Chapter 72 Chu Ge (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, White Light)

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It was still dark outside, and Taiyin had already gone far.

At night, the Xiang family's old house looked like a lurking old beast. It didn't make a sound and restrained its only sharp teeth.

The traces of time can be seen everywhere here. Of course, in a place like Yingcheng, the Xiang family’s old house is not the most historic one.

When Xiang Longxiang, the Duke of Yi State, was there, the Duke of Yi State's Mansion was of course the core place of the Xiang family.

Xiang Longxiang died in battle, and Xiang Bei was named to inherit the future of the Xiang family.

The core power of the entire Xiang family was gradually returned to the hands of the family elders, waiting to be handed over to the grown Xiang Bei.

Xiang Bei, who used to be highly regarded by Xiang Longxiang and lived directly in Duke Yi's mansion, now moved out and lived in Xiang's old house.

Of course he couldn't do anything to drive Xiang Long's direct descendants out of the Duke's Mansion, but if he continued to live in the Duke's Mansion of Yi, it was inevitable that discord would gradually arise...

Xiang Bei could probably guess some of the reasons for Taiyin's hasty departure from Chu.

Since there are tensions within the Tai clan, I am afraid it is inevitable to be wary of Jiang Wang.

Within the territory of Chu, he could keep Taiyin safe.

It's unknown beyond the realm of Chu.

Taiyin's skills are all in the formation. The Shanhai Realm and his party have used up to 70% of the formation disks they prepared. Now in front of Jiang Wang, he really has no ability to protect himself.


"I gave him the Yuan Soul Pill, what will you do?"

In the quiet room, a voice suddenly sounded. This voice was old and contained the wisdom of time.

But looking around, no second figure appeared.

Xiang Bei seemed to be used to this voice, so he just said quietly: "What should I do?"

"You know what I'm talking about!" The voice seemed a little angry: "You are at a critical moment now, and the position of Xiang's heir is not stable. The 30% of the soul source that cannot be replaced may very well destroy you!"

"Really?" Xiang Bei slowly wiped the blade of his sword with a piece of white flannel, his tone still calm: "If I am destroyed so easily, it means that I should be destroyed."

The aging voice became more and more angry: "Do you think you are very loyal? Is this kind of loyalty taught by the Tao of Soldiers to you? Sacrificing yourself to help others is what you think is a virtue? But have you ever thought about it?

You have come all the way to now, and those people who have sacrificed for you?! Do you know what you are doing, Xiang Bei!"

Xiang Bei quietly covered the halberd with flannel and said with a rare calmness: "I knew it before, but then I didn't know it...and now I know it again."

"What... do you mean?" the aging voice was confused.

Xiang Beidao: "No matter how you say it, Taiyin is here to help me after all. In the mountains and seas, he also puts my needs first. I must take responsibility for his affairs."

The aging voice said: "What kind of good guy do you think Tai Yin is? Do you think he doesn't know your current predicament? But look at how easy it is for him to take it and walk away! I have seen this kind of person a lot, do you think he

Will you be grateful? He just needs you and your resources. You treat him as a friend, and he treats you as a fat sheep. You are too ridiculous!"

"I know who Taiyin is. He is not a perfect friend, but he is not as unbearable as you said. Besides, if I only do what I should do, what does it have to do with his personality?" Xiang Bei

He said calmly: "Besides, I don't want to eat this Yuan Soul Pill."

"What do you mean?" the aging voice became more confused.

Xiang Bei closed his eyes and raised his head slightly: "Just now, I was sitting here alone. Suddenly I realized... If I don't make any changes, I will never be able to defeat Jiang Qingyang in my life."

"How is it possible? Why do you think so? You are just a temporary winner now!" The aging voice said: "The road is long, and your future has infinite possibilities!"

"No, I know. The moment he grabbed Ji Feng and led me towards Taiyin, I should have known. I hope that in the future, I will fall into joining forces and sneak attacks... forever, never, impossible

He is his opponent."

"Why was I so angry at that moment?"

Xiang Bei language has a sad meaning.

"I'm angry at myself for becoming so strange."

"I'm angry at myself for ruining my ability to fight him head-on."

"You shouldn't think that way." The aging voice said: "Xiang Bei, soldiers have no permanent momentum, and water has no permanent shape..."

"Those who can win due to changes in the enemy are called gods. Therefore, the five elements have no permanent victory, the four seasons have no permanent position, the sun has its short and long days, and the moon has its life and death." Xiang Bei took it casually, and then said: "I understand the art of war, and the truth is

I understand too. But I can't deceive myself like this."

"Obviously I have admitted failure deep in my heart, and I obviously don't dare to face it anymore...Why do I still lie to myself like this?"

"I've been lying long enough!"

Xiang Bei took a deep breath and said slowly: "With the power of my soul that far exceeds that of fellow monks, I am invincible. I also think that I can compete with the world.

Guanhetai was defeated by Jiang Wang. I think I lost because of my carelessness.

After another defeat in front of Huangliangtai, I admitted the gap, but I felt that there was still a chance after God came, because I had the sky and the sun, and I was born with such bright eyes...

In the realm of mountains and seas, I actually hoped that he would have 30% of his soul source cut off, so as to save me the pain of chasing him. Because in this way, I would have an absolute advantage at the soul level.

But what about me?

These days, I have asked myself more than once

But what about me?"

Xiang Bei pressed the Unparalleled Halberd gently, and then raised his right hand. This hand was facing him, the index finger and middle finger slowly separated, and the other fingers were all gathered together.

Move your right hand up.

In an almost eerie tone, he said: "I rely too much on my eyes. It has made me and almost destroyed me."

"How do I, Xiang Bei, show off my dignity?"

The old voice suddenly became panicked: "No! What are you doing! Stop! Don't do anything stupid!"

But Xiang Bei just continued to ask

"Is it my eyes?"

"I was born with double pupils, so I, Xiang Bei, am the best in the world?"

"What if these eyes were stripped off?"

"Who am I...what am I?"

"Just let me...find an answer."

When Xiang Bei said this, he pursed his lips slightly, half-smiling, and inserted the two fingers of his right hand into his eyes without hesitation!

His face instantly wrinkled into a ball, and his mouth closed unconsciously, but there was no sound... He lost his voice in pain!

Blood spread down two ruthless fingers.

He fell to the ground, curled up, and relaxed for a long time before finally struggling to regain some sense from the pain.

"You are crazy... You are absolutely crazy! You stupid, crazy fool, you have ruined your future with your own hands." The aging voice said sadly: "You have ruined everything!"

"Ho ho..."

Xiang Bei huddled on the ground, took a few hard breaths, stretched out his trembling hands, groped for a while, and finally grabbed the body of the Unparalleled Halberd.

After grabbing the Unparalleled Halberd, he seemed to feel much relieved.

Even if the road ahead is dark, his future is still in his hands.

"Now I don't have special eyes, and my soul power is mediocre..."

He said: "But I found myself."

"I haven't seen myself so clearly in a long time."

"Just let me be destroyed!"

"Or...let me recast the light."

This chapter has been completed!
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