Chapter 112: Investigation into the Legend of the Foggy Dog

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Qin Zhibo shocked everyone with his words, and chatted to death with just one sentence.

The four Nianzi monks were shocked as to why Qin Zhibo knew about the existence of Wutian Dogs, and the old abbot took the initiative to admit that he had just introduced the nearby Wutian Dogs to several guests.

"That's just a boring old legend..."

"It is said that the fog dog will sneak into the village like fog on rainy nights, break through the walls with the brute strength of a strong man, and capture humans."

"Then the body would be hung on the treetops using its feet that flew into the air, and the person would be hoisted up for consumption."

"And all the people it captured were young girls with tender skin and tender flesh."

"By the way, just like this girl here~"

The old abbot's voice was trembling, and his already frightening old face approached Mao Lilan, which frightened Mao Lilan so much that her sanity level dropped sharply.

The frightened Mao Lilan broke out in cold sweat, and involuntarily shrank her body behind Qin Zhibo. She grabbed Qin Zhibo's shoulder with one hand and did not even dare to open her eyes.

Qin Zhibo glanced at Mao Lilan behind him, looking with some pity in his eyes at this goddess of luck who was obviously powerful and fast, but had an absurdly low willpower.

It seems that while God opens several windows for a person, he will also consider closing one window appropriately.

As for Mouri Kogoro and Conan next to them, the anger on their faces was undisguisedly directed at Qin Zhibo.

Mouri Kogoro: That’s my daughter!

CONAN: That's me...

Thinking of this, Conan blushed a little, and now he didn't even have the courage to confirm the relationship in his heart.

So Conan changed his mind to rationalize his dislike of this situation.

Conan: Qin Zhibo! You already have Dr. Chengshi!

You scumbag!

At this time, the old abbot saw that the atmosphere was in place, and suddenly relaxed his tone and said happily: "But this is just an ancient legend, there is no need to take it to heart~"

"But I think this matter is more than just a legend..."

The monk who is mainly responsible for carpentry in the temple, so his dharma name is Mu Nian, murmured with a gloomy face: "I still remember that the same wonderful incident happened two years ago..."

"Mu Nian!" Kuan Nian, the eldest brother among the four monks, stopped him: "It's better not to tell the guests about this kind of thing."

That thing again...

According to past experience, it is definitely not a trivial matter.

And this time "that thing" may also be related to the foggy dog, so you need to listen to the content.

So Qin Zhibo nodded and encouraged: "It's okay, you can say it."

"If Xiaolan is scared, she can avoid it first. Detective Maori and I are the best at solving puzzles."

From Qin Zhibo's words, Conan noticed that Qin Zhibo did not exclude himself.

The old abbot and monks of the temple are concerned about the keyword "detective".


In the past, I only saw detectives in newspapers, but today they are alive and well!

The four "little bald heads" immediately rushed forward one after another and said with excitement: "Are you two detectives?"

"Yes, my name is Qin Zhibo. I am a detective. I have a detective agency in Tokyo. And what he said..."

Just when Qin Zhibo was about to introduce himself to Mouri Kogoro to increase the probability of persuading him to tell "that thing", Mouri Kogoro suddenly reached out and stopped Qin Zhibo's introduction.

"Ahem—" Mouri Kogoro cleared his throat, straightened his collar, and said solemnly: "I am the famous detective Moori Kogoro..."

"And I also have a detective agency in Tokyo."

As if he was competing with Qin Zhibo, Mouri Kogoro imitated Qin Zhibo's introduction format and insisted on emphasizing that he was also a detective in business.

Regarding Mouri Kogoro's somewhat childish behavior, both Qin Zhibo and Conan chose to see through it without telling them.

Moreover, Mao Li's introduction was extremely intimidating, and the four monks rushed to introduce the events two years ago.

But at this moment, the old abbot shouted sternly to stop the monks.

"Shut up!"

"Have you all forgotten the agreement not to mention that incident to outsiders again?"

“That’s the end of dinner!”

"You guys go back to your room and get ready for bed right now!"

The old abbot's expression was very serious, and the words "I have something on my mind" were clearly written on his face.


Since the Maori family was together, Xiunian led them to a room.

Qin Zhibo was arranged alone in another room, led by Mu Nian.

Taking Qin Zhibo to the room, Mu Nian was about to leave when he was stopped by Qin Zhibo.

"Actually, I'm a little concerned about the 'thing' you mentioned. Can you tell me what happened in detail?"

Mu Nian was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Abbot Tianyong didn't let us talk about that..."

"But he's not here now. It's okay if you tell me quietly."

Qin Zhibo's voice was like a devil's whisper, making Mu Nian's mind wander between "saying" and "not telling".

However, after weighing the pros and cons, Mu Nian still made a decision that disappointed Qin Zhibo.

"Forget it, I'll stop talking."

"If you offend the abbot..."

What Mu Nian was actually thinking was that Abbot Tianyong was very prestigious in the monk community, and his son-in-law was also the heir to a large temple. If he offended the abbot and was kicked out, it would be difficult for him to become a monk in the future.

But Qin Zhibo thought of another sentence inexplicably.

You offended the abbot and still want to leave?

It was a rare failure of social skills, but Qin Zhibo was not discouraged. He changed his words and continued: "I am mainly interested in the legend of Wutian Dog here. Can you tell me mainly about Wutian Dog?"

Mu Nian thought for a while, nodded and said, "If it's just a foggy dog, then that's no problem."

"Please wait for me..."

After a while, Mu Nian came back again after leaving, holding a photo in his hand.

"Actually, ever since the 'incident' two years ago, there have been rumors about foggy dogs here."

"Many media and reporters came here to report on it, and many adventure enthusiasts also came here to take pictures."

"But most people don't take pictures of anything, except this one..."

Mu Nian handed the photo to Qin Zhibo, who took it and looked at it carefully.

The picture was taken against the dusk sky.

Most of the images in the sky are normal, except for a blurry mist-like thing floating in the sky near the edge.

If you are an ordinary person and do not have a rich enough imagination, you will definitely think that this is just caused by the lens not being wiped clean.

But Qin Zhibo knew that was not the case.

Because Qin Zhibo saw the bright investigation point above when he first entered the house from the photo.


[...It is difficult to record its image with ordinary shooting equipment...]

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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