Chapter 686: The Fallen Naga Tribe

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Xiao Jiang said disdainfully:

"The glory of the beast god? Since humans can easily manipulate the beasts, who cares about the glory of the beast god?"

The snake girl roared with anger in her eyes:

"What do you know? If it weren't for the Beast God and the Moon Goddess leading the orcs and elves to support the human race, you humans would have been wiped out by the dark demon army long ago.

But we beast warriors rushed in front, and more than a dozen war gods followed the beast god into the abyss of darkness and died together with the devil. But as a result, humans gained power and began to expel the beast clan into the wilderness and confine the elves to the forest. They also wanted to get the beast god back then.

The token left behind controls the orcs, I tell you, that is just a dream."

Xiao Jiang sneered:

"You snake girl is quite interesting, but you snake tribe are not orcs, right? Why are you so angry?"

There are classifications for the scales of birds and animals. The snake girl should belong to the scales clan, but now she keeps claiming to be from the beast clan. Xiao Jiang is still curious.

Hearing what Xiao Jiang said, the snake girl stared blankly and said:

"Don't you know that the Naga clan surrendered to the beast clan a million years ago? When the Naga war god followed the beast god into the abyss of darkness, we Nagas swore that we would always belong to the beast clan."

Xiao Jiang laughed dryly, how could he know what happened in the God Realm millions of years ago? He looked at the orc army that was still fighting, and then said to the snake girl:

"I don't care if you are an orc or not, and I have no interest in taking care of things here. I want to go to the forest where the elves are. Can you tell me the nearest elves gathering place?"

Xiao Jiang originally planned to put Nelven and Liya in the nearest city, but when he arrived here, he found that this was the territory of the orcs, and it was still in the middle of a war. If he threw the two elves here, they would probably never survive.

It's time to find the truth.

The snake girl was stunned again and said:

"Even the Forest of Elves in the Far East doesn't know how many years it's been since you've been in contact with anyone? Are you one of those powerful men who were hidden in the world a million years ago?"

This time it was Xiao Jiang's turn to be secretly surprised. Snake Girl's words showed that there are many hidden masters in this world, who may even be far more powerful than the gods everyone knows. You must know that he still doesn't know the details of this world.

There are also hidden masters here, so if you don't pay attention, you will be in bad luck.

Although Xiao Jiang obtained the remaining true spirit of the Snake of the World, that thing cannot be understood by the will of the world. If Xiao Jiang takes away special things that do not belong to this plane, the plane will not bite back.

However, once Xiao Jiang carries out destruction, interference or plunder, he will directly interfere with this world, which means that plane backlash will definitely occur.

It is still unknown how many powerful people there are in the real world, and there are still rumors that there are powerful people in the hidden world, so he must make arrangements for the future.

The snake girl suspected that he was a strong man from a million years ago. Xiao Jiang did not deny it. He looked at the snake girl and said:

"Just tell me where the elves are, and you don't need to ask anything else."

The snake girl said coldly:

"Didn't I say that the elves are there in the forest in the far east, trillions of miles away?"

Xiao Jiang suddenly showed a smile on his face. He looked into the eyes of the somewhat evasive Snake Girl and said:

"You know? I'm very sensitive to other people's lies. From the time you were caught by me to now, you haven't told half the truth. Do you think I can't tell whether it's true or not?"

Now let me ask you a few questions. If you don't explain them clearly, I might not mind crushing your head.

The first question is, how many of the Naga tribe are truly attached to the orc tribe? The second question is, what method do you use to make the orcs of the beast tribe explode wildly? The third question, how to solve this trouble? The fourth question,

Where is the nearest elven tribe from here?"

The snake girl's expression changed, and she stretched out her long tongue and was about to bite her tongue to kill herself. Xiao Jiang didn't care about her. When her fangs bit off her tongue, Xiao Jiang pulled her in front of her with his hand, put his hand on her head and said with a smirk:

"Do you think I can't know the truth after you die? I can search for your soul, and your snake venom won't hurt you enough, so you won't be dead for a while, so you can try searching for your soul.


The snake girl's eyes showed fear, but Xiao Jiang ignored her fear at all. The golden whirlpool in his palm quickly began to rotate. Within a few seconds, the snake girl's entire body turned into ashes and fell into the grass and disappeared.

The Red Queen projected in Xiao Jiang's sight and asked:

"Master, what does this Naga snake girl know?"

Xiao Jiang looked at the battlefield where people were still shouting to kill Zhentian and said with a smile:

"The status of this snake girl is not low. She is a sacrificial succubus among Naga banshees. She is responsible for monitoring the development of the battlefield here. I didn't expect that I would find her after she appeared. This snake girl wanted to deceive her, but she didn't know that she

I will believe a few of your words.

From her memory, the Naga tribe has long been divided into two groups. One group is still loyal to the Orc tribe and guards the gates for the Orc tribe in various rivers and rivers. The other group has separated from the Orc tribe hundreds of thousands of years ago.

, they contacted various small tribes in various wastelands, including murlocs, mutant trolls, and hill giants, all trying to collude, and then attacked human cities everywhere to plunder and kill.

As long as these fallen Nagas do not transform, they are indistinguishable from the Nagas in the Orc tribe. The difference between them is that black scales will appear on the arms of these fallen Nagas after they transform, while the Orc Nagas have white scales.

Back then, there were a total of five Naga Gods of War, four of whom followed the Beast God into the Abyss of Darkness, and the remaining one was the Naga Queen. However, the Naga Queen had a younger brother. Although he did not become the God of War, he always had a large number of supporters.

One hundred thousand years ago, he led half of his supporters to break away from the Naga clan because he believed that the Nagas were from the scale-armor clan but were controlled by the beast clan, which was a disgrace to the former Dragon God.

The Dragon God is the ruler of the Scale Clan. He suddenly disappeared millions of years ago, and a dozen dragon war gods also disappeared at the same time, leaving only the disintegrated Dragon Clan hidden in the deserted mountains, swamps, forests and islands.

In this world, the most powerful ones were the dragon clan and the various scale armor tribes they controlled and the tribes they took refuge in. The unimaginably powerful dragon gods, several giant dragons that surpassed the gods of war, and dozens of existences at the god of war level.

The Naga clan was once a major force controlled by the Dragon clan.

Because of the conflict within the Naga clan over the matter of taking refuge in the beast clan, the Naga clan split. From then on, the fallen Nagas became hostile to all forces. No matter what clan they were, as long as they were in an area they could reach, that was where they hunted. Therefore, the Dark Naga clan

Jia is a force that is extremely rejected by other forces."

The Red Queen thought for a while and said:

"Oh oh oh... But the fallen Naga alone shouldn't have such great strength. Master, are you saying that there are more weird forces operating behind them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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