Gu Zhiyou after Extra Episode 7

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This is how Xiao Jiang treats the women he has acquired. For Min Ling, he only has the feeling of an ordinary friend. No matter how fairy-like she is, he has no special feelings. He shook his hoe and said with a smile:

"Why is Min Ling coming to my place? This fruit tree won't bear fruit until next year, and now I have picked all the fruit in the spring, and there is nothing to eat."

Min Ling rolled her eyes at Xiao Jiang. Strictly speaking, this made her look a little more charming. If a normal man saw her like this, he would definitely be fascinated.

It's a pity that none of Xiao Jiang's women are pretty and have too much experience. Even the most beautiful woman on earth has no feelings in front of her. Min Ling doesn't know that Xiao Jiang is no longer a normal person and has an extremely indifferent view of the relationship between men and women.

She muttered:

"Am I here to eat some of your fruits?"

Min Ling walked closer and said:

"Are you very busy now? I heard that you bought a house in the city. Will you rarely go back to the countryside in the future?"

Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"When I come back occasionally, this orchard still has to be managed, especially before spring when I have to come back to prune and pull branches, and apply pesticides, not to mention that my home here is still here."

Min Ling said:

"The air in the city is not very good. Except for the advantages of education in the city, everything is not as good as in the countryside now. Why do you go to the city if you don't have children? Are you going to eat dust and breathe polluted air?"

Xiao Jiang's face twitched. The plants in his house are special magical herbs. The dirty air outside will be purified. The air in the house is comparable to the best air in the mountains. He will not let a few old people go to the city.

It’s a waste of life.

Min Ling could imagine that Xiao Jiang would not consider that city is just a word to modern people, a gathering place with a concentrated population, dirty air, and noisy. Apart from work and children studying, it is really not as comfortable as the countryside. You must know that modern society has convenient express delivery network

With convenient transportation and convenient transportation, the original advantages of the city have disappeared. It is estimated that 70% of those who still go to the city are for the convenience of their children's education. If the education in the countryside can keep up, the city will probably become a ghost town.

Xiao Jiang only went to the city to buy a house to avoid some troubles, but in fact the elderly at home did not want to go. Xiao Jiang had to use his spiritual influence and the special characteristics of the houses in the city to make the elderly accept it.

After looking at Min Ling, she didn't seem very happy about buying a house in the city. According to her family's conditions, a three-story villa, three private cars and a motorcycle, it was true that she didn't like the city at all.

Xiao Jiang smiled and did not discuss the issue of where to live with Min Ling. He still has his house in the countryside, and there is also an old house. He originally planned to build a small villa here, but he felt that living here would be a bit on the contrary.

It's just trouble.

Min Ling looked at Xiao Jiang's big eyes with a hint of uneasiness. She stretched out her hand to hold the hoe handle in Xiao Jiang's hand and approached Xiao Jiang and said:

"Xiao Jiang, what are your plans for the future?"

In the past, when Xiao Jiang was still a passionate young man, he would have talked loudly, set his ideals high, and used his passion to fight hard.

Now of course he doesn't feel anything about things that can be done with a snap of his fingers. He looked up at the sky and said:

"My future? I hope I won't be influenced by any force, and I don't want to change anything. I just do my own thing."

Min Ling couldn't understand Xiao Jiang's words. She was just getting more and more fond of Xiao Jiang. She was an ordinary person and would only be responsible for her own heart. As long as Xiao Jiang didn't degenerate and could be somewhat self-motivated, that was enough.

"Xiao Jiang, do you have someone you like?"

Min Ling still asked about her worries, because she knew that there were other people who liked Xiao Jiang, who seemed to be just a handsome boy but felt extraordinary. However, she became more and more interested in Xiao Jiang during these days of contact.

Xiao Jiang did not want to harm his real friends and acquaintances, so he smiled and said:

"Yes, I will take her to have a meal with you in a few days. She is a very cute girl. I hope you can talk to her by then."

Min Ling's face froze. She didn't expect Xiao Jiang to directly answer that he already had a girlfriend. She let go of her hand on the hoe handle in disappointment and said with a smile:

"Then it's settled. Remember everyone to have a good meal. I'll go back first."

Min Ling left in a daze. Xiao Jiang shook his head but continued to weed. What he needed was a quiet life, and it was best not to bother him with anything else.

After a while, Xiaobai suddenly asked:

"Master, are you going to let one of your wives come out to deal with real-life troubles?"

Xiao Jiang thought for a while and frowned and said:

"Even if they become saints, they will still be counterattacked by the will of the world when they reach this plane, and they may bring uncertain troubles to the world.

Besides, there are so many wives, it’s not convenient for anyone to come out, um... you activate the gene breeding system in this world, find the right genes to generate a woman, and then implant your memory into it to be my real wife, anyway, make one

Full identity is no hassle."

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and said:

"Master, do you want to sleep with me? I have Alicia's memory. I can't modify this underlying memory."

Xiao Jiang smiled in surprise:

"It doesn't matter what your identity is, as long as you are loyal. I don't need love anymore because I have never met anyone who can really make me fall in love."

The more women there are, the less Xiao Jiang has expectations for relationships. As an old pervert, he is not qualified to study the relationship issues of eachother.

Xiaobai smiled and said:

"Okay, I will release detectors around the world to find suitable genes, and I will definitely create a perfect wife for you."

Xiao Jiang smiled. He didn't come back this time to study his wife's problem and settle down the elderly at home. He planned to leave a man and a half woman behind so that the elderly could have hope. Whether he would live or die in the future would depend on his chances.


Half a month passed quickly, and several elderly people from Xiao Jiang's family had already entered the city. Xiao Jiang transferred more than half of the winnings to his parents' cards. Seeing so much money and proof of Xiao Jiang's winning, his parents thought Xiao Jiang was

I bought a house in the city because I was afraid of trouble after winning the lottery.

But little did they know that Xiao Jiang only let them enter the city to avoid worries, but Xiao Jiang was still staying in the countryside. On this day, Xiao Jiang was in the living room watching the news about people taking off masks. Xiao Bai suddenly projected it and said:

"Master, I have made your wife, what do you think?"

As Xiao Bai opened the space, he saw a mixed-race beauty with a perfect figure and face appearing in front of Xiao Jiang. She had black hair, black eyes, and a jade-like complexion, combining the most perfect proportions of the East and the West. Xiao Jiang touched the beauty.

Face smiled and said:

"She's so beautiful, but she's afraid of being remembered when she's beautiful. You know, men in this world think that their wives are other people's beauty, not to mention she's really beautiful."

This chapter has been completed!
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