang Lin did not have a superior mentality, so he noticed the goodwill shown by Qin Muwan and others, but did not take any further action.

I have never thought about having the blessing of being the same person.

But who would have thought that Qin Muwan has such a fierce personality, and that Yao Chengjun would dare to fight against her, and would pursue the man she likes even more closely.

"Uh..." Fang Lin didn't know what to say for a moment.

Last time, the woman said she would give him the company as a dowry, and Fang Lin pretended to be stupid and got through.

This time, Fang Lin resented herself for ignoring her again, and Fang Lin was speechless.

In the end, Fang Lin saw that the matter could not be avoided, so he had no choice but to agree to the invitation.

However, the time is different, it is set two days later.

The most important thing now is to pick enough herbs to restore the energy consumed last night.

Essence is very important. Once it is consumed, it needs to be replenished as soon as possible, otherwise it will damage the source and further damage the foundation of cultivation.

Just like this, two days passed by in a flash. Fang Lin gathered enough medicinal materials, and after tempering them with the elixir fire in his body, he extracted the essence and replenished himself.

After everything was packed, he drove his Lamborghini Urus straight to the provincial capital.

This time when I return to the provincial capital, I must find a place to properly place the second array plate that has been refined.

Otherwise, driving back and forth again and again would be a waste of time.

Splendid palace.

One of the leading high-star hotels in Handong Province.

The last time we were here, Fang Lin officially became famous in Handong through the conference where bigwigs from all parties gathered.

Everyone present at the time witnessed his success and fame.

Although in Fang Lin's eyes, these false names are dispensable.

However, after the establishment of the Business Alliance, the impact was extremely far-reaching.

As the leader who dominates the economic lifeline of a province, Fang Lin is very famous among the senior figures of various groups in Handong Province.

Regardless of the various legends before the conference, the confrontation with Yao Chengjun during the conference, and the astonishing bet worth hundreds of billions at the same time, everyone is in awe.

For a time, even Fang Lin himself did not realize that he had become a legendary figure in the eyes of ordinary people.

Putting the car in the parking lot, Fang Lin looked at the hotel's signboard and felt filled with emotion.

But he quickly calmed down, took out his somewhat worn-out domestic smartphone, and called Wei Tingxuan.

"I'm at the hotel, where are you?"

Fang Lin asked directly.

"We are..." Wei Tingxuan was about to say where we were, but then his tone changed and he said, "Just wait, my cousin is going down."

This chapter has been completed!
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