'The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas' has passed the review!

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{"code":0,"data":{"bookInfo":{"bookId":1016591421,"bookName":"Urban Transformation Drew Yin","authorId":10407730,"authorName":"Easy to Shang Qiu


"Game Alien","unitCategoryId":20050,"unitSubCategoryId":20053,"isVip":1,"bookType":1,"form":etype":1,"totalprieLayout":0,"bookStatus":"

Completed","signStatus":"Signed Work","desc":"Under the bright afternoon sun, the intertwined shades of trees outline clear traces on the ground, and an orange cat is lying there lazily.\n

Several female students passed by, and one of them bent down and held her breath, preparing to stroke the orange cat on the roadside,\nbut it quickly ran away...\nListening to the laughter of the female students gradually moving away,\nthe orange cat

He changed his position and lay down on the wall...\nPlease don't disturb an orange cat that was resting during the day,\nbecause maybe it saved a world last night...\n——\nThis is a shape-shifting virtue.

Lu Yin’s story...","joinTime":"2019.10.14","collect":68396,"updChapterId":664738594,"updame":"New book "The Witch of Zongwang: From Azeroth to the Mountains and Seas"

"Has been reviewed!","updTime":"2021-07-29","updChapterUrl":"//vipreader./chapter/1016591421/664738594","cbid":"15093826004774904","bookLabels":[

{"tag":"Alien Beasts"}],"bookLabelsTime":1653732632,"bookTag":{"tagName":""},"updInfo":{"desc":"Updates less than 100,000 words within 30 days"


":"1.2812 million","clickTotal":-1,"reAll":257691,"reWeek":26,"mo":0,"showWordst":"1.2812 million","vipClickWeek":0,"vipClickAll"




The new book "The Witch of Zongwang: Eating the Book of Mountains and Seas from Azeroth" has passed the review!","chapterOrder":185000,"cvid":51018229409623563,"extra":{"us":0,"prevName":

"New book has been opened","prevVipStatus":1,"volumeBody":true,"volumeName":"Emerald Era","Url":"","preUrl":"//vipreader./chapter/1016591421/664620086"


-07-29 17:27","uuid":762,"vipStatus":1,"volumeId":89915253,"wordst":28,"isFirst":0,"t":"

Well, the title of the book has been changed...

Then I ask for recommendation votes for the new book (whisper bb)

——from Baldhead","authorWords":{"t":""},"updateTimestamp":1627550826,"isBuy":1,"limitFree":0,"eFW":0,"ark":"",





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