Chapter 718 The trouble remains

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Bai Min'er followed the order and went out. After arriving in the hall, she sat on the leader's chair and stared at the door. After a while, she frowned and whispered:

"Then why is the sex demon only looking for Cai Yi? Does he know that she is the Seven-Star Witch? Otherwise, according to a normal man's thinking, if he has a way to sneak in without anyone knowing, wouldn't that be a disaster for me? Or maybe he has different vision and likes Cai Yi.

A girl like Yi who loves you like a bird."

In a cave several miles away, Xiao Jiang suddenly opened his eyes and muttered:

"Who is saying something bad about me that makes my eyelids twitch?'s already been three days in a blink of an eye. I'm going to go to the foot of the mountain tomorrow. It will take three months. I have to find something to do."

Early the next morning, Xiao Jiang walked out of the cave. After walking less than a mile, he suddenly stopped and looked at the black coffin under a big tree. Not far from the coffin, there was a three-foot-large hole.

, waves of corpse air filled the entrance of the cave, forming a white mist.

Xiao Jiang walked to the coffin, covered the coffin with a black air, and opened the coffin lid with his hand. There was a female zombie with long fangs inside. This zombie was dressed in a Manchu female costume and had a blue complexion.

Very fierce, a pair of hands with two-inch sharp claws were placed high on the heart and remained motionless.

"This should be the unlucky female zombie in the movie. Quanzhen's group of boring people would catch little zombies here to play. Well... the cave is full of zombies turned by children who died in vain, but they have not become a disaster here.

It's a pity that zombies are rejected by everything in the world. You are a vampire zombie again. If you are unlucky, you will be unlucky. Maybe... um... General's order... General Yigu, why is this token next to this zombie?

Forget it, I don’t have time to study these rubbish things, I’ll just go down the mountain and wander around for a while.”

Xiao Jiang took a token from the side of the zombie, closed the coffin and walked away. Not long after, he had reached the foot of the mountain. There was a village at the foot of the mountain. It was supposed that smoke would be rising at this moment, and the fields were full of busy figures, but

In Xiao Jiang's eyes, the houses dotted here were completely silent. Walking along an official road into the village, Xiao Jiang felt an filthy air blowing towards his face.

"The evil spirit...the evil spirit. Many people have died in this village. No wonder it is so silent here."

Xiao Jiang muttered in his heart as he walked through the houses and arrived outside the village. Xiao Jiang saw a dilapidated temple. He walked into the gate and just felt the breath of life inside, when a white light hit his throat like lightning.

come over.


Xiao Jiang raised his hand and clamped a long sword between his two fingers. The sword kept struggling in Xiao Jiang's fingers but no one was holding it because the person controlling the sword was two feet away.

"Caiyi...why are you planning to kill me? You don't seem to be capable enough."

Xiao Jiang said quietly, he let go of his finger and the flying sword slipped back into the hands of Cai Yi who had a look of hatred on his face. Yes, this is Cai Yi who left Lingbo Sect yesterday. She went down the mountain but didn't know where to look for Xiao.

Jiang didn't expect to find that there were monsters here that were poisoning the people, so she used the Lingbo Breathing Technique to hide here.

Xiao Jiang didn't open his eyes and only relied on his senses to arrive at the gate and realized there was someone here. When Caiyi found out about Xiao Jiang, she wanted to kill him. She immediately attacked with her sword and tried to kill Xiao Jiang.

Unfortunately, the gap in cultivation was too big. Caiyi's sword control skills were far inferior to Xiao Jiang's. When the sword light appeared, Xiao Jiang had already noticed that Caiyi was biting his mouth and trembling all over without saying a word.

Xiao Jiang originally felt guilty towards Caiyi. He was the one who caused harm to Caiyi. In reality, he would be sentenced and he would be considered a low-income criminal in the cell. But this is a time-traveled world, and Xiao Jiang only has

I will never let myself go to the class room.

Xiao Jiang walked up to Cai Yi and looked at the sword in her hand. Xiao Jiang took her hand and sheathed the long sword and said:

"I said it was an accident. I didn't mean to do it. But what happened happened, it happened. As long as you don't ask me to do anything harmful to me, if you make a request, I can agree to it."

Cai Yi's tears flowed down her face, her body was trembling and she said with a trembling voice:

"Yesterday was supposed to be the day for me to get married, but I have been harmed by you and have no shame to get married again. My whole life has been ruined by you. Tell me, tell me how else you can compensate me."

Xiao Jiang was extremely embarrassed. He was actually a little tangled in his heart. If we put it in reality, many women don't take their innocence seriously at all. They want female boxing and use their bodies as tools for their own fun. In their eyes, the carrot is pulled out of the nest.

, nothing to do with your own chastity and loyalty to your husband.

But this is the feudal era, and chastity is extremely important to women. The same goes for Caiyi. After being yelled at by Xiao Jiang, her heart was extremely confused. On the day of her wedding, she could no longer face her classmates and had to run away.

"Actually... you don't know Liao Zhen either. If you had married yesterday, you wouldn't have been harmed by a strange man." Xiao Jiang couldn't help but say.

Upon hearing this, Caiyi's eyes widened and she shouted:

"Even if he is a stranger, he is the husband I am married to. Who do you think you are? You ruined my innocence and walked away. You can be free and easy, but I live in pain. You are a scumbag."

Hearing this kind of comment for the first time, Xiao Jiang deeply agreed. He was not a good person in this regard. If he didn't have a bottom line in his heart, he would have been a big pervert.

Xiao Jiang suddenly smiled and said:

"Otherwise, if you marry me, everything will be justifiable."

Caiyi said angrily:

"Bah, you're dreaming. Even if I live alone for the rest of my life, I will never marry someone who ruins my innocence."

Xiao Jiang smiled bitterly. Caiyi was not one of those unlucky women from Asan Kingdom. They were harmed by others and could still marry the criminals who harmed them. Xiao Jiang walked to the broken statue and sighed:

"I said, if you have a request, I will agree to it as long as I can do it."

Caiyi slowly squatted down and cried without saying a word. After a while, she suddenly stood up and ran away into the distance. When her back disappeared, Xiao Jiang sat on the incense table with a bitter look on his face and said:

"Everything in life is unsatisfactory. I felt lonely for the first time in my sleep. Originally, I had so many women and I didn't need to have anything to do with this Caiyi. But due to this unexpected time travel and the pull of the demonic energy in her body, I actually ended up with her.

...By the way, I remember that she seemed to be the one who took the initiative to do seems like I can't be the only one to blame, right?"


The Red Queen smiled and said:

"Recall carefully, you appeared in her bathtub, the demonic energy in her body made you react, and she was so frightened that she sat down before that happened. It seems that you can't blame her and you can't blame her. Everything has its own meaning.

Pulled by the force."

Xiao Jiang thought for a moment and said:

"Maybe, I will absorb the seven-star magic power as soon as I come here. If I had been clear-headed and teleported away, this scumbag thing probably wouldn't have happened. She is still in a state of confusion. You should keep monitoring her to prevent her from having any accidents."

This chapter has been completed!
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