Chapter 282 willing to take risks

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Xiao Jiang has no industry in the capital, and Jing Lei will not set up offices in various places, so he has to do everything by himself. Fortunately, 5G is developing well in the capital, and Xiao Hong can do a lot of things.


When Xiao Jiang booked his flight, a man from Russia came. This man only handed Xiao Jiang a stack of documents and then left, as if he was just here to deliver something.

Xiao Jiang looked through the documents in the hotel restaurant box and said with a smile:

"You are very efficient at work, but the biochemical people you control must be fully prepared, and the technology used to create them must not be exposed."

Xiaohong smiled and said:

"It's okay. We have launched four quantum satellites. They all rely on satellites to work. I can control everything in real time. Once they are out of control, they will self-destruct and nothing will be left."

Xiao Jiang nodded. The person who just sent the document was a biochemical man. Theoretically, it was one of Xiao Hong's global clones. In the past, Xiao Jiang rarely interfered with foreign countries, but after the last assassination incident, he asked Xiao Hong to create one.

A group of cyborgs of men, women, and children were secretly delivered by Mom to some countries in Europe, America, and Asia. They had complete identities and funds provided by Xiao Jiang. Their purpose was to handle things for Xiao Jiang everywhere.

The reason why Xiao Jiang was able to quickly complete the share acquisition this time was due to the efficiency of several biochemical people in Russia. The documents were Xiao Jiang Holdings and agent documents. He still needs to keep these things safe. What would happen if something happened to the biochemical people?

That's the problem.

After bringing these special documents back, the biochemical man has to go back and continue to deal with some things. Xiaohong's layout is mainly financial. If we want to say how much money Xiao Jiang has in reality, Jinglei Industrial can only occupy a small part. It is really much.

It is the funds in the global financial market controlled by Xiaohong.

During this period, Xiaohong continued to short industrial and technology stocks in various countries, and also suppressed various energy futures and precious metal futures. In addition to making big money, the purpose was of course to promote Xiao Jiang's domestic industrial system plan.

"You blew up my mountain..."

While Xiao Jiang and Xiao Hong were chatting, the phone rang. After Xiao Jiang answered the call, a familiar voice came from the phone and said:

"Mr. Xiao, there is an extremely important thing that needs your help. Of course, it would be best if you are capable. If not, just try to think of a way."

"What's up?"

Xiao Jiang was a little confused. As a capitalist entrepreneur, what needs his help in this matter? Technology has been provided, industry has developed, and the economy has improved. Does he still have to build a space battleship to scare others?

"We started to implement digital currency last year and started de-dollarization processes with many countries. We got back the gold stored in the United States half a month ago, but our gold reserves are still not enough to support a comprehensive digital currency, so we are in the market

A large number of purchases were made, but the quantity was still much lower.

We are considering obtaining gold from other channels, and I wonder if Mr. Xiao can think of some way to get some of the gold back."

Xiao Jiang frowned and was silent for a moment. Gold, he has piled up here, is used as industrial metal, but whether providing gold will have any sequelae is worth considering. You must know that Xiao Jiang is only an individual, and Jing Lei is only a company. If

The movements are getting bigger and bigger. Are you afraid of going home or even doing some bad things?

After careful consideration, Xiao Jiang decided to take a risk. It was imperative to replace the international currency with digital currency. Due to the expansion of the domestic comprehensive industrial system, continuing to use the US dollar would be tantamount to raising a tiger's risk.

"How many are needed?" Xiao Jiang asked.

The other party said:

"At least 3,000 tons, and of course the maximum is 10,000 or 20,000 tons. It can be purchased with digital currency or other currencies."

Xiao Jiang said:

"Ten days later, in the South China Sea, coordinate xxx, you go pull a tugboat. There will be what you need on it. The purchase method is digital currency. My private account will do."

The other party said:

"Thank you very much for Mr. Xiao's support. Only three people know about this matter, the big boss, the financial steward and me, so no one will know about it."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Jiang turned the wine glass around and whispered:

"Some dangers can only be taken once. I believe that as long as I don't threaten them, everything will develop smoothly. How about the island construction?"

Xiao Jiang bought an island in Nantai, and it is still controlled by Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong said:

"The initial filling of the island has been completed, the engineering team has evacuated, and now the cyborgs and robots are undergoing transformation and construction. For the time being, only a few houses and an empty factory will be built on the island, and then the defense system will be installed."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"I hope it will never be used. How is the Red Queen game going? The electronics factory has started testing the three-dimensional helmet and glasses massage cabin. Once the patent and review are completed, it will have to start operations in the second half of next year. Otherwise, we

Launching so many satellites is a waste."

Xiao Jiang attaches great importance to this matter. As the material level continues to improve, entertainment and leisure facilities and technology must keep up. Otherwise, they will just be a group of morons and aunts who are tossing around. As long as a true three-dimensional perception world is created, Xiao Jiang will not worry about anything else.

I believe that in reality, Central Square will definitely become cleaner.

Take square dancing as an example. As long as you put on a helmet or glasses, you can have fun with other people in a virtual but extremely real place. You can have as much fun as you want. It will never disturb the public, and the effect is better than dancing in reality.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The true three-dimensional world project is huge, and the Red Queen has to assist Alicia in research, so Xiao Jiang gave more than a year to carry out the preliminary structure.

Xiaohong said:

"The quality is not yet perfect. Maybe if you go to other worlds to find similar technology, the Red Queen will complete the initial structure of the planet. Of course, if it is just to make money, the current structure is far beyond realistic imagination.

But Master, this system has extremely high strategic uses, such as simulated wars or various trainings. There will definitely be restrictions after you take it out. What are you going to do then?"

Of course Xiao Jiang knows the function of this kind of thing, and he has also calculated this problem, so he has already made a plan.

"Quantum satellites, optical chips, and sensory feedback systems make up the main structure of the system. The system is implanted with chips, and the rest are the various contacts. Even you can't crack this optical chip, let alone others.


The core system of the game will upload the quantum satellite, and the master control core is with me. If anyone has the ability to crack this thing, then his technology has already surpassed mine. Do I still need to mess around with a virtual system?

So I have been able to restrict the outflow of technology and systems. There is no big problem with the above review, but it is possible to restrict imports from abroad. Do you know why?" Xiao Jiang said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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