Chapter 1007 Ghoul Nancy

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After hearing the knock on the door on the first floor, Nancy had already seen the visitor through the window and guessed Qin Zhibo's identity.

Although Patrick said that Vince Qin had gained the trust of Green Delta and would continue to perform unfinished tasks with Ethan's daughter.

But in her mind, she doesn't completely trust Green Delta, thinking that the so-called organization is just a bunch of disposable chess pieces gathered by the top management.

Because of this, she learned the basic information about Qin Zhibo through her own information channels and some descriptions from Yingyou.

Vince Chin, a former senior FBI agent in New York City, left his job four years ago and went to Japan to open a private detective agency.

In her opinion, Japan has a strict gun ban and is recognized as one of the countries with the lowest crime rate in the world, making it particularly livable.

If you open a detective agency in a place like that, the best you can do is catch an affair or find a lost pet.

Therefore, Nancy sneered at the term "famous detective" that Yingyou had been "bragging" about these past few days.

Can you become a detective by catching extramarital affairs and finding pets?

She has only recognized one "famous detective" from Japan so far. Unfortunately, that one is not really a detective. His job is as a best-selling novel writer.

In contrast, Brooklyn, where gangs are numerous and criminals are rampant, is the most suitable soil for incubating famous detectives.

Nancy herself also serves as a special adviser to the FBI and Green Delta, using extraordinary means to solve many bizarre cases.

But what Qin Zhibo said raised her understanding to a whole new level.

"To sum up, the current crime rate in Tokyo's Mihua Town remains high, and there is even a vague tendency to spread to surrounding towns. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop detective careers."

"Have you heard of Michael Jackson's "Smoothcriminal"? Sometimes it's not that the Japanese police are incompetent, but that there are too many criminal masters in Japan!"

"Destruction genius, plastic surgery expert, disguise expert, acting criminal, secret room enthusiast, extreme sports expert, structural design master, conspiracy planning master, time management master, shocking thief..."

"From 80-year-olds to 17-year-olds, as long as you can think of it, the criminal population here can be almost all ages, all types of work, all stages covered, and even passed down from generation to generation, with continuous firepower!"

"Unlike you here, as long as you see a dark-skinned person on the street, the police can subjectively judge that the person has criminal intent. Japanese criminals don't have the word 'prisoner' written on their heads, but quite a few have 'criminal' written on their heads.

Victims of the word "die"

"Also, your place is awash with guns, but our place is full of cyanide!"

"When you buy a gun here, at least you need to get a gun license and report it to the police station first. But how do you report cyanide?"

"No matter how small a gun is, it is a tangible object. It is not easy to destroy, but it can also be used to identify the gun that fired the bullet and the person who fired it by identifying the ballistic traces and smoke reaction."

"Only 50 milligrams of cyanide can cause death. It is colorless and invisible. It seals the throat when it enters the mouth, leaving only the taste of almonds in the mouth."

"Also, although Japan's firearms ban is strict, it does not mean that guns and bombs are completely unavailable. The key is that the Japanese police have not yet thoroughly investigated the source of these guns!"

"There are also Shinigami elementary school students wandering around who almost always have their day off..."

"Oh~ It's so scary..."

Faced with Qin Zhibo's confession, Nancy, who was sitting on the sofa, was shocked, with undisguised look of disbelief in her eyes.

She always thought that Japan was a livable country, and if she could escape from the organization, going to Japan to live in seclusion would be a good choice.

But after hearing Qin Zhibo's personal statement, Nancy fell into deep thinking.

Why is this different from what she has always heard?

There seems to be a place even more dire than the black community in Brooklyn?

In other words, the black community in Brooklyn is mainly about playing with guns, so it is "hot".

Tokyo Mihua Town is mainly about playing with cyanide, so it should be "deep water".

No one can say anything bad about the other.

Murder, arson, robbery, kidnapping, blasting...

Choose one of three, proof questions, multiple choice questions, trolley problem...

Revenge from another generation, revenge from classmates, revenge from colleagues, revenge from comrades, revenge from friends, revenge from passers-by, revenge without revenge...

There is a saying: Mihua is a big stage, if you have any hatred, just come!

If you don't have any doesn't matter, you will have it when you come.

Nancy was reassessing the question of whether Japan was livable in her mind, while Koizumi Hongzi from behind also looked in disbelief after hearing Qin Zhibo's description.

As a witch, she usually focuses on studying magic and rarely pays attention to current affairs news.

In addition to news related to Kaitou Kidd.

But in her opinion, the living conditions in Jianggutian Town don't seem too bad. Except for thieves from time to time, why is Mihua Town, an hour's drive away, so exaggerated?

Is this a sign of being lowered?

As for my friend Yingyou, his English is not very good, so he didn’t quite understand what Qin Zhibo, who was communicating at a normal speed, was saying, so he could only make random guesses in his mind with a confused look on his face.

Are you saying that with the joint efforts of their detectives and police, the crime situation in Tokyo is getting better and better?

Qin Zhibo recounted the situation he had encountered in the past two months, and finally felt much happier.

Sometimes, walking in the center of a crime scene for a long time, staring into the abyss, can cause some pressure to accumulate in my heart.

But unlike Qin Zhibo, Conan has been exposed to cases and murders since he was a child. The long-term influence of his family atmosphere has made him a habit, and he insists on coming up with a criminal plan even though he has not committed any crime.

In this regard, Conan is the real hero.

Nancy also had a completely different view of the situation in Japan, and couldn't help but murmured: "I didn't expect... Japan would be so dangerous..."

Qin Zhibo then added: "This is not entirely a bad thing, at least the housing prices there are very cheap..."

"But I am talking about those murderous houses. On the contrary, houses where no murders have occurred will be even more precious and will test your financial resources."

Nancy: "..."

After exchanging the current situation in Japan, Nancy no longer dared to underestimate Qin Zhibo.

Qin Zhibo's decision to go to Japan to open a private detective agency was, to put it mildly, a matter of going where there is business and where there is good business.

To put it more broadly, it is international humanitarian relief that upholds a fearless spirit!

In Brooklyn, which is currently cracking down on crime, if any police chief uses too much force, he will be retaliated and plotted by local gangs.

And if you work as a detective in Japan and reach the level of a "famous detective", you will definitely receive retaliation.

Qin Zhibo's ability to sit here alive is already a feat.

After Nancy understood what Qin Zhibo had experienced in Japan over the years, the two of them moved on to the next topic.

"Miss Nancy, Patrick said that you know something about ghouls. Could you please reveal some of it?"

Now that the conversation between the two parties has reached this level, Qin Zhibo doesn't mind asking about some ghouls.

It just so happened that he also wanted to know the difference between the ghouls in New York and the ghouls in Tokyo.

Nancy was startled for a moment, glanced at Hondo Eiyu, and then transferred the realization to Koizumi Hongzi.

Qin Zhibo immediately understood and asked: "Yingyou, don't you still need to learn English well? We still have things to talk about, so you go study first..."

Although Eiyu Hondo's father and sister are Americans, he usually speaks Japanese in his daily life, and his English proficiency is the normal level of a Japanese high school student.

When we were communicating downstairs just now, he said that he was currently improving his English and could communicate normally with the people around him as soon as possible.

After hearing this, our hall Yingyou nodded obediently and left.

As for Koizumi Hongzi, Qin Zhibo explained: "She doesn't speak English well, so don't worry about her."

Nancy took a look at Koizumi Hongzi. She did have an Asian face, and she was very young. It was normal that she didn't speak English well.

Koizumi Hongzi heard Qin Zhibo say that she didn't speak English. Although she was angry, in order not to reveal her identity as a witch, she clenched her hands slightly and had no choice but to endure it.

After eliminating the rest of the crowd, Nancy finally spoke.

"Since you can ask, you have already seen what a ghoul looks like, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Zhibo nodded, noncommittal.

Nancy said: "Then let me tell you, I am actually a ghoul..."

As soon as these words came out, it was Qin Zhibo's turn to show a shocked expression.

How can a ghoul be so beautiful?

He has seen the appearance of ghouls, with dog heads and human bodies, gray rubber-like skin, ugly, ugly, unsightly, and ugly... they are all them.

Although this is beauty and ugliness judged by human aesthetics, Nancy's appearance is completely normal, and she is even somewhat beautiful among ordinary people.

Koizumi Hongzi from behind was surprised, then immediately calmed down her expression, pretending not to understand.

Nancy did not notice the change in Koizumi Hongzi's expression and continued: "I originally worked for the FBI in New Orleans, and later passed the recruitment of Green Delta and became a member of N Cell."

"In 1992, that is, four years ago... my college classmate invited me to a party. At that time, he had been declared missing for three years. This time he suddenly appeared and not only called himself 'Teddy', he became even more...

He is young and claims to have become a new life form."

"At that time, I didn't know yet that the 'new life form' he was talking about was actually a ghoul."

"He explained to me that now he can freely change his gender and shape. Even he himself is changing from a young and tall man to a plump woman in front of my eyes."

"He said he had a crush on me since college and wanted me to accept him, but I was so frightened that I rejected him without much thought."

"After he was rejected by me, he asked me to read a book before deciding whether to leave."

"This is the worst decision I have ever made in my life, which is to open that book..."

As she spoke, Nancy's arm holding the sofa began to tremble slightly. It seemed that what happened at that time had a big impact on her.

"It was a book with a cover made of weird human skin. It told about a fantasy world where countless once-human creatures gathered in the darkness, feasting on the bodies of the dead, and worshiping weird gods..."

"By the time I recovered from my constant lucidity and coma, I had read the entire book."

"In the first five days after reading that book, I struggled to endure hunger... The hunger that was so severe that I wanted to eat people was like a burning fire in my body, and I could only endure it in pain."

"On the sixth day, I was so hungry that I fainted. When I woke up, I was lying on the corpse in the morgue, eating the corpse!"

"I couldn't believe the changes in my body. I was so frightened that I ran away. In the end, I had no choice but to seek help from my supervisor and Green Delta."

"Unexpectedly, Green Delta did not shoot and kill me because my body had mutated, but decided to help me conceal my identity."

"They tampered with the records in the system and replaced me with the body of a prostitute who died of an overdose. The past me just disappeared..."

The process of Nancy becoming a ghoul is somewhat unexpected, but it makes sense.

Similar to Matsumoto Ryohei, there must be a beginning or an opportunity for a person to transform into a ghoul.

Matsumoto Ryohei's opportunity was when he was lost in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara and was forced to eat the corpses of human suicides in a state of extreme hunger.

Nancy's opportunity came from a book, and she changed after reading it.

Qin Zhibo can be sure that this should be a weird mythical book that can inspire investigation points, and the content is more exciting than the "Corpse Eating Ceremony" that he once investigated.

But what puzzles Qin Zhibo is why Nancy can maintain her human appearance and live in human society now?

There was no trace of distortion at all on her face.

Qin Zhibo asked his doubts. Although it was a bit rude, he still got Nancy's answer.

"These are all methods taught in that book. As a ghoul, I can change my physical state, regardless of gender or age."

"That sounds cool, right? But you don't want to have this ability."

"Because once you become a ghoul, you have to endure the hunger of being unable to eat corpses. Human food is also tasteless and you can hardly detect any deliciousness."

"If my sanity continues to deteriorate...I don't know how long I can maintain this form, but sooner or later I will completely turn into an ugly ghoul..."

Nancy's deep blue eyes revealed deep despair, and she nervously picked up the cigarette next to her with one hand and lit it.

Qin Zhibo could see that she was afraid, she was afraid, even though she was a ghoul, she was still afraid of herself.

Qin Zhibo had never experienced such a mental journey from Matsumoto Ryohei.

If the taste for human delicacies is gradually lost from humans to half-ghouls, and then to ghouls, why can Matsumoto Ryohei persist in his pursuit of delicacies as always?

Until the eve of Matsumoto Ryohei's disappearance from the hospital, Qin Zhibo could still feel the calmness and freedom in him.

Maybe this is what makes Matsumoto Ryohei extraordinary.

Qin Zhibo could tell that Nancy had a heart disease.

She hates ghouls, but the ghoul is herself.

This chapter has been completed!
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