Chapter 16 My heart is like the moon, Yama gathers

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"Do you still want to say that the words are just like the person?" Lianque's face was dark. He was not Zhongxuansheng. Of course he was aware of his appearance. He had already quietly pressed his big hand on the book.

He has a tendency to take back his words if he doesn't agree with them.

"It really makes sense that words are like people." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Look at these words, they are zigzagging back and forth, like a dragon moving, soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist! Ugly appearance is just the appearance, character is the foundation!

Apart from a persevering and talented person like you, who else in the Lian family can write these powerful words?"

Only then did Lian Que let go of his hand with satisfaction and let Jiang Wang take away the book of warming and nourishing methods.

Sauvignon Blanc has the appearance of a famous instrument, and it can be called a famous instrument, but it has not yet completely become a famous instrument. It needs the washing of the years, the holder needs to fight side by side over time, and it needs to progress with the holder.

There are many ways to speed up this process, especially as the Lian clan, as the holy land of weapon masters in the world, has no shortage of relevant research. But those methods are basically useless with Jiang Wang's previous strength.

Using magical seeds to warm and nourish famous vessels is one of the authentic and majestic methods.

As the forger of Sauvignon Blanc, Lian Que is the person who knows this sword best besides Jiang Wang. He has specially made adjustments for Sauvignon Blanc, which is naturally the most suitable method of warming and nourishing this famous sword.

Jiang Wang said he was disgusted, but in fact he was very eager and read the book on the warming method several times on the spot.

It has to be said that although Lian Que is an ugly person and has an ugly character, he is extremely talented as a weapon maker. The whole warming and nourishing method goes from simple to deep and is so exciting that even a layman like Jiang Wang can understand it at a glance.

Out of preciousness.

Jiang Wang has always relied on the sharpness of Sauvignon Blanc in battles, but its uniqueness as a famous weapon has not been shown. With this warming method, Sauvignon Blanc will be able to show its prowess early.

Lian Que has a strong temperament and is poor at speaking. In many cases, he actually speaks very little.

Jiang Wang had also been in contact with people like Chong Xuan Sheng and Xu Xiangqian for a long time, and he subconsciously began to quarrel. Fortunately, Lian Que didn't really take their friendship seriously.

"Also." Lian Que said and took out a square and slightly flat black iron box: "The thing you asked me to help build has been completed. This thing is somewhat vicious, so you should use it with caution."

Only people like Lian Que can speak so directly.

Jiang Wang reached out and took it, without looking at it carefully, and put it directly into the storage box: "Isn't it difficult to handle?"

"It's not easy...but it doesn't trouble me." Lian Que sighed with a little pride.

"Of course casting won't be a problem for you, you are a cheap bird!"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and then said seriously: "I won't use it casually. I just subconsciously feel that this thing is very rare and I don't want to waste it. After thinking about it, only you can handle it well."

Lian Que grinned: "The more we fight for position, the more complex people's hearts become. Now I have to discount what others say when I hear it. Only you, Jiang Wang, can do whatever you say.

What do you believe?"

At the Lian family's ancestor worship ceremony, he did not hesitate to die to rectify his name. What can convince such a person will never be strength, money or power.

Being recognized by someone like Lianque is undoubtedly a satisfying thing.

Jiang Wang raised his glass to the window: "My heart is like the moon, fortunately you know it!"

Under the same bright moon.

Yin Guan stood on the top of the tree, facing the bright moon, his eyes were misty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The masked official king was sitting cross-legged under the tree.

Small gangsters like Su Xiuxing, on the other hand, can easily escape and blend into the crowd like a stone sinking into the ocean. Even the ripples only last for a moment. When they disperse, they will disperse. And these "Yam Luo" are the ones who must be captured at all costs by the Bei Yamen.

existence. No matter life or death!

"Yam Luo", who has no door to hell, is an absolute top figure in the killer profession. When it comes to hiding his whereabouts, he is an expert.

However, in the face of Qi's powerful pursuit force, it was still not enough.

He was as strong as King Taishan, but he was still caught in hiding.

This is a very difficult day for everyone in Hell's Gateless. They have been hunted by the state's forces before, but in the end they all left the matter behind and failed to do anything about Hell's Gateless.

But this time is different. Everyone realizes that this time is really different.

This time it is Qi, the overlord of the Eastern Region, and the world is strong!

However, being chased from heaven to earth did not make Yin Guang look downcast in the slightest. He stood alone on the top of the tree, not afraid of being exposed, and even had the leisure to admire the moon. There was no trace of dejection on his handsome face.

"How is it? Are the new hands easy to use?" Yin Guan asked from the top of the tree.

"That's it. After all, it's just a hand in the inner palace." Sitting cross-legged under the tree, the official king's voice was hard: "I can't remember what my original body was like..."

For most practitioners, if a severed limb cannot be reattached, their combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced. Even if you take some magical medicine to regenerate the stump, it will not be able to return to the original state in a year or two.

When any strong person reaches his level, every part of his body has been tempered and shaped over time. Once that time and sweat are lost, it is easily impossible to get them back.

However, the Wuguan King has special cultivation, and most of his limbs and even flesh and blood were "replaced" from others. This is why he can decisively give up one hand to fight for Yin Guan's opportunity.

Yin Guan did not communicate on this topic, but said directly: "Then, let's gather everyone."

The King of the Risen Officers then pinched his fingers together. After a dazzling moment of pinching, he put his hands together in front of him and slowly opened them.

A silver-white light curtain appeared between his palms. The light curtain shook slightly at first, then slowly stabilized, and the light curtain was neatly cut into ten grids.

In six of them, human figures are reflected.

The figures of Yin Guan and Wuguan Wang also appeared inside, occupying two of the spaces.

And among the remaining four squares, there are four people wearing the same standard masks as the Riguan King.

They are the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, the King of Biancheng, the King of the City, and the King of Pingping.

In this Qi State's action, seven Yamas were dispatched from the entire Hell Wumen. Among the ten Yamas, only the King of Chujiang, King Yama, and King Chakravartin did not join Qi.

Although only five people actually took action at Xiaolian Bridge in the end, their preparations were definitely sufficient, leaving room for two Yamas.

It can be seen that although Hell No Gate seems lawless, they are still quite cautious about Qi. But... now it seems that this level of caution is not enough. Maybe they should not have accepted that business in the first place.


There are only six figures, because the three Yamas who are outside the Qi State cannot communicate with them across the Qi State's national defense formation at this time. Especially at such a tense time, it would almost directly expose their positions.


The remaining space belongs to King Taishan...

The hell-less Yamas who have been hiding in Tibet for a while now have a rare chance to get together in this way.

As soon as he appeared, the City King said in a hoarse voice: "It is necessary to communicate in such a dangerous time. Do you think it is appropriate, King Qin Guang?"

This chapter has been completed!
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