Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 483 It gets more and more difficult and exciting

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 She had known for a long time that the Zhen family would definitely bring "surprises" to her, but Feng Ziying was a little shocked that they gave her such a big "surprise".

He composed himself and then asked in a deep voice: "As far as I know, Kui Dou Ji is the property of Princess Yongning, right?"

"On the surface, it is true, but in fact Princess Yongning is a shareholder, and the Tang family is the real boss. As for how they distribute the profits, I don't know, but Princess Yongning and her family are mostly responsible for the management of the capital, and the day-to-day

The management is run by people from the Tang family."

Now that he has said it, Zhen Baochen will come clean.

"Many stolen goods were pledged to Kui Douji in the name of mortgage, and then after they were killed, Princess Yongning introduced merchants and other customers to buy them, mostly merchants and officials from Shanxi and Shaanxi...


It's amazing. This kind of laundering method is also very clever. It's sold to inland areas, and the stolen goods come from the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so it's hard to let the news out.

"Among the shareholders of Tianshun Treasure House, there is no Tang family." Feng Ziying, the shareholder behind Tianshun Treasure House, also knows very well, "Zhou Yingqiu's family is the major shareholder, and the other family is Zhang Wenda's family."

"When Zhou Yingqiu was not prosperous, he received financial support from the Tang family for his studies. Later, when he passed the imperial examination and became an official, he received financial support from the Tang family. If Zhou Yingqiu had not married early, he would have married into the Tang family." Zhen Baochen explained: "Tianshun Treasure House

In fact, it was the Tang family who funded Zhou Yingqiu, and later Zhou Yingqiu roped in Zhang Wenda to become a shareholder, and this was a three-family joint venture."

Zhou Yingqiu was from Jintan, South Zhili, and was the right minister of the Ministry of Industry. He had always been attached to Fang Congzhe and had a close relationship with Miao Changqi. He was the backbone of the scholars in South Zhili, while Zhang Wenda was a scholar from Shaanxi and is now a patrol officer.

The censor of the City Procuratorate had a close relationship with Li Sancai, who was also a Shaanxi scholar. His younger brother married Zhou Yingqiu's daughter.

With this move, scholars from both the north and the south were brought in, making Feng Ziying a little panicked.

The first shot fired by the Zhen family hit the royal family members as well as scholars and officials from the north and south. It could be said that they were all killed in one fell swoop.

"Girl, you really made a name for yourself without making a sound. You posed a big problem for me as soon as you arrived." Feng Ziying smiled half-heartedly, "The eldest princess, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or the patrol officer."

City Censor, I would say that Zhang Wenda and I are fairly acquainted."

"If Mr. Feng thinks this is a difficult problem, then it's best to stop it as soon as possible." Zhen Baochen's tone turned calm.

She could hear the teasing tone in this guy's tone, and she also knew that this guy would definitely not stop because of the other person's background, and she didn't expect to scare the other person, and then stop asking the Zhen family to continue to provide information.


"Haha, Miss Zhen should know that Mr. Feng has always been a person who likes to overcome difficulties." A smile appeared on Feng Ziying's lips, "What a Tang family, it is indeed a tangled branch, involving so many people.

But the more this happens, the more it seems to prove the value of your Zhen family’s information, and the more it proves my Feng Ziying’s achievements this time, doesn’t it?”

Zhen Baochen stared at Feng Ziying deeply. She felt that this guy was really arrogant and domineering, and he still went ahead despite the difficulties. But it had to be said that although doing so would offend many people, it would also please and win many people. She felt that Feng Ziying

It seems that it is not entirely for money and wealth, but more for the Jiangnan gentry and officialdom.

If it is the latter, then I have to say that this is an excellent opportunity. I am afraid that the imperial court will really use this opportunity to clean up Jiangnan this time.

Feng Ziying seemed to have guessed what Zhen Baochen had seen. Feng Ziying didn't care, and even encouraged her a little: "Miss Zhen may have seen something. Yes, your guess is almost right, so there is no need to say it. Just follow what you think."

That’s fine. I’m very satisfied with the situation of the Tang family, but what about the Ding family?”

Zhen Baochen took a deep breath, "Sir, you should know that the Ding family is my ex-husband's family. If..."

Feng Ziying waved her hand to stop her, "Ex-husband's house? Did Miss Zhen break any of the seven rules? Not to mention childlessness. The Great Zhou Dynasty stipulates that a childless woman must be over forty and have no concubines.

Divorce your wife, is the eldest girl over forty? The Ding family can't even afford a concubine?"

Zhen Baochen's eyes were reddish, and his body was shaking slightly. Even Zhen Baoyu came to help her cousin.

This was Zhen Baochen's deepest pain. Although his relationship with Ding Zhongzhen was not very deep, the other party divorced his wife and left without even showing the slightest hint of nostalgia.

This kind of humiliation is simply unacceptable to any ordinary woman. At worst, you can make peace with her, but why do you want to use this method? Is this method used to prove a clean break with the Zhen family?

Will this keep the Ding family out of the matter? Dreaming!

Don’t even think about it!

She will not deliberately frame the Ding family, but now it is absolutely impossible for her to cover up the Ding family.

"I have nothing to do with the Ding family anymore. Whether I divorce my wife or leave home, I will only tell the truth." Zhen Baochen pursed her lips to steady her mind and let Zhen Baoyu support her, "The situation in the Ding family may be

It is also known that Ding Zhongzhen, my ex-husband, is a useless person. At home, he only obeys the words of his father Ding Deyi, like a puppet. Ding Deyi is quite cunning, but he behaves very hypocritically in She County. But in Qimen, he

But he is a real native emperor..."

"He has a very good relationship with all the successive magistrates of Qimen, or rather bribed him. He Datong, the former magistrate of Huizhou, accepted two golden Buddhas from Ding Deyi, one jade Buddha, a farm in the suburbs of Beijing, and 10,000 taels of cash in cash, so the Ding family

In the past ten years, Cai Meng has continuously annexed many tea mountains in Qimen, and many tea farmers died. Many tea merchants and tea farmers from Qimen came to Nanjing to file complaints, but they were all rejected by the Nanjing Ministry of Justice on the grounds of false accusations."

Feng Ziying waved her hand to stop Zhen Baochen from continuing and asked, "Where is He Datong going now?"

"Huguang Cheng announced that the political envoy Si You will participate in politics." Zhen Baochen answered simply: "Su Bo, the former magistrate of Qimen County and now the Tongzhi of Guangzhou, received three thousand taels of silver from Ding Deyi, which was given by Ding Zhongzhen and his brother Ding Zhongkui together.


Feng Ziying had expected this. Your Ding family is from Shexian County, but you have intervened in Qimen, and you have even crossed the river to wipe out the local snakes. This is very overbearing and may even cause a backlash.

If you want to do this, of course you must have the skills and means, but without the support of the local government, you can't even think about it. But if the government at both the prefecture and county levels support you, the power of Miemen Ling Yin's words will become apparent.

I just didn't expect that the Ding family would be so powerful and efficient. They could directly take care of the prefect and county magistrate at the same time. This would really be a win-win situation.

"So Ding Deju is Ding Deyi's brother?" Feng Ziying asked again. This was the confidence of the Ding family. He was an official with a Jinshi background and a counselor in Jiangxi Provincial Government.

If this person is not dealt with, the Ding family will not fall completely.

Zhen Baochen obviously knew this, nodded and said: "Ding Deju is the eldest brother of Ding Deyi and the uncle of Ding Zhongzhen. He was a Jinshi in the 30th year of Yuanxi, and his teacher was the former chief minister Shen Yiguan."

Feng Ziying couldn't help but click her tongue. This was really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Fortunately, Shen Yiguan had already retired from office, but he was still alive and still had some influence.

"I don't know other things, but I only know one thing, that is, when Ding Deju was the prefect of Guide, he once adjudicated a case in a wrong way, causing a widow to hang herself. For this, he accepted the other party's five One hundred taels of silver. Because there was someone in the widow's family, the case was reported to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. However, in the end, the matter was probably not verified, so Ding Deju was able to escape..."

Feng Ziying was surprised, can five hundred taels of silver buy a prefect? ​​This is a bit weird. "How do you know?"

"One time Ding Deju came back to his hometown and was drinking with Ding Deyi. I was helping to collect the vegetables. I heard Ding Deyi complaining that his brother shouldn't risk his career. But Ding Deju said that he didn't want to take the five hundred taels, but he Someone came to say hello from behind. It must be that person's nephew who fell in love with the widow. But the widow refused, so the person's nephew forced his daughter to have sex with the widow. Later, the widow had no way to sue her, but she was convicted of trying to seduce the man. False accusation, so he hanged himself..."

It was so bizarre and complicated that Feng Ziying believed that Zhen Baochen couldn't make it up. Moreover, it was a case in Guide Mansion in Henan Province. He could find it out with just one investigation. However, Ding Deju didn't want to accept money from the other party, which meant that he could just say hello. It's not easy for a prefect to buy it immediately. "Then who is this person you are talking about? Well, his nephew was falsely accused of having sex with a woman.

With such great ability, I'm a little curious." Feng Ziying said coldly.

"I only know it's from Dali Temple." Zhen Baochen shook his head. Dali Temple?

Qing of Dali Temple? Cao Yubian?

Feng Ziying thought of the guy who had a good chat with him at the meeting of important ministers. Could it be this guy? But he immediately rejected this idea.

Impossible, Cao Yubian only took office two years ago, and Cao Yubian is from Shanxi, not Henan.

Who was the previous minister of Dali Temple? Feng Ziying couldn't remember for a while. It seems that the ministers of Dali Temple were replaced more frequently in the past two years, and two or three were replaced in two or three years.

What impressed him most was Zhang Woxu. Where was Zhang Woxu from?

Feng Ziying couldn't remember it for a while. It seemed that she really looked a bit like someone from there.

Zhang Woxu had dealt with him before. He was from the North, and his accent had a bit of an accent from the Guide Prefecture. But he remembered that he was from a certain Prefecture in Beizhi. Could it be that he remembered it wrong and it was really this guy?

Feng Ziying took a breath. Zhang Wexu is now the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He is a big role in the Ministry of Civil Affairs after Gao Panlong and Chai Ke. He is also very familiar with Master Qi. If it is really him, it will be troublesome.


But if it weren't for Zhang Wuxu, the other people who could serve as ministers of Dali Temple would definitely not be small roles. They would all be important ministers of the third rank. Even if they become officials, they would still have considerable influence and connections.

This chapter has been completed!
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