Poor work is not beautiful, Hua Zhang Tianqius summary at the end of Volume 12

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Poor work is not beautiful, Hua Zhang Tianqiu——Summary at the end of Volume 12

I believe everyone can see that the name Bai Yuxia has a destiny since its creation.

However, in my original idea, he would burn his life in this part and die in an extremely tragic way, shouting the line "Make the king white jade flawless". Jiang Wang will also pick up the line "I don't have to be flawless"

”, embodying further “truth” and paving the way for Dong Zhen’s invincibility.

But during the actual plot deduction, I found that due to the complexity of the current situation and the confrontation between the characters in the play, this kind of thing cannot happen perfectly.

If a character like Bai Yuxia is going to die, you can't say that you set a certain point and he will die immediately when it reaches it. He must have completed some kind of important mission. But in the Yue country at this time, he can't complete it.

His strength is limited, and his intelligence is certainly good, but he is not at the level where he can compete with Gao Zheng. He also lacks enough intelligence, and he does not even have a high enough perspective. In this case, you want him to kill someone who has already been killed.

It is indeed unrealistic for Ge Fei, who has become a human, or Wen Jingxiu, who is equally smart but more powerful, to play a key role in the situation involving Huang Weizhen.

Jiang Zhenren is indeed quite important now, and his strength is sufficient in most places. He is also very emotional and pays close attention to his boss. I want to find something to distract him, and I have thought about it a lot, but nothing has happened.

It's so logical - how could he not be alert when he already had so many regrets? How could he leave so carelessly when the country of Yue was not at peace and something was wrong with Bai Yuxia!

So Bai Yuxia didn't die in the end.

This is really a pity. The lines have been designed and the scenes have been thought out, but in the end, the person cannot die... I can only find opportunities in the future.

When I first planned "Hua Zhang Tian Qiu", I wanted to write a chapter that was completely natural. After the wantonness of causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace, perhaps there should be a freehand stroke.

But in fact, the story in this volume is all foreshadowed, and there is not much room for choice. In other words, it is heavily sculpted and unavoidable.

So when I actually decided on the name and started writing, I wanted to write a chapter about "poor workers".

For example, the nine types of phoenixes have become real, and Phoenix Weizhen has returned from fantasy. This was foreshadowed in the mountain and sea realm. For this purpose, the names of four phoenixes were specially created. I was very proud at the time, saying that these four names were too many

It sounds good. Of course, many people scolded me during the Mountain and Sea Realm, saying that I was sick because I wrote about so many strange beasts and phoenixes.

Zhu Jiuyin escaped, Ge Fei was occupied, and the entire line of mountain and sea creations extended from Ge Fei, and finally became "Fei", were all written from that time.

As you can see, Ge Fei's name is also his destiny. He is the "Fei" that Ge Shi seeks - Ge Shi seeks disaster beasts, and disaster comes to him.

Ge Fei is a character at the center of the whirlpool.

Huang Weizhen is involved from the line of creation.

From the friendship line (Wu Ling), it involves a corner of the Chu Kingdom. Wu Ling is also on the dot line intermittently. He is friends with Ge Fei from the mountains and seas. When Zhong Liyan was fighting Xiang Bei, he watched the show and wanted to find him.


From the master-disciple-brother line (Gao Zheng, Wen Jingxiu), draw the cross-country line.

Another example is Mrs. Xiang's Jade Pendant, which was originally intended to be used in the Ghost Cave and play a role in Douzhao's Return. The Abi Ghost Cave in the setting is still called "Ten Thousand Ghost Cave", which is quite vulgar.

Yin Yang True Sage, the foreshadowing of Yin Yang inheritance, is written in the Disaster and Water Chapter, in the Small World of Five Virtues.

In fact, in the initial design, I wanted to write Douzhao's return as a bigger scene, echoing the Xiangjiang River, Qiantang, and the ghost tide. But after thinking about it, he has not yet become enlightened, and the scene is too big and inappropriate.

Another example is Ping Pingguo, which is written at the beginning, and is ready to be concluded at the end. Li Mao (Bolu) is the Wenzhong line of the Yue Kingdom, and Wang Wei (Jingli) is the prince line of the Chu State. Bolu established Tiangong City, and Ping Pingguo walked for the first time.

Arrive in front of the stage.

In this line, the story of Jiaowu Mountain between Ping Pingguo and Chu State should be written in detail, so that readers can have more expectations for Tiangong City. But there is no place to put this plot, so it can only be mentioned in one stroke

, make an obscure connection.

There should be more descriptions of Tiangong City itself, but in the end, after thinking for a long time, I only described Bolu in the closing chapter. Because the overall situation is still about the struggle for transcendence, the focus of the description is Jiang Wang's pair.

Lu Shuanghe went to a childhood date.

In addition, there are Bai Yuxia's Bai Yu Wuxia and Yu Beidou's Ten Years' Calculation. The landing point of every line is in the original vision.

As I write this summary, I suddenly want to sleep again.

Several times in the past few days, when I turn on the computer, I suddenly fall into this sleepy, headache-like state and want to lie down.

I must admit that I encountered some things that made me extremely depressed during the second half of Hua Zhang Tianqiu's writing. Some readers may know this, and some readers may not know it. Everything has passed, and there is no need to study it in detail.

It's just that on those days, I often didn't go to bed until four or five o'clock, and I breathed a sigh of relief, telling myself that I would never lose and never keep updating.

I thought that by solving this matter, I would be able to return to normal and write healthily.

But the reality is not like this. After I relaxed, I felt more tired and even more tired - I just wanted to lie down, do nothing, sleep well for a few days and nights, and relax.

But I couldn't stop and lie down, I had to update, I had to write, I had to complete the paper, and it was such a difficult paper with so many lines intertwined together.

The requirement I set for myself is to fill in all the pitfalls completely. In the later stages of writing a novel of more than seven million words, filling in all the pitfalls completely is the greatest writing ethics.

When this volume is finished, the two final puzzle pieces of the Jedi, Yu Yuan and Meteor Immortal Lin, have been sketched out. There are not many pitfalls left in this book.

But under normal circumstances, my pursuit is never just to "completely fill in the hole."

I know what I said doesn't make any sense.

Absolutely no one can empathize with it.

Even people who have experienced these things all the way, who know the truth and understand how much you have suffered, can laugh and joke about it.

Because no one else will feel the pain! Except yourself.

I just want to tell the readers that I did use up all my strength. I did everything I could in this state.

Maybe there are still many things that I haven't considered, and there are many regrets that I have to write down.

But Qing He Zhen's fighting spirit, energy, and ability can only go so far.

The person in the book is Zhang Tiancheng.

Outside the book, I worked hard to achieve it.

In the writing of the entire twelfth volume, the writing purpose has been basically achieved, the plot advances, and the clues converge, all in line with the design. However, in my imagination, the intersection of these lines should be more rounded. Although it is a poor work, it is also

I want to be close to Tiancheng.

But the fact is that Qing He Yi Shen's life and work are very unmellow.

Just like Zhuge Yixian's three-layer design, in the normal state, I carefully consider it to make sure it can convince readers before taking it out. In the extreme state, I can only say that I think of one point and quickly diverge and interweave it because there is no time to think about the next one.


Sometimes I think about a question, which of these two serial writers has more professional ethics——

One is that no matter what happens, no matter how devastated it is, insist on constantly updating, gritting one's teeth and suffering, and strive to be the best in the current situation.

The other is to rest when you need to, stop when you need to, and wait until you are in the best condition before you come out and write two strokes, so that you can always maintain a relative peak.

I have no idea.

Keeping more than 4,000 words updated every day, no weekends or holidays, and writing for several years. For the completion of the work, it is not a healthy way of writing, because humans are not machines, and there will definitely be ups and downs, and there will definitely be times when you are depressed and sad.

Sometimes, when you don’t want to write, when you can’t write, sometimes in order to deliver the manuscript, you can only come up with a less bad chapter instead of the best chapter.

But without the pressure of updating every day, a waste like me might not be able to write 300,000 words a year.

So it's hard to say the pros and cons of this.

But a professional writer should write without interruption. His ability to withstand stress is also a reflection of his comprehensive ability.

Mentality is the shortcoming of my overall ability.

I try to adjust it well.

I have attended the annual meeting in Singapore these days, met a lot of people, received a lot of advice, and learned a lot. This is the first time I have come into contact with so many peers and so many big names in the industry. I suddenly realized that many things are unnecessary.


What you have experienced has been experienced by many people. What you find intolerable has been endured by many people.

There is no need to put pressure on yourself and cause mental exhaustion for some unimportant people and things.

The work itself is the only important thing.

It is customary to summarize the performance of the novel.

The serialization of Hua Zhang Tianqiu has ended, the average order has reached 67183, and the follow-up order has reached 73432.

My grades have improved steadily, all because of the readers' tolerance for me.

At a moment that I felt was very important, I wanted to say something cool. But when I walked up to the microphone, all I blurted out was -

Thanks to all readers who support me and allow me to write freely according to my own ideas.

This is the greatest strength I have felt during the past few years of serialization, and the greatest reliance I have.

A long time ago, Chixin set up rules for rewards and updates in order to improve the rankings.

I originally wanted to stop after paying it off.

Unexpectedly, it kept getting more and more, and the more I paid back, the more I paid back. Brother Yan alone paid back 78 chapters for updates. Readers’ support is like a torrent, and the author’s repayment is a glass of water.

Now that Chixin has entered the final stage, I don’t want to finish writing the book and pay off all my debts. Then even if the book is finished, I will still have things on my mind and be under a lot of pressure. At the same time, I also believe that the quality of the work is more important than the amount of updates.

So starting from this volume, there will be no more rewards.

I will definitely pay off all the updates I owe before finishing the book. If I can't pay off the completed book, I will also finish writing the extras.

The second thing is to take a rest after completing the paper.

I would like to ask you all to take a few more days off to adjust your condition, calm your mood, and stabilize this long novel.

Let me tell you what I have been doing these days.

Arrive in Shanghai on the evening of the 25th, get up and gather at 6:30 in the morning of the 26th, and take a six-hour flight to Singapore to attend the annual meeting. The grand ceremony will begin on the evening of the 27th. Today, the 28th, is free time. I haven’t gone out to play for the time being. I’m in the room.

Lying on the ground, I finally got some strength to write this summary. I will go shopping with my friends in the afternoon.

Tomorrow, the 29th, we will fly back to Shanghai in six hours (economy class is very cramped, and the air is bumpy, so I can’t write). I will arrive in Shanghai at midnight, and will transfer home from Shanghai on the 30th the next day.

On the 31st, I plan to take my parents for a year-end physical examination, and then take them to do some shopping and buy some stylish clothes to prepare for the New Year.

That brings us to February 1st.

From February 1st to February 2nd, I sorted out the outline, started writing and saved the manuscript. On February 3rd, I opened the next volume and resumed updating.

The papers will be closed on January 24th and will be updated on February 3rd.

This is the longest period of time I have stopped writing since I started writing True Heart. It lasted nine days, and I did not write for seven of them.

I am looking for the state of writing, the passion for writing, and the power of writing.

I hope to see a restored version of myself on February 3rd, leading so many readers to the end of the story.

Thanks to all the readers who have supported me along the way.

Apologies to all disappointed readers.

I would like to express my gratitude to all readers who love this novel world and devote their enthusiasm to it.

Apologies to all readers who care about me.

I have lived in my own world for a long time, and I have made everyone worried. It really shouldn’t be.

at last--

"The sinking weight of people's hearts is the burden that those who go up must bear."

This is a sentence in the text, dedicated to all those who work hard and move forward.

May everything have a beginning and an end.

May we not let each other down.

See you again on February 3, 2024.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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