Chapter 99: Noon has arrived!

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"This prisoner must not let me catch him. If I catch him, I will definitely..."

As the sun set, Kogoro Mouri leaned on the big tree beside the road and cursed his mother.

Qin Zhibo secretly despised Mouri Kogoro.

Is this the Man of Steel?

It is estimated that his character card only has high endurance, but his endurance is still not good.

Being a man doesn't last long, no wonder my wife wants to run away...

Mao Lilan apologized to Qin Zhibo with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for wasting your travel time today and wandering around the island with us."

"It doesn't matter, traveling is just wandering around anyway, so I'll just treat today as a trip."

Of course Qin Zhibo didn't care, because one of his goals today was to see if Maori and his party could find a villager who knew that Keiji Aso had a son back then.

But it didn't.

In fact, even Qin Zhibo didn't know that the answer to this question was far away and right in front of his eyes, and the old policeman was the key to solving the problem.

But even if this old policeman with a poor memory can now provide clues that Keiji Aso has a son named "Narimi", it won't be enough to explain anything.

It's not illegal to be a transvestite.

And there is a high probability that all of this will end tonight.


As night fell, the group of people who had gained nothing today dispersed at a fork in the road.

The Maori family still stayed in the hotel, while Qin Zhibo went to stay at Asai Narumi's house.

However, when he arrived at Asai Narumi's door, Qin Zhibo did not enter, but slipped into the bushes nearby.

During the day's visit, Qin Zhibo learned Ken Nishimoto's home address, and he soon returned to Takeshi Nishimoto's home again.

Takeru Nishimoto lives alone in a slightly remote part of the village, and there are no lights on at home at night.

After climbing over the short courtyard wall, Qin Zhibo sneaked to the window of Takeru Nishimoto's house, turned on the night vision device, and observed the situation inside.

Ken Nishimoto himself is sleeping under the quilt in the bedroom, covered with a quilt. He is very safe...

According to the introduction of the old policeman, Ken Nishimoto was very rich three years ago. He squandered his money everywhere and often brought different women to spend the night on the island.

However, since the death of the former village chief, his spirit seems to have plummeted, and he spends most of the day at home in despair.

But the strange thing is that he did not work for three consecutive years without worrying about food and clothing.

Qin Zhibo can understand this.

This trafficking group should also have dependencies. For example, Takeshi Nishimoto should be relying on the former village chief's son or younger brother.

After the death of the former village chief, Nishimoto Ken lost his supporter. In addition, he was superstitious about the theory that Aso Keiji's soul was causing trouble, so he naturally became mentally ill.

However, even if Takeru Nishimoto doesn't work, in order to prevent him from leaking the secret and allow him to stay at home as an otaku, other people who are still selling money will probably continue to help him.

So he should still be a part of the drug trafficking gang.

This will be easier to handle.

Relying on the memory of visiting here during the day, Qin Zhibo quietly sneaked into Ken Nishimoto's home.

Ken Nishimoto's home is a Japanese-style mansion that is not locked at night, so sneaking in is easy.

First, he found a mobile phone randomly placed among the beer bottles on the table in the living room. Qin Zhibo picked up the mobile phone with the medical rubber gloves he got from Aso.

First find the text messaging function on your phone.

Then enter the following.

Find Hideo Kawashima and Tatsuji Kuroiwa in the address book.

Press the send button.

Qin Zhibo's move is to cut first and then play, which can be regarded as a move learned from Aso Shimi.

As long as you write words such as "I'll go first, see you there or not" in the text message, it is equivalent to not giving the other party a chance to reject you.

And judging from the fact that Hideo Kawashima and Tatsuji Kuroiwa ran for village mayor at the same time, this drug trafficking gang should not be monolithic.

Maybe now Kawashima Hideo has some suspicions that Kuroiwa Tatsuji has done something wrong to him.

Therefore, in the name of Ken Nishimoto and the slogan of "unity", everyone is summoned, and there is a high probability that the other two people can be summoned together.

As for Ken Nishimoto...

Qin Zhibo quietly retreated to Ken Nishimoto's bedroom window and wrapped the note he had asked Aso to help forge last night on a stone.

The note was written by Aso Minoru imitating the handwriting of the current village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and the content was similar to the text message.

But there is an extra sentence at the end: remember to destroy it after reading it.

In this way, even if Aso Minoru's forged handwriting is not similar to Kuroiwa Tatsuji's, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Ken Nishimoto will erase the evidence on his own.

In this way, the police's subsequent investigation will only conclude from two mobile phone text messages that it was Nishimoto Ken who summoned the other two people to meet on the top of the mountain.



The stone wrapped in a note was thrown through the window and hit Ken Nishimoto who was sleeping on the tatami in the bedroom.

But when the sound came out, Ken Nishimoto, who was wrapped in blankets, immediately let out a scream.


React so quickly?

Qin Zhibo hid in the darkness and observed carefully with night vision goggles for a while, only to find that Ken Nishimoto was not asleep at all, but was hiding inside and shivering.

After a while, a trembling arm stretched out from the quilt and fumbled for the lighter on the cigarette box next to the bed.


Under the light of the lighter, Ken Nishimoto opened a corner of the quilt in horror and looked around to see what had fallen in.

Stones and pieces of paper were all found.

Ken Nishimoto held the unfolded note in one hand and a lighter in the other to look closer.

However, I don’t know if I finished reading it, but the note ignited because it was too close to the flame of the lighter.

Qin Zhibo: Are you here to pay tribute to the classics?

After Ken Nishimoto's timely rescue, the house was not set on fire, but the note was almost burned out.

So Ken Nishimoto turned on the light and walked towards the living room again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhibo immediately knew what he was going to do.

Ken Nishimoto should have seen that the handwriting on the note was Kuroiwa Tatsuji's, so he will call Kuroiwa Tatsuji now to confirm!

If he really confirmed it, everything would definitely be exposed!

Plana can’t do it!

Plan quickly!

Qin Zhibo first took out his flash gun and shot Ken Nishimoto who was about to dial the number.

Then when Takeshi Nishimoto was unable to react, he quickly rushed into the living room and stunned Takeshi Nishimoto with a shroud from behind.

The so-called planb is to use your own props to force Nishimoto Takeru to the target location.

As for why this is an alternative plan, on the one hand it is possible to be seen by others, and on the other hand it is a bit tiring to carry someone up the mountain.

But that’s all that can be done for now.

Qin Zhibo wrapped Nishimoto Ken's body in a shroud like a mummy, set out from the back door and headed towards the Western Mountains.

After Qin Zhibo left, Ken Nishimoto's phone on the table also rang.

Ring ring ring——

The ringtone rang in the empty house for a long time, and finally became depressed because no one answered.


At 11:50, Qin Zhibo finally carried Nishimoto Ken on his back to the top of the mountain.

Since Takeshi Nishimoto's home is close to the foot of the mountain, and country people go to bed early, he neither passed by other villagers' houses nor met anyone along the way.

Throwing Nishimoto Ken wrapped in the shroud directly to the ground at the target location, Qin Zhibo hid in the nearby bushes.

In fact, when I told Aso Minori about this place yesterday, Aso Minoru was shocked.

Because this is the former site of his father, Keiji Aso's mansion on Tsukikage Island.

Twelve years ago, this place was burned to the ground.

The fire was so complete that the village had no plans to rebuild the place, and even the road up the mountain was abandoned.

The weeds growing wantonly seemed to have completely buried the stories that had happened on this land.

Qin Zhibo was hiding in the bushes. Suddenly, a series of sounds interrupted his thinking.

First there was a heavy gasp, and with the rustling of the trees, a fat man came out.

The moonlight of the full moon shines on his shiny bald head. This man is the current village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji.


He was holding on to the big tree next to him, breathing heavily, with a very unhappy expression on his face.

Such a meeting place was extremely unfriendly to an obese person like him, but when he wanted to call and ask for a different meeting place, Ken Nishimoto's call was not answered.

So I had to bite the bullet and climb the mountain in the middle of the night.

Before Kuroiwa Tatsuji could even breathe, a series of rustling footsteps came from behind.

Kuroiwa Tatsuji quickly looked back alertly and found that it was Hideo Kawashima.

"Huh, you're actually here too."

"Don't act stupid, the message sent by Ken Nishimoto said 'you', he must have called both of us."

Kawashima Hideo, with his neatly combed mustache, walked up calmly and stood in front of Kuroiwa Tatsuji.

"I didn't expect Ken Nishimoto to use this place as a meeting place. It's really uncomfortable..."

Although he felt uncomfortable, Kawashima Hideo did not call to cancel the meeting place.

Because this was the address of Keiji Aso's family twelve years ago, the villagers thought it was a shady place and generally wouldn't come here, but it was a very secluded place for trysts.

"That's right, I also want to chat with you."

"Did you see that I was about to be elected as the village chief, so you hired someone to attack me?"

Faced with Kawashima Hideo's question, Kuroiwa Tatsuji smiled instead of getting angry and said happily: "If I sent someone to attack you, would you still be alive?"

"Your method of buying people's hearts with money must have aroused dissatisfaction among some villagers, so they wanted to attack you."

"And I also want to ask you, are you the detective you hired to pry into my heart, right?"

"How is it possible that I would hire a detective to uncover your background?" Kawashima Hideo smiled coldly, "I know all your details, so there is no need for a detective at all."


In this way, one of the two suspects that the other party hired someone to attack him, and the other suspects that the other party hires a detective to spy on him. Dog bites dog.

Almost five minutes passed. Kawashima Hideo ignored the angry-eyed Kuroiwa Tatsuji and glanced at the surrounding trees.

"Where's Ken Nishimoto?"

"Isn't he the convener? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Kuroiwa Tatsuji also looked around, and finally saw a white bump in the grass.

"what is that?"

The two of them trotted over, turned over the "human-shaped white island" on the ground, found the threads of the shroud, and untied the threads.

When the head was exposed, the two were shocked to find that it was the convener of the meeting - Ken Nishimoto.

"not good!"

"We were fooled!"

Hideo Kawashima reacted first, took out a pistol from his arms, and looked around warily.

At this time, the clock had already struck twelve o'clock at midnight.

Noon has arrived!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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