Chapter 133 Qin Zhibo wants to learn magic

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interested in me?

Seeing Qin Zhibo looking at her, Koizumi Hongzi was surprised in her heart.

There are people who are not interested in Kaitou Kidd next to him, but are interested in himself?

Koizumi Anko just had this idea in her heart, but she was schizophrenic and thought of a reasonable explanation.

Sure enough, all the men in this world except Kaitou Kidd are my prisoners, Koizumi Anko!

However, at this time, Koizumi Anko did not make the usual narcissistic laugh of "Oh ho ho ho ho", but instead felt like crying without tears.

Was it because of his outstanding appearance that he aroused the interest of the uncle in front of him?

It turns out that being too beautiful is also a sin...

At this moment, Qin Zhibo drank the iced coffee in one gulp, stood up and said, "Kuroba Kaito-san, your classmates are still waiting for you to come home from school."

Qin Zhibo glanced at a girl who looked like Mao Lilan and a girl with double ponytails and glasses sitting nearby.

"As a tape artist who adheres to the principles of a gentleman, shouldn't you let women wait for you for too long?"

After saying that, Qin Zhibo showed a gentlemanly smile again, and turned to Koizumi Hongzi and said: "As for Koizumi Hongzi, can you invite me to your home for an in-depth discussion?"

Kuroba Kaito: "?"

For a long time, Kuroba Kaito has always believed that he is an absolute master of seducing girls.

When he was Kuroba Kaito, he persisted in shameless harassment, peeking up the skirts of his childhood sweethearts, and peeking into the girls' locker rooms were all daily sex acts.

When he transformed into Kaitou Kidd, he was a arsonist who only flirted but never married, and kept his body as pure as a jade, and became a charming gentleman Kaito thief.

The fragmentation of personality is the identity umbrella that Kuroba Kaito has unconsciously built for himself.

In this era when the word "gentleman" has not yet derived other strange meanings, it is difficult for anyone to directly associate the shameless Kuroba Kaito with the gentleman phantom thief.

However, today, Kuroba Kaito finally saw what "a gentleman's shameless behavior" is.

He behaves like a gentleman but says the most shameless things.

He actually mainly asked the other party to invite him to the home of an underage girl?

Is this still possible?

However, what made Kuroba Kaito even more incomprehensible was that Koizumi Anko actually responded with a smile and nodded in agreement.


"It just so happens that I am also somewhat interested in you."

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito felt a little warm on the top of his head...


After Koizumi Hongzi left the coffee shop, the two returned to the opposite side of the street from the school gate.

At this time, almost all the students at Edagu High School have left, except for the students on duty.

But Mr. Hongzi is not on duty today!

The housekeeper looked anxiously at the school playground, but Koizumi Anko was no longer among the high school students who came out sparsely.

At this time, Koizumi Hongzi's arrogant voice came from the side.

"Butler, let's go."

"Yes, Lord Hongzi."

When the housekeeper turned around to look, he was surprised to find a mixed-race uncle standing next to Koizumi Hongzi.

"Lord Hongzi, this is..."

"You are the guest I invited. Is there any problem?"

The housekeeper quickly shook his head and said respectfully: "No, no, this is completely Hongzi's freedom..."

After saying that, the butler opened the car door for Hongzi.

Looking at the extended luxury car in front of him, Qin Zhibo felt emotional in his heart.

I made the right choice not to treat Kuroba Kaito and Koizumi Anko to expensive drinks.

Both of these people are much richer than me, and I even treat them to drinks.

Is there any royal method for this?


The extended version of the Maybach drove all the way to the suburbs, driven by the butler.

During this period, the housekeeper who was driving in the front would glance at Qin Zhibo who was sitting in the back through the rearview mirror with dark eyes from time to time.

However, Qin Zhibo had already seen through this gloomy butler who was wearing a sexy pink suit and had a body shape similar to a "big sweet potato".

His name is as hard to describe as his appearance, so it's okay not to say it.

As for his occupation, he is a housekeeper in his duties, and does not have any weird occupations like "Demon Man".

But since he is responsible for taking care of Koizumi Anko's daily life, he must know magic.

So Qin Zhibo talked straight to the point with Koizumi Hongzi.

"Miss Witch, I want to learn magic."

Koizumi Hongzi was a little stunned, and replied after a few seconds: "Learning magic? Are you dreaming?"

"The release of magic requires the use of magic power. Magic power is only possessed by a very small number of humans."

"And the magic of our Red Magic clan has always been passed down from female to male."

Koizumi Anko did not pretend to be stupid to completely deny the existence of magic like Kuroba Kaito, but explained more directly that it was impossible for Qin Zhibo to learn magic.

But Qin Zhibo had already dealt with it.

"As for magic power...I have it."

"As for the rule of passing on women but not men, this rule is dead, but people are alive. As long as you..."

Just as Qin Zhibo was speaking, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly raised her hand to interrupt Qin Zhibo and asked with an incredulous look on her face: "You said you have magic power? Is this true?"


Qin Zhibo nodded seriously, but Koizumi Hongzi still didn't believe it.

"I don't believe it, unless you can show your magic."

"If you had magic powers, you could at least do some supernatural things, right?"

In Koizumi Hongzi's understanding, there is no scientific instrument that can measure the existence of magic, a mysterious and mysterious force. Even witches cannot intuitively experience the existence of magic.

To understand it simply, magic is a simple causal power.

Taking this causal power as the source and applying some formulas called "magic", we can successfully create some causal relationships that violate science.

For example, the art of lightning strikes is actually the causal relationship of raising your hand + waving your hand = thunder strikes.

Therefore, even if they do not formally master "magic", people with magic power can still create some "little miracles" by relying on some intentional or unintentional actions.

Bend a spoon with your mind, light a small fire, bring bad luck to those around you...etc.

This is also known as "The Witch's Awakening".

In the history of witches, a large number of women in the European Middle Ages accidentally awakened or used this part of their power, creating "miracles" that ordinary people could not understand, and only then suffered humiliation and cruel persecution.

That period was the darkest age of witches, known as "Witch Hunting."

Of course, the magical people in this world are not only women, but also men.

It's just that the possibility of men awakening to magic power is relatively low, and there has never been a large-scale awakening, and the number is far inferior to that of witches.

But once the magic power is awakened, the achievements of male magicians will generally be higher than that of witches.

Most of the famous great magicians in history were men, and even the most powerful magician in the legend, Ebon, was also a man.

It is said that the great magician Ebon has even mastered the ability to transcend the concept of magic, and can freely travel through dimensions beyond time and space. To this day, his soul still wanders back and forth between reality and dreams.

The lost magic book "The Book of Ebon" written by him is the supreme magic book that magicians around the world flock to.

It's just that this collection of obscure and horrifying myths, evil and profound spells, rituals and rituals has only a rudimentary handwritten fragment of ape fur left.

And even these "fragments" of little significance are closely protected by an organization called "Miskatonic".

This chapter has been completed!
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