Chapter 1238 Reliable Adult

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"Hey, everyone is here~"

Qin Zhibo sat down at the main seat and glanced at Conan and Hattori Heiji easily, "How is the investigation of the case going?"

Conan and Hattori Heiji's eyebrows twitched, a little surprised.

This was the first time Qin Zhibo asked them about the investigation progress of the case.

Doesn't this uncle still have no clue?

This made Hattori Heiji seem to see the dawn of victory. With a smirk on his lips, he quickly asked: "Uncle, you seemed to have gone to bed just now, right? How was the investigation of the case?"


Qin Zhibo responded casually, then took the rice bowl handed over by Inufushi Yukihime and said "thank you" in return.

Although he knew the general method of the case and the identity of the murderer, he had no interest in the murderer this time.

Qin Zhibo always feels that this case is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there are still many unsolved mysteries.

Hattori Heiji immediately stopped his smile, lowered his head and looked at Conan,

Qin Zhibo's casual remark of "Just so-so" made them feel even more stressed.

So-so, it means that the other party has also investigated the key clues of the case and is gradually approaching the truth.

This man even took a nap with ease to replenish his energy...

At this moment, Mao Lilan and Toyama Kazuye on the other side of the dining table did not dare to go to bed because they were afraid of the devil dog, so they could only kill time with the TV quiz show on their mobile phones.

"Xiaolan, do you know this question?"

Yuanshan and Ye were holding the latest mobile phones on the market, which actually had the function of watching live TV, which surprised Qin Zhibo.

Mao Lilan stared at the screen and murmured: "Please put on your glasses and think about it... This should be a reminder, right?"


Mao Lilan groaned, seemingly a little troubled.

Upon seeing this, Qin Zhibo said to Yuan Shan and Ye: "Let me take a look..."

After receiving the mobile phone from Yuan Shan and Ye, Qin Zhibo's eyes were not focused on the puzzle itself, but on He Ye's mobile phone.

This purple phone has a whole screen and three basic function keys at the bottom. It can use the 3G network and should be a smart phone.

This means that even if you change your device to Iphone4, it won't be too conspicuous?

Maybe there is even an Iphone4 on the market...

"Mr. Qin, how are you doing?"

Just when Qin Zhibo was thinking about when to get a charger for his iPhone 4, Yuan Shan and Ye asked.

She was asking Qin Zhibo how the puzzles on the TV show went...

This question and answer show is a bit difficult, but for an adult like Toyama Ginshiro, it should be easy to solve.

Qin Zhibo was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the puzzle.

Unlike the traditional knowledge Q&A that stops all at once, this is a coded answer question.

how to say?

It is really in line with the local characteristics. No wonder the murderers and the deceased here like to write secret codes so much.

The riddle is "Please put on your glasses and think about it." Based on this code, you can guess what the code means.

There is a light spot on it, which is the light of the investigation point.

But this time Qin Zhibo ignored the investigation point and turned to the TV set on the mobile phone screen.

The person who answered the question stood on the answering table and was thinking anxiously. On both sides of the answering table, there were two torches and "fake flames" floating above.

Qin Zhibo knows this kind of fake flame, which uses red cloth strips, lights, and a blower underneath to create a special effect similar to a burning flame.

Although the effect is average, it is enough to express a general meaning.

Suddenly, he thought that he could use this method to create a flame effect on the "Devil Dog".

Although Qin Zhibo had thought clearly about the method of "devil dog" leaving flame footprints before, he really did not think of the flames of "devil dog" itself.

But there’s no need to think about it.

Because as long as you confirm that the "magic dog" is fake, you can rush forward and catch it regardless of your own safety the next time it appears.

At that time, no matter what the method is, it will be self-defeating and there will be no need to waste your brains to think about it.

But now with this step of reminder, the method of "Devil Dog" has been revealed in advance.

However, despite the important reminder, the investigation point still did not appear.

"The puzzle is very simple. The answer is to change me into ne, and it becomes 'The Cat in the Attic'."

"But the flames arranged on the stage next to it look very much like the flames on the 'Devil Dog'..."

Qin Zhibo's casual words immediately alerted Conan and Hattori Heiji who were cooking next to them.


"Let me see!"

Hattori Heiji immediately grabbed his cell phone and watched it with Conan.

I saw that the fire special effects on the show were indeed very similar to those on "Magic Dog".

This kind of "false flame" can still be distinguished in a brightly lit environment, but it is not easy to distinguish in a dim night.

These times the demon dog appeared, it happened to be at night.

Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths slowly raised.

Because if this is the case, Chiko Inufushi has confirmed the identity of the murderer.

First, there's no way his arm was burned by the "fake flame."

Secondly, since he was in close contact with the "devil dog", it was even more impossible that he would not be able to detect the "fake flame".

Thinking of this, Conan's mouth showed a confident smile as always.

Now all the mysteries are solved.

This is all a human trick!

Hattori Heiji smiled and returned the phone to Toyama Kazuha, "Kazuha, you have made a great contribution this time..."


Yuan Shan and Ye Yi were stunned. Although she heard Qin Zhibo mention the magic dog and stage flames, she was not good at reasoning and could not understand the deep meaning.

But for Conan and Hattori Heiji, there is still a thorny problem.

That means Qin Zhibo also saw through this "fake flame" technique, which means Qin Zhibo also knows who the prisoner is.

In this case, who gets the credit?

Hattori Heiji turned to look at Qin Zhibo, and just as he was about to ask the latter what he thought, Qin Zhibo had already stood up and put the rice bowl into the sink.

"I've finished eating, you can do whatever you want..."

Are we free?

Hattori Heiji and Conan watched Qin Zhibo's back, and they didn't look at each other until he left the dining room.

Does this mean that the credit for this time is given to us?

Qin Zhibo walked out of the dining room and walked to the front hall of Inufucheng.

When passing by the living room, I saw Kogoro Mouri and Cao Yamamura sorting out the case.

I saw Yamamura Cao sitting on a chair with his hands on his knees, like a child being scolded by the teacher.

He lowered his head and responded one after another. He was obviously sleepy.

On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro was still very energetic and continued to explain the contents of the case.

This kind of professionalism is still very worthy of commendation.

Qin Zhibo did not come forward to disturb them, but walked directly through the living room and came to the vestibule of Inufucheng.

Throwing the [Hook Claw] towards the wall, and then using his strength to kick against the wall, he left Inubushi Castle.

Leaving Inufushi City at this time, it was natural to search for what Qin Zhibo believed to be the "truth".

I just read the Seven Chapters of Xuanjun's Secret Sutra and found out that the strange beads are Liao Dan, which has the function of allowing the user's consciousness to travel back in time and space.

When Kudo Shinichi died, he happened to be holding this bead in his hand.

Whether this was Kudo Shinichi's own wish or the murderer forced it in, it shows that the source of this bead is Inubushi City.

This reminded Qin Zhibo of the old man he met on the way here who gave directions to the group.

The old man warned them not to go to Inufushi Castle, otherwise they would be overtaken by the "devil dogs" and end up in a tragic end.

At first, Qin Zhibo thought it was the story told by Yukihime - the head of the Inubushi family in the Meiji period accidentally killed his loyal dog and died in a fire.

But now it seems that the story told by the old man and the story told by Xing Ji are probably not the same version.

Because the old man mentioned "catching up".

Overtaken, most likely refers to being overtaken by the hounds of Tindalos.

Judging from the antiquity of the book Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture itself, it is likely that this book was the property of the Inubushi family in the past.

So what exactly is the "legend" in the old man's mouth?

Qin Zhibo's intuition tells him that this is very likely to allow him to solve all the mysteries...

Judging from the old man walking alone on the mountain road with a crutch, his home should be nearby, not far from Inufushi Castle.

Qin Zhibo took out the [Mountain Bike] from the system toolbar, sat down on the seat, and then began to cast the finding spell.

During the day, the old man's iconic face, like a dead tree, was still vivid in his mind.

Qin Zhibo's mind moved slightly, and a clear direction appeared in his mind.

He opened his eyes suddenly, turned the front of the car and rode firmly in that direction.

Half an hour later, a small house in the woods near the foot of the mountain appeared in front of us.

Compared with the grandeur and luxury of Inubushi City, this house is not much better than the cabin by the swamp. It is like being exiled.

The house lights are out.

But that's natural, after all, it's almost two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Qin Zhibo parked his bicycle, walked to the door of the room and knocked gently.

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk...

After knocking more than ten times in a row, the windows of the house lit up, and at the same time an old voice came.

"Who is it... in the middle of the night?"

Qin Zhibo responded quickly, "I'm sorry to disturb your rest. I went to Inufucheng during the day. We met on the road..."

"Can you please open the door now? I want to know something from you."

Qin Zhibo's tone was very polite and he also used honorifics.

The old man in the room paused and asked: "What? Another person died in the Inufu family?"

"You guessed it right, someone is indeed dead..."

Seeing that the old man was becoming interested, Qin Zhibo took advantage of the situation and pursued him, "So I would like to ask you about the legend about the curse of the devil dog in Inufucheng that you mentioned during the day."

"That's right..."

The old man hesitated for a moment, then moved to the door and opened it.

He looked up at Qin Zhibo and murmured: "It's rare for a young person to want to listen to an old man like me, come in..."


Qin Zhibo followed the old man into the room and closed the door behind him.

In Quanfu City, the lights gradually went out.

After a whole night of investigating the case, although the murderer has not yet been found, I still need to sleep when I feel like it.

Inubushi's house is large enough to accommodate everyone.

Yamamura Soo didn't want to stay overnight in a mansion infested by demon dogs, so he drove back in a police car.

Mao Lilan, Yuanshan and Ye were also afraid of the devil dog, so they insisted that they all sleep together in the Datong bunkhouse, so that they could feel more at ease.

But despite this, after having the experience of directly attacking the devil dog, Mao Lilan, who has only 40 willpower, is still too scared to sleep.

It's as if there is a demon dog appearing outside the thin sliding door of the guest room at all times.

What's even more unfortunate is that the more you dare not go out, the worse your health will be.

"He Ye, He Ye..."

Mao Lilan gently pushed Yuan Shanhe Ye in the shop next to her.

Yuan Shan and Ye were a little bolder than Mao Lilan and had already fallen asleep for most of the time.

She looked at her best friend sleepily, "Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"Um..." Mao Lilan showed a look of embarrassment, "Can you accompany me to the toilet?"


Kazuha didn't complain. Just as he was about to get up, Mouri Kogoro on the other side complained in a rough voice.

"Really, you're not a child, you don't dare to go to the toilet alone?"

The two girls looked at Mouri Kogoro and were surprised to find that Mouri Kogoro was not sleeping either. He was resting his head on his arms and seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

Mao Lilan's face turned red and she quickly explained: "But we were just attacked by a demon dog in this yard..."

"Yeah, maybe the devil dog will appear in the house, and I'm so scared just thinking about it." Yuan Shan and Ye also explained to Mao Lilan, "And by the way, uncle, aren't you still awake?"

Upon hearing this, Mouri Kogoro opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, choosing not to talk.

Of course, he himself is not afraid of the devil dog, because he firmly believes that any evil will eventually be brought to justice.

However, the appearance of the demon dog in the mansion, and the fact that Mao Lilan, Toyama and Ye were the ones who picked the dogs to feed, still left him frightened.

In order to prevent the murderer from committing crimes again at night, he chose to stay vigil.

Except when he is unreliable, Moori Kogoro is still a reliable adult.

"Well~ you still care a little about the case..."

Mouri Kogoro hesitated and then turned to look at the two beds on the other side.

Those are the beds of Hattori Heiji and Conan respectively.

Both of them had their bodies hidden on their backs, but these voices did not wake them up. They seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"On the other hand, the four-eyed kid and Detective Osaka were not affected at all and were sleeping soundly..."

"Of course..." Mao Lilan explained for her old father, "They seem to already know who the murderer is..."

When Mouri Kogoro heard this, his body stood up as if he was electrified.


"Do they know who the murderer is?"

"Do they already know who among these adopted children is the murderer?"

Mouri Kogoro repeated it again in disbelief.

Because even Qin Zhibo, who had always been far ahead of others in solving the case, did not say anything about this case.

Just those two brats?

Toyama and Ye nodded, "Yes, Heiji also said that the quiz show I showed him helped him a lot."

"Question show?"

"What kind of quiz show is this!"

Mouri Kogoro, who also wanted to solve the case quickly, anxiously asked Toyama and Ye.

But at this moment, turbulent footsteps came from the corridor at the door of the guest room.

This chapter has been completed!
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