Chapter 1221 The bronze-skinned man

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Qin Zhibo's words first shocked Kudo Yusaku, and then there was a long silence.

Regarding the black organization that persecuted his son, although he had previously entrusted Interpol to help investigate, the only response he received was that the organization has attracted the attention of many countries.

When he came back this time, he also learned from his son that the FBI was competing with the black organization and had achieved certain results.

Apart from this, he knew very little about the organization and had never met any of its members in person.

I don’t even know what the organizational boss is like...

Seeing that Kudo Yusaku couldn't digest this information, Qin Zhibo could only explain it in a way he could understand.

"The organization that made Conan take the drug that makes him smaller is an extremely powerful organization. This organization often shows people in black, so it is called the 'black organization'."

"But as far as I know, the real name of this organization should be the 'Black Brotherhood', but I think very few people know this title..."

"Members of a certain level within the organization are named after alcohol. Among them, gin, vodka, and Belmode are code names. I think you have heard of them from Conan, right?"

Kudo Yusaku nodded without comment.

Qin Zhibo continued: "The boss behind the scenes who leads this organization is the rich man who is rumored to have passed away 40 years ago - Karasuma Renya."

"Karasuma Renye..."

Kudo Yusaku murmured, recalling the history that had been dusty for many years in his mind.

There are very few reports about Karasuma Renya that have survived to this day. Most ordinary people know that he was one of the most popular figures in Japan, and he was involved in politics, science, and finance.

However, all of this was buried in the dust of history with the death of Renya Karasuma.

"You mean he's still alive?"

Qin Zhibo's eyes were firm and he nodded, "He must still be alive."

"Because just when I found the Yisi man, it was the Yisi man who told me how he came to my world."

"Actually, he was originally in your world, but through some method, he communicated with Karasuma Renya in another world and successfully exchanged into my world."

"And in my world, as a condition for helping the Yis people complete the soul exchange, Karasuma Renye asked the Yis people to help complete one thing."

"It is to exchange his soul with the soul of Karasuma Renye when he was a child in your world..."

"In other words, the Karasuma Renya in your world is actually the Karasuma Renya in our world."

Qin Zhibo told Kudo Yusaku the important information he had just summarized not long ago.

After listening to these contents, Kudo Yusaku's pupils dilated slightly and he stood on the floor in a daze.

Renya Karasuma in the two worlds is actually the same person. What a shocking thing!

Ten seconds later, Kudo Yusaku's shocked brain gradually calmed down.

He calmed down his expression and asked calmly: "If this is really the case, then what is this person's purpose?"

In response, Qin Zhibo shook his head.

"I have been thinking about this question...but the only thing that is certain is that Karasuma Renye is definitely not an ordinary criminal organization boss, nor is he the most powerful person in Japan."

"His true abilities and strength are probably far beyond the scope of human beings..."

Karasuma Renye.

When he was young, he cooperated with the Xagai Zerg tribe, killed his father, and inherited his title and fief.

After growing up, he founded a brotherhood; entered the abyss Enkai to talk to the toad god Tsatogua; and supported his predecessor Rum to become a "bull" in the stock market and accumulated immeasurable wealth.

Later, the predecessor of Drug A was developed by using the scientific research results of the Innsmouth Marsh family to combat deep dive syndrome.

17 years ago, the current Rum was sent to kill the top leader of the Nine Angels organization, Amanda Hughes.

A year ago, Taku Itakura was asked to design computer software that could affect all mankind.

A month ago, I traveled to a parallel world and experienced my life all over again...

A few days ago, through cooperation with the Mi·Go family, a time and space gate was established to transport himself back again.

Taken together, these incidents are no longer something that humans can accomplish.

The life experience of the organization’s boss, Renya Karasuma, is enough to be called a legend.

But no one knows yet what the purpose of this "legendary" is.

Including Qin Zhibo himself.

"No matter what the purpose of Renye Karasuma is, the future he is focusing on should be these two worlds..."

"So, now we need to exchange intelligence."

Qin Zhibo told Yusaku Kudo of this world this important information, not only to prepare him mentally, but also to see if there was any important information specific to this world.

Perhaps the difference between the two hides Karasuma Renya's true purpose.

Faced with such a severe situation, even though Kudo Yusaku had been mentally prepared to face a powerful opponent before, he couldn't help but be shocked.

However, he quickly recalled some of the information Conan said and said: "If it is important information recently, Conan did say one..."

"What information?" Qin Zhibo asked quickly.

Kudo Yusaku answered: "He is a member of an organization called 'Giel'. This person is actually an undercover agent of the CIA. He was successfully sent back to the organization as an undercover agent after the organization and the FBI dealt with it..."

"Kiel said that the organization will recently send out an expert who specializes in intelligence collection capabilities, operational capabilities, etc., codenamed 'Bourbon', so the FBI must be careful."


Qin Zhibo looked startled when he heard this familiar code name.

Isn't this the code name of Mizuno Reina?

Is the Mizumu Reina of this world actually hooking up with the FBI?

Qin Zhibo carefully recalled the first time he met Shui Wu Lina. She had indeed been targeted by the FBI.

If he hadn't helped cover it up, the FBI would most likely have had direct contact with Reina Mizuno.

As for bourbon, it is even more familiar.

"Don't worry too much about this Bourbon. He is actually an undercover agent of the Japanese police."


Qin Zhibo came up and took off Bourbon's vest, leaving Kudo Yusaku stunned again.


"Is this person also an undercover agent?"

The word "ye" is also used in a very essential way.

After all, under Qin Zhibo's introduction, Renye Karasuma was such a monster, and the organization under his command had many undercover agents.

Qin Zhibo also understood what Kudo Yusaku meant, and casually said: "The forest is bigger and there are more wild animals, which will naturally attract people to hunt..."

Kudo Yusaku nodded in agreement. After all, the organization is so huge that it is difficult to make it leak-proof.

"In other words, this bourbon will not be detrimental to the FBI?"


Suddenly, Qin Zhibo's expression froze, and he looked ahead numbly, but his eyes had become blurry due to being out of focus.

But he didn't care about this change.

Because something very important suddenly came to his mind, a flash point.

Since this Karasuma Renya was a child who traveled from the original world to this world, then indirectly it is equivalent to being reborn and knowing a lot of knowledge and information about the future.

But now that he knows this, will he still let Shuichi Akai stay undercover in the organization?

There are also Zhu Fu Jingguang who partners with Bourbon and lurks within the organization.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's identity was exposed three years ago. Logically speaking, if the organization boss knew about this history, he would directly prevent undercover agents from entering his organization and kill Zhu Fu Jingguang, right?

But in fact, did the boss really do this?

Qin Zhibo squinted his eyes slightly. He had never seen bourbon in this world, so he couldn't make a conclusion.


"Hurry up and call Shuichi Akai!"

Qin Zhibo suddenly shouted, which frightened Kudo Yusaku.

The latter pointed at the short Qin Zhibo, "That person's number should be on your mobile phone, right?"

Qin Zhibo then remembered that Subaru Okiya had sent him a text message before, so he quickly took out his phone and dialed the number back.



After two busy signals, the other party answered the call.


"I'm Conan, do you know someone in the organization codenamed Bourbon?"

Qin Zhibo got straight to the point and asked directly.

Okiya Subaru on the other side of the phone frowned slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he replied in a deep voice: "I've heard of it..."

heard about it?

"Just heard of it? Has anything happened between you two?"


Okiya Subaru wondered, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just answer yes or no."

Qin Zhibo's tone was quite imposing, which surprised Subaru Okiya on the other side of the phone. Is this the usual Conan?

However, he still replied: "No... I just said that I only heard about him when I was working as an undercover agent."

"It is said that he is a killer with excellent abilities in all aspects, that's all."

Why is this happening?

Qin Zhibo's face was shocked. Could it be that Shuichi Akai didn't trust Conan enough and was unwilling to talk about that old incident?

Therefore, Qin Zhibo decided to further remind Akai Shuichi.

"What about 'Scotch Whiskey'? Are you familiar with this code name?"

Okiya Subaru hesitated for two seconds and murmured: "Although I don't know where you got these code names, but this Scotch died three years ago."

"How did you die?"

"I don't know... I just heard that he was an undercover agent and was secretly executed by the organization."

Qin Zhibo pressed further, "Weren't you executed by you?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Subaru Okiya's tone became a little less calm, "Is this the information that Kiel provided to you?"

Qin Zhibo did not answer, but continued to ask.

"What would you think if I said that Bourbon was an undercover agent of the Japanese police?"


Okiya Subaru fell into a long silence.

At this moment, the phone in Qin Zhibo's hand vibrated again.

When I took it off my ear, I saw an incoming call, and the number belonged to Yoshiharu Yamada.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore."

Qin Zhibo decisively hung up the call with Okiya Subaru and answered Yamada's call.

"Hello? Are you around here?"

Qin Zhibo came up and asked.

But there was heavy breathing on the other side of the phone. For two seconds, Yamada's breath trembled and he said, "Yes, someone is chasing me..."


Qin Zhibo's face was shocked and he quickly asked, "Who is he?"

"I don't know...a man with a gun..."

Yamada's voice said intermittently: "I was shot in the abdomen. Damn it, it hurts..."

"Where are you now?" Qin Zhibo asked quickly.

"In... it should be an abandoned building in Mika Town..."

Abandoned building?

Qin Zhibo's mind quickly flashed through all the abandoned buildings he encountered in Mihua Town, but the scope was still too large.

Just when he wanted Yamada to describe the characteristics of the surrounding environment in detail, two gunshots were heard on the phone.

Piu, Piu——

After two gunshots that were obviously silenced, the phone suddenly fell to the ground and made a clattering sound.

Immediately afterwards, Yamada's voice was no longer heard.

Instead, there was a series of footsteps approaching slowly, and the sound of shoe soles rubbing against stones was particularly obvious.

Qin Zhibo's mind immediately pictured the cell phone dropped on the ground and the shadow of a human being approaching slowly.


These are the footsteps of the killer.

Qin Zhibo quickly hung up the phone to prevent the killer from hearing who was talking to Yamada.

Kudo Yusaku next to him also noticed that something was wrong and quickly asked what was going on.

"That Yisi man is being hunted..."

"Let's set out quickly to rescue him!"

Although Yamada didn't have time to give the specific address on the phone, as long as he was in Mikka Town, the accuracy of the finding spell could be improved to an incredible level.

As for how Yamada was targeted and who he was targeted by, these are not important.

The top priority now is to save people as soon as possible!

Qin Zhibo and Kudo Yusaku ran back to the living room. At this time, Mori and his daughter had not come yet. Only Lupine and Daisuke Jigen were playing cards on the sofa to pass the boring time.

The powerful fighting power of these two people does not need to be used in vain, so naturally they are called upon!

"The plan has changed! Follow me to save people!"

Qin Zhibo explained the situation in the most concise language.

After listening to this, Lupine the Third's monkey face immediately exploded with thorns.

"How dare you prevent Fujiko from changing her body!"

"Damn it!"

Lupine the Third's long legs easily jumped over the sofa, and he looked like he was in a rage and became a beauty.

When Daisuke Jigen, who was playing cards with him, saw this posture, he also held his hat and sighed, then walked around the sofa and followed.

"Let's go!" Qin Zhibo raised his arms and shouted.

"Let's go!"

At the same time, in an abandoned building in Mika Town.

Yamada huddled tightly behind the wall at the corner of the corridor, blood pouring from his abdomen from between his fingers.

He tried his best to suppress his breathing to a minimum, but the severe pain in the wound caused his chest to rise and fall continuously. No matter how hard he tried to suppress his breathing, it was not so gentle in this quiet corridor.

On the other side of the corridor, a man was walking slowly towards here.

He held a silenced pistol in his right hand, staring coldly at the corner of the wall.

The setting sun reflected outside the glass was like a hazy layer of blood, shining on his handsome bronze face.

This chapter has been completed!
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