Xinzijuan The Sunset Grass Tree Chapter 36 Competition inspires and catalyzes maturity (Update!)

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 Seeing Daiyu and Xiangyun looking at him in surprise, Tanchun also felt that he had lost his composure. He brushed the hair on his forehead with his hand, pretending to be calm and said: "Master and Mrs.

Considering that it’s not my turn to worry about it, as for Brother Feng, how can he care about these things?”

"We'll find out tomorrow." Xiangyun smiled half-heartedly, "Maybe I can give Tan the girl a surprise."

Even though Tanchun was so grand, she was still a young woman who had not left the court after all. She couldn't stand Xiangyun's teasing. Her face turned red and she reached out to tear Xiangyun's mouth off, but Xiangyun grabbed her hand with his backhand.

They started tearing up on the Kang couch, and there was a lot of laughter.

Daiyu also likes it in her heart. Although she has a quiet temperament, she also likes to have fun with close friends like Tanchun and Xiangyun, especially reciting poems, making tea, drinking tea and discussing Taoism. How comfortable is that?

People are social animals, and the reason why they like peace and quiet is because they can't meet close friends and caring people. In Rongguo Mansion, among the people who can talk to Daiyu, Tanchun ranks first, Xiangyun ranks second, and Baochai next.


For example, Xiuyan was able to talk to her, but the close relationship between Xiuyan and Miaoyu made it difficult for Daiyu to interact with Xiuyan more, lest she become her sister's best friend.

"Okay, you two, don't just focus on having fun. Originally, it wasn't my turn to remind you of such things, but it was Sister Bao's 'return home' that touched me today, so I also want to have some more things together for us to do."

Maybe there won't be too many times like this in the future." Daiyu was a little sad, "Who knows that next year at this time the year after, we won't be able to get together again? If you come to my Xiaoxiang Pavilion, I will go

How much time can fans have in Qiu Shuangzhai and Lotus Champs playing chess and playing the piano?"

With one sentence, both Tanchun and Xiangyun fell silent. Although the previous words were embarrassing, they hit the point of their pain.

Girls are inevitably faced with the challenge of getting married. Once married, it is natural that they will no longer be able to get along with each other day and night as they do now, and all the good things can only be turned into memories.

Perhaps realizing that her words were a bit sad, Daiyu wanted to change her words, but she couldn't find the right words and stopped talking.

There was an indescribable silence in the whole room. Even Xiangyun, who had always been bold and bold, and Tanchun, who was cheerful, lowered their heads and remained silent.

"The taste of the world is pure joy. This is what layman Dongpo said. We may not feel it at ordinary times. We can only truly realize it when we face various unexpected events. Unexpectedly, Sister Lin realized it before us.

Tanchun looked at Daiyu with clear eyes: "Such a beautiful time is what each of us pursues, but it is not something we can decide, right?"

Xiangyun glanced at Tanchun with some surprise. It’s okay that Sister Lin’s words were full of sentimentality. She was originally a sentimental girl. Why did Tanchun speak so literately and with infinite regrets today, making herself seem to be an adult?

A layman usually can't get a word in.

"Okay, I've passed the sentiments and been touched. Let's not talk about these unpleasant things today. I had wine today and got drunk today. It's not easy for Sister Lin to treat us or Sister Feng to pay for it. It's rare for Sister Bao to come back.

Come on, let’s have a good time today so that we can have a good memory in the future.”

Xiangyun stood up carelessly and waved his hands on the Kang couch, "I'm too lazy to think too much now. Let's just live like this. Everyone has his own life. I'm afraid we can't control it ourselves...


Although the tone of the words was relaxed, it revealed a bit of desolation and helplessness, which made both Daiyu and Tanchun feel a little sad.

When Baochai's carriage drove into the west corner gate, he couldn't help but take a look through the carriage curtain.

Although the time away was not too long, even if he lived away from home to get married, it was only two months, but these two months were a world of difference.

I have changed from a young girl waiting to be married to a co-president of Yongping Mansion, well, now I am Mrs. Cheng of Shuntian Mansion. In these two months of life, from the initial expectations to the sweetness, and then to

When you start to feel the pressure and responsibility, only you can understand the feeling.

Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, all five flavors, well, it seems extremely colorful, maybe this is how life should be, Baochai is not afraid of such challenges, and is even a little enthusiastic.

The eldest son, Shen, comes from a scholarly family, has a rich family background, and is elegant and generous. All of them put great pressure on her. Even Ying'er, who has always been arrogant, has to admit that Shen's elegance is not the same.

She was not inferior to herself, so she encouraged herself to get pregnant as soon as possible when she and her husband went to Yongping Mansion, and gave birth to Lin'er for her husband in Japan to overwhelm the daughter born by Shen.

Baochai was also a little moved. Ying'er even gave up the opportunity she proposed to take her in to show her respect. She hoped that her husband would have more opportunities to sleep with her and be affectionate during this period. Only the most considerate girl could consider this for her.

So thorough.

The pressure and challenges come not only from Shen, but also from Bao Qin and the future Dai Yu.

Although Bao Qin can't be said to be taking the spotlight, this girl has her own personality and ideas. In other words, she is unique. Baochai has to admit that this may be the most attractive aspect to her husband.

Although Daiyu first became acquainted with her husband and held a unique position in her husband's mind, Baoqin seemed not to be afraid of her husband at all, and even deliberately or unintentionally provoked conflicts between the two parties, showing a competitive attitude.

At first, Baochai couldn't understand. Even though he sometimes had some quarrels with Daiyu, he had to deal with them carefully to avoid the impression that the relationship between the two parties was not harmonious. Daiyu was also a high-spirited and arrogant person who never would

No matter who you give way to, Bao Qin seems to be doing the opposite.

However, Baochai later discovered that it seemed that Baoqin did this, but Daiyu showed some tolerance and concession, which puzzled Baochai.

You must know that between her and Daiyu, this is usually the role she plays, but why does Daiyu treat Baoqin like a different person? Shouldn't this be a big show of tit-for-tat?

Sometimes Baochai would think, maybe this is to order the tofu with brine, one thing will reduce the other?

Of course, the relationship between these women does not mean that one of them will surrender to the other, but it does feel like they are in conflict with each other.

This sense of magic made Baochai feel a little unreal, but the fact was right in front of her, so she couldn't help but believe it.

The carriage finally stabilized, Baochai put away all her thoughts, and got out of the car with the support of Ying'er and Xiangling.

Aunt Xue had already greeted her a few feet away.

Logically speaking, the daughter's return home should not be like this, but Baochai's return this time is not a formal "return home", it is more like visiting relatives. Aunt Xue herself is living in Rongguo Mansion, and she misses her daughter too much, so she just takes care of her.

He came to the door to greet her without any courtesy, just to see her daughter as soon as possible.

Following Aunt Xue, in addition to the two girls Tongxi and Tonggui, there were also Daiyu, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Yingchun, Xichun, Xiuyan and many other sisters from the past. This made Baochai a little excited.

I also feel a little bit embarrassed.

After bowing to her mother, Baochai hurriedly stepped up and took Daiyu's hand: "Why bother my sister to go out in person? I also said that I would sit here with my mother for a while and then I would go to the garden and sit with some sisters one by one."

Huizi, who would have thought that my sister would..."

Aunt Xue smiled brightly, her eyes full of love and joy.

"Baochai, Miss Lin is very thoughtful. When she heard that you were coming back, she arranged for the kitchen to prepare a few tables early for a gathering at Tubi Villa today to congratulate her. She also specially avoided us old people, but

You sisters, even your sister-in-law Zhu and Feng Yatou are all together, and Tan Yatou and the others are also standing on tiptoes in anticipation. You two have such a deep love for each other, even I, a mother, are afraid of it.

I am so jealous."

Aunt Xue was indeed very happy. On the one hand, it was because Daiyu, Tanchun, and Xiangyun respected Baochai for "returning home". On the other hand, she also thought that the relationship between their sisters was unusual. Daiyu could have such a

The performance really exceeded her expectations.

She had always thought that Daiyu would be jealous and dissatisfied with Baochai's "latest arrival", or even harbor resentment and would treat her with a cold shoulder, but Daiyu's performance today had subverted her perception.

This certainly made her a little worried that Daiyu would grow up very quickly and would no longer be the high-spirited and petty little girl. However, if her daughter could maintain a good relationship with Daiyu, it would also help her daughter to quickly settle in the Feng family.

Stand firm over there.

She was very confident in her daughter's mind and ability, but the Shen family was not a simple person. She came from a scholarly family. Her father was a high official in the court and had the advantage of being the eldest son. Baochai and Daiyu were also related to each other.

Based on the relationship between relatives, if the second and third bedrooms live in harmony and love each other as sisters, they will naturally not fall behind.

Baochai was even more surprised by her mother's words. Was this arranged by Daiyu?

If it was Wang Xifeng or Tanchun who arranged this, Baochai could barely believe it. This girl Lin showed such a "general style", no, to be precise, a "big wife style", a "mistress style", it really made people happy.

She felt that she had been mistaken before.

Looking at Lin Yatou again, the former youthfulness in her eyes seemed to have dissipated a lot, replaced by confidence and sharpness. Baochai seemed to understand a little. It seemed that marrying Bao Qin and himself into the Feng Mansion gave Lin Yatou a huge gift.

Pressure, this kind of pressure is a catalyst for maturity, which makes Daiyu mature a lot in just two or three months. The youthfulness of the girl is slowly fading away, replaced by the innate feelings that were hidden in her heart before.

Confidence and sharpness began to show.

The release brought about by this kind of pressure was brought to the other party by herself, and maybe a little bit by Bao Qin. Well, the combination of her and Bao Qin's swords probably forced Lin Yatou to face this challenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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