Chapter 816: The Initiator

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Just when everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, the man suddenly became furious again, bared his teeth and roared at everyone again. His ferocious look frightened everyone, and they all turned pale and backed away one after another.

"Hey... I want to call the police. There is a madman on Caoluo Street, and he has a knife on him. It's too scary. Come here quickly!"

"Hey, is this a psychiatric hospital?

Someone is crazy on Caoluo Street."

Half of the timid ones were scared away, and the rest also panicked and quickly took out their mobile phones to contact the relevant departments. Everyone was in danger.

Under Fang Lin's iron fist, although the man was full of violence, he could not move except for his head.

Those angry eyes wanted to eat everyone present alive, scaring everyone into silence except Fang Lin who turned a blind eye.

"Young man, we have reason to suspect that this person is suffering from a mental illness, so you have to be careful.

In order to prevent harm to others, please hand him over to us carefully and our hospital will handle it."

As a doctor, you cannot turn a blind eye to your patients. As he was talking, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat called a young and beautiful nurse to come over and help.

The two of them carefully grabbed one of the man's arms, trying to free Fang Lin from his clutches. After all, they couldn't guarantee what crazy behavior the young man would do next.

"Needless to say! This guy must be crazy."

"A lunatic drove wildly on the street. This might have killed someone! It's really terrible."

“I really don’t know what his family is doing?

Isn't it harming others and yourself if you let a lunatic come out alone?

It’s simply abominable.”

The man's behavior could only be explained by his mental illness. Everyone was still frightened and immediately criticized the man's family with words and words.

"He has no mental problems."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows slightly and said thoughtfully.

"How can this be?

You are already crazy, how can you not have mental problems?"

"If he has no mental problem, then you have a mental problem."

"Doctor, I think it's better to take them both away! Anyone with eyes can see that this is obviously a lunatic! I see! Only a lunatic can defend a lunatic."

As soon as the words came out, the crowd was like a pot exploding. Even Fang Lin, who was kind and helpful, became a target in the blink of an eye.

Although no one was injured by the middle-aged man, everyone was still frightened by his actions and eyes that seemed to kill everyone just now.

"Fang Lin, don't bother yourself, just leave it to the doctor!"

The crowd was furious. Gao Meilan didn't want Fang Lin to get into any trouble, so she quickly whispered in his ear.

"It's okay, I have my own sense of discretion."

Fang Lin smiled slightly, confident.

The reason why this is so certain is that through clairvoyance, the cause of any disease in any person cannot escape Fang Lin's eyes.

Through careful observation, except for some innocuous minor problems, the man is in very good health, there is no mental problem, and there is no evil in the man.

There was no need for treatment if he was not ill. This man's condition aroused great interest in Fang Lin.

In terms of body shape, the man is more than twice as strong as Fang Lin.

Moreover, despite losing their minds and holding a knife, everyone was scared out of their wits, but they were easily subdued by Fang Lin.

"Young man, since you are so sure that he is not mentally ill, how do you explain his current behavior?"

The middle-aged doctor already secretly felt that Fang Lin was definitely not simple, so he quickly asked humbly.

"You won't believe it if I tell you, so it's better not to ask, so as not to cause trouble for yourself."

Seek truth from facts, Fang Lin said casually.

"Is there any other disease that cannot be mentioned?

In my opinion! It’s clear that this guy is also a lunatic, just trying to save his companions.”

"That's right, that's definitely the case.

Are you a doctor or is he a doctor?"

"Why are you talking so much?

Send them all to the hospital quickly! If someone is really hurt, can you afford the responsibility?"

What Fang Lin told the truth sounded to everyone like it was just a lie and a cover-up.

For the safety of themselves and everyone else, the crowd exploded again.

Contempt and ridicule followed one after another, but no one dared to step forward and take action.

"To be honest, I just briefly checked his body. His eyes are bright, his breath and pulse are very normal, and it is indeed different from a mental patient's attack.

Sir, why don't you tell me what's going on with him?"

Ignoring everyone's comments and anger, the doctor remained very modest and asked politely.

"What if I say he was controlled?

Would you believe such an evil thing?"

Fang Lin said casually.

"This is indeed strange, but no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, the one that can catch mice is a good cat.

If it is true as the gentleman said, then this already falls within the scope of medicine.

Even if you can see the problem, is there a solution?"

He said something unbelievable, but the doctor's heart and expression were calm and he remained calm and polite.

"Of course, as long as the person controlling him is eliminated, everything will be solved."

Fang Lin's eyes flashed with a cold light, he looked directly into the doctor's eyes, and said with a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You...what do you mean?

Are you doubting me?"

His heart was shaken, and the doctor took two steps back, looking slightly startled.

"if not?"

Fang Lin lifted the man with one hand and approached the doctor with sharp eyes.

"Haha... I thought you had some skills! It turns out you're just a gangster talking nonsense! If it was really me, why would I ask you so many questions?

Wouldn't it be easier to just take the person away?

Besides, we only came here after someone made an emergency call. If it was really related to me, how could it be such a coincidence?

How can I control him?"

The doctor sneered and argued methodically.

Seeing Fang Lin and the doctor suddenly arguing with each other, and also talking about very strange topics, the crowd suddenly became less commotion, and most of them listened quietly and interestingly.

"Take people away from me?

Do you think you dare?

Do you have that ability?

Also, it was only a few minutes after the man’s accident that we caught up with him.

If you really rushed here after receiving the call, would you be so fast?

It’s obviously all deliberate, right?”

Fang Lin was also calm, but when he said the last sentence, he suddenly shouted decisively.

The roar that struck straight to the heart immediately frightened the doctor's feet, causing him to stumble and almost lose his balance.

Before, everyone focused on the crazy man and his own safety, and no one seriously considered the rationality of the problem.

When Fang Lin suddenly mentioned it, everyone was enlightened and turned their questioning eyes to the doctor.

This chapter has been completed!
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