Chapter 1045 Uzzas Cat

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As a former ace FBI investigator, Shuichi Akai is still far more vigilant than ordinary people even if he has lost his memory.

But because of this, Qin Zhibo was not worried.

As long as Shuichi Akai has not lost his ability to think, he can see that he has no intention of harming him.

Moreover, his body has not recovered yet, and he knows that even if he leaves here now, it will be more dangerous to go outside.

Right now, staying here to take care of your health is the best choice.

"You rest here and rest your body. You don't need to think too much. I will find a way to find your family."


When this topic was mentioned, Akai Shuichi's eyes lit up, and he was obviously particularly interested in this topic.

Seeing this, Qin Zhibo didn't hide it and said directly.

"You have a mother, a brother, and a sister."

"Your mother and sister probably live abroad, but your brother is in Japan."

Last time, I pretended to be "Akai Muwu" to talk to Akai Shuichi. Akai Shuichi once said that when the organization's affairs are over, he will go abroad to pick up his mother and sister, and the family will reunite in Japan.

So Qin Zhibo guessed that Akai Shuichi's mother and sister were abroad.

As for having a younger brother in Japan, I guessed it from the photos of myself, Taketake Akai and Yasuharu Haneda in Hawaii.

Shuichi Akai should have a younger brother who is a few years younger in Japan.

Akai Shuichi listened to Qin Zhibo's "drawing a pie" with thoughtful eyes, and asked again after a few seconds.

"What about my father?"


Qin Zhibo paused for a moment and then replied: "Your father died in a certain mission early in his life."

Although Qin Zhibo knew that Akai Mutake died during the investigation of Haneda Koji's case, he didn't want to explain that much right now.

"Okay, it's getting late, get ready to rest."

"When tomorrow comes, the dark-skinned man you just saw will move in..."

Qin Zhibo got up and went to the toilet to wash up. He was too tired tonight, so he planned to stay here.

But Akai Shuichi stopped him again at this time.

"What's that man's name?"

Qin Zhibo turned around and said, "Anshi... Toru."

"What is my relationship with him?"

"Well... we can be considered competitors."

Qin Zhibo thought about it for a while and decided that it would be better to answer truthfully. Otherwise, with Akai Shuichi's IQ and Amuro Toru's attitude, it would be bad if he was seen through.

"Competitors? Which ones?"

"It's about the mission...but don't worry, he is a good person. I guarantee that he will not be harmful to you."

After Qin Zhibo finished explaining, he went to the toilet to wash up.

After washing up, he pushed Akai Shuichi into the toilet again, but Akai Shuichi insisted on finishing his own work and did not need help from others.

"I have lost my memory and still have such a strong self-esteem..."

In this case, Qin Zhibo stopped meddling, spread a brand new bedding on the tatami, and went to sleep by himself.

Dreamland, Usa Town.

After Qin Zhibo fell asleep, he came to this familiar place in a daze.

Arriving at the wise man's home in Usa Town on the mountain, Qin Zhibo asked him if he had prepared various tools for cat sterilization surgery.

Time flows faster in the dreamland than in the real world, so Qin Zhibo was not surprised when Atal said he was ready.

Atal took out a package from the cabinet and opened it. Inside was a roll of precision scalpels, surgical forceps, surgical needles, etc.

"These were all traded at the port of Dilas-Lynn from the ship's doctor with the black spinnaker."

"If it wasn't to solve the town's cat problem, we would never do business with them."

Qin Zhibo picked up the willow leaf-shaped scalpel. Although it was somewhat different from the one in the pet hospital in the real world, it was sharp enough and could be used just like it.

"Where are the anesthetics and eye drops?"

Atal brought two other small jars and said, "These were bought in the town of Dilas-Lin. The local doctors use these to give people anesthesia."

Qin Zhibo looked at the transparent liquid inside. He didn't know the dosage for the cats, so he could only use the first few cats as test subjects.

Now that everything is ready, all that remains is the cat vaccine.

Cats undergoing sterilization surgery need to be vaccinated with triple vaccine first to prevent the virus from invading during the surgery.

However, other things can be cobbled together here, but vaccines require a certain technology tree to be developed, and cannot be cobbled together.

So Qin Zhibo asked the wise Atal: "If you are infected with a virus, how do you usually treat it?"

"Virus? What does this mean? Venom?" Atal was confused.

Qin Zhibo thought for a moment, then changed his words and asked again.

"If you have diarrhea or there are dense bubbles on your skin, how will you treat it?"

Qin Zhibo is talking about diarrhea and herpes, which are the main symptoms of calicivirus and herpes virus.

But Atal still shook his head, "I don't understand. This kind of disease has never appeared in Usa town, and I haven't heard of it appearing in other places."

When Atal said this, Qin Zhibo suddenly had a bold idea in his head.

Could there be no viruses at all in Dreamland?

Ryohei Matsumoto once said that the laws of this world cannot be measured by the cognition of the waking world, because this world is a parallel world composed of human subconsciousness and imagination.

Since it is a world made up of subconscious mind and imagination, viruses cannot be produced through real-world methods.

Although this world's technology is backward, it does not lack productivity, and there have been no outbreaks of pandemics such as smallpox and black disease.

The reason is that there are no viruses in this world!

After thinking about this clearly, Qin Zhibo immediately became confident.

There is no virus at all, so how about a vaccine?

Just do it!

Under the leadership of Atal, Qin Zhibo went to the barn from last time and met the Maine Coon cat who led the cat tribe.

Qin Zhibo respectfully told him that everything was ready and the sterilization operation could be performed at any time.

However, since this is the first sterilization operation in this world, the first few cats may suffer some pain.

General Cat thought for a moment, raised his front paws, and assigned a cat to be the first test subject.

This cat is exactly the orange Garfield who was saying "hey hey hey" to the female cat next to him when General Cat was speaking last time.

"This is it, and new rules will be established on it."

General Cat said.

After getting the first test object, Qin Zhibo, led by Atal and the townspeople, went to the surgery site.

Since Usa Town is a gathering place for cat people, once the sterilization operation is successful, the operation will become a tradition here, so there is no need for a fixed operation site.

Atal took Qin Zhibo to an uninhabited courtyard on the edge of the town and said, "This place is perfect for sterilizing cats."

Qin Zhibo looked at the dilapidated and desolate courtyard. There was a large area of ​​abandoned farmland next to the courtyard. It seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time.

"Is there anything special about this place?" Qin Zhibo couldn't help but ask.

Atal nodded and murmured: "When I was a child, an old sharecropper couple lived here."

"Because this couple hated the sound of cats, they took pleasure in torturing cats and set traps to kill every cat that came near. People in the town were afraid of this eccentric couple and dared not speak out about this.


"Later, a wandering caravan from the south stopped in the town of Usa. There was a little boy in the caravan who often held his black cat."

"One day, the little boy's cat was lost and could not be found, so the townspeople speculated that the couple tortured and killed the black cat."

"The boy prayed to the sun, and the clouds in the sky condensed into something strange and hazy. Oh, it was a creature with many biological characteristics..."

"That night, the caravan left the town of Usa in a hurry, and all the cats in the town disappeared with it."

"But the next day, I saw with my own eyes those cats standing in front of this courtyard, pacing slowly and solemnly!"

"They are performing some ancient and solemn ritual!"

"It wasn't until a few days later that all the cats returned to their owners. Their coats seemed to be shinier and their bellies became rounder..."

"And the old sharecropper couple turned into a clean human skeleton."

"Since then, there has been an additional law in the town of Usa: no one is allowed to kill cats in Usa."

Atal spoke vividly, and when he got to the point of excitement, his two cloudy eyes almost popped out of his head.

Qin Zhibo could see that this was his personal experience rather than ancient rumors.

"In other words, this was the place where cats were tortured?"

Atal nodded, "That's right, but what you are going to do now has been approved by the cat tribe in advance, so you don't have to worry about offending their gods."

"All right……"

When Atal said this, Qin Zhibo felt that he was under a lot of pressure.

If there was a surgical accident, wouldn't it be like killing a cat in Usa Town?

Qin Zhibo opened the door, and a rotten smell came from inside.

Several townspeople came in, cleaned the inside, and then opened the windows to let in some air. It was much cleaner immediately.

The venue and tools are ready, and the surgery can begin.

A Garfield cat walked in with a stinky expression and cat steps, obviously not knowing what was going to happen next.

Qin Zhibo put Garfield on the table and gave him some anesthetic first.

Since General Cat's order is an iron rule among the cat clan, Garfield must drink the medicine even if he doesn't want to.

This is an anesthetic for humans. Qin Zhibo did not feed it too much, only half a bottle cap.

In just two minutes, the orange Garfield cat lost consciousness and fell into a drowsy state.

Under anesthesia, the cat's eyelids are open.

Qin Zhibo put eye drops in the cat's eyes, put on gloves, took out the cat's tongue from its mouth and straightened it to prevent it from biting it when it woke up.

Next, it’s time to show off the real technology.

This Garfield cat is a male cat, with two balls hanging on its buttocks. It’s really a big deal.

Qin Zhibo picked up the razor from the town barber and shaved his balls and nearby hair cleanly.

After scraping it clean, use a lancet scalpel to make a small incision on the egg.

Qin Zhibo's every step followed the instructions of the dog breeder in his memory. He would rather go slower than make any mistakes.

After the incision, the eggs are taken out, the blood vessels and spermatic cord are ligated, and the first one is completed.

Repeat the previous operation again to handle the second one.

Surgery completed!

The entire operation does not require suturing, and the incision will shrink and repair on its own, so it only took ten minutes to complete.

And most of the time is spent shaving my balls.

When Qin Zhibo came out carrying Garfield after surgery, countless townspeople and cats were already standing outside.

It's normal for the townspeople to come and watch. They are the ones who are most directly affected by the proliferation of cats. They want to be able to sterilize the cats.

The cats watching were out of curiosity and had no idea what was going on inside.

Seeing Qin Zhibo take the cat out just a short time after entering, Atal's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition came into his heart.

"Dead, dead?"

Atal was very panicked. Although it was just a dead cat, he was more panicked than witnessing the death of a person.

As the eldest wise man in Usa Town, he witnessed cats performing solemn rituals and in turn executing humans.

Other townspeople were also talking a lot, and many of them had a look of fear on their faces.

Although the sterilization operation was approved by General Cat, cats are notoriously perverse and will fall out whenever they want.

There is an old saying in Usa Town that a cat can fall out of favor faster than a cat, and this is what it means.

Just when Atal and the townspeople were feeling uneasy, Qin Zhibo was stunned for a moment and explained: "What are you thinking about? This cat is still alive."

"It's just that the operation was done too quickly, and the anesthesia effect hasn't worn off yet, so it will take some time to wake up."

Hearing this, Atal and the townspeople breathed a heavy sigh of relief and smiled as if they were surviving the disaster.

After the operation on this male cat, Qin Zhibo performed sterilization operations on several male cats in succession.

Not only that, Qin Zhibo also invited several clever people from the townspeople to come in and watch.

There is no other reason. Even if the sterilization operation on a male cat only takes 10 minutes, there are tens of thousands of cats in the entire town of Usa.

Not to mention the more time-consuming sterilization surgery of female cats.

So Qin Zhibo decided to share this technology with the citizens of Usa Town so that they can also perform surgeries.

After practicing ten surgeries in a row, Qin Zhibo felt his head was a little dizzy.

He understood that it was time to wake up.

8:30, Mima Village, Room 205.

Qin Zhibo rubbed his sleepy eyes and slowly stood up from the tatami.

After a night of sterilization surgery, Qin Zhibo felt that his mind was full of cat balls, making him a little confused and not very awake.

He went to the toilet, washed his face and moved his body again, which made him feel more energetic.

Arriving at the door of Akai Shuichi's room, Qin Zhibo opened the door slightly and took a look at Akai Shuichi on the bed.

I saw him sleeping sideways on the bed, facing the other side, with his clothes neatly folded on the wheelchair.

He should still be sleeping, so don't disturb him...

I'll buy breakfast first.

Qin Zhibo closed the door gently, his movements and sounds undetectable.

But the moment the door closed, Akai Shuichi on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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