Chapter 227 Inspiration comes

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Outside the castle, seeing that everyone in the castle had been exploring for a while, Kojima Genta finally couldn't hold back his restless heart.

"Okay! The adults have gone far, we can start taking action!"

Dr. A Li scratched his head and asked in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

"There must be other entrances to such a big castle waiting for us to find." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya raised his fist in a departure gesture, "Let's go!"

As soon as the three little ones ran two steps away, a figure stood in front of the three little ones, blocking their way.

"It's good for children to have an adventurous spirit..."

"But the true spirit of adventure is to set a goal for your life and then find ways to achieve that goal, rather than just entering dangerous places and asking for trouble."

"What is your goal in entering the castle?"

When asked by Matsumoto Ryohei, the three little ones were stunned.

Yes, what are they going to do in the castle?

In the past, when Dr. Ali organized team building adventures, he always used treasures and the like as bait. Although he always encountered some unexpected dangers in the end, he still had a goal.

But this time the three little ones just randomly passed by other people's castles, and then went in to take risks without the owner's permission.

It's more like a troublemaker went in to cause trouble...

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya and Moto Kojima lowered their heads slowly, but Mota Kojima on the side didn't care about this.

"I don't care! I'm going to take the risk!"

"Uncle, you are in the way and are in the way!"

After Genta Kojima finished speaking, Matsumoto Ryohei's eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange light flashed across the corners of his eyes.

"Kid, don't be a rude person..."

"Uncle will be angry."

Inherited Qin Zhibo's "uncle" sentence pattern, but Matsumoto Ryohei's tone is heavier.

The most chilling thing was some of the messages conveyed in Matsumoto Ryohei's eyes, which scared Genta Kojima and took half a step back.

It seemed that if he continued to be rude, the uncle in front of him would...

"Eat" him?

One look immediately scared off the three little ones who were happily preparing to go on an adventure, and they returned obediently to Dr. Ali.

This kind of look that scares away the naughty child without being angry made Dr. Ali deeply sigh.

"Mr. Matsumoto, he seems to be quite good at dealing with children..."

Matsumoto Ryohei smiled slightly and said humbly: "Children are also human beings. I'm just good at dealing with people..."

On the side, Haibara Ai secretly glanced at Matsumoto Ryohei, recalling the sharp look in Matsumoto Ryohei's sudden release just now.

Hui Yuan Ai had seen that look on another person before.


As an outlaw, Gin always runs through red lights when he goes out to cross the street. Whenever the driver honks the horn with slight dissatisfaction, Gin will give him a scary look in response, immediately scaring the driver away from objecting.

This look is exactly the same as the look Matsumoto Ryohei released just now.

That terrifying look that seems to eat you up...

At this time, Matsumoto Ryohei took out some small cakes from his car and distributed them to the young detective team as rewards for obedient children.

"This cake is delicious!" Ayumi said in surprise, "Did Mr. Matsumoto make it himself?"

Matsumoto Ryohei smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya looked at the cake in his hand in disbelief, "It's amazing! It's no worse than the ones sold in dessert shops!"

Genta Kojima, who was frightened just now, also grabbed a piece of cake and continued to ask for it.

Among the children, Matsumoto Ryohei showed a kind smile, as if he had transformed into the most popular kindergarten principal among the children.

The sudden change in character caught Hui Yuan Ai by surprise.

Dr. A Li, who was next to him, silently made a mental note of how to deal with naughty children.

That means a slap in the face and a sweet date to eat.


Inside the castle.

Conan looked at the photos on the wall and sighed inwardly that the relationship between Miss Natsumi's great-grandfather and the demon monk Rasputin was really good, otherwise the two would not have such a close photo together.

At this time, the somewhat impatient Mouri Kogoro lit his cigarette, and Conan just happened to judge from the direction of the cigarette smoke that there was a secret passage under the floor.

According to the password recalled by Natsumi Kasaka, Sergey entered Russian and opened the password lock.

Entering the underground passage, there is a huge space inside.

"Wow, it's really deep in here!"

Mouri Kogoro took out the flashlight he had prepared in advance and looked around. Officer Shiratori also had a flashlight in his hand, and with Conan's watch flashlight, the others could only follow in almost darkness.

In the darkness, Qin Zhibo turned on the night vision device and could easily see the surrounding environment.

This is a huge underground hall. In the center of the hall, there is a baptistery in the shape of a Holy Grail, and there is a huge stone bed next to it.

"This place seems to have been a place where Christians were baptized..."

Officer Shiratori used a flashlight to inspect the baptistery and stone bed, while others wandered around the hall curiously.

At this time, Qin Zhibo's brain suddenly froze, and the yellow-green night vision vision in his eyes gradually became blurry...


The light suddenly appeared, and Qin Zhibo saw a different scene in front of him.

On the baptismal table, a "little black" raised two babies in his hands, surrounded by a large number of mysterious people in black robes.

The baby's cries mixed with the cheers of the men in black robes, and for a while, the sound was magnificent.

Qin Zhibo's will also declined with the resounding momentum.


Then, the screen suddenly disappeared.

Officer Shiratiao stood in front, the light from the flashlight shone on Qin Zhibo's lower body, and asked: "Mr. Qin, what's wrong with you?"


Qin Zhibo shook his head and walked forward, recalling the scene that just appeared in his mind.

What does that image that pops up in your brain like an inspiration mean?

The man was holding two babies in his hands, as well as a large number of mysterious people gathered here.

Baptistery and stone bed...

Qin Zhibo seemed to understand something and continued to follow the crowd.


The corridor at the end of the hall is an arched stone door with a large number of two-headed eagles carved on it.

Everyone was blocked here. Qin Zhibo looked back at the people around him and found that one member was missing.

That art dealer named Gan Jiangyi.

"Everyone, don't you feel that we are missing one person here?"

Everyone looked back and saw that there was indeed one less person than when they came in.

"Where has Mr. Qian gone?" Mouri Kogoro asked in confusion.

Officer Shiratori held his chin and thought for a moment, "Could it be that he got separated in the huge hall just now?"

Sergey: "It's also possible that he found some treasure trap in the palace, so he had evil intentions."

Everyone returned to the hall and dispersed to search, and soon Mao Lilan's screams were heard on the corridor back.


Everyone rushed over after hearing the sound and found Gan Jiangyi lying on the ground with a bullet in his right eye.

When Mouri Kogoro saw the bloody hole in his right eye, he immediately thought of Shi Kaobing.

"It's Shi Kaobing!"

"Mato Nishino is here now!"


At the same time, on the Suzuki cruise ship docked in Tokyo Bay, the crew was performing routine maintenance on the ship.

When performing maintenance on the lower unit, a pool of dark liquid in the flashlight attracted the crew's attention.

"Mr. Kameno, what is that?"

"Is the oil tank leaking? Go check it out!"

The two crew members rushed forward quickly, but found a shocking thing in the corner next to the engine oil tank.

Blood splashed on the iron wall, leaving streaks of dried blood.

On the ground, several severed limbs were piled up in a haphazard manner, with messy tendons sticking out, which was disgusting.

From beneath these limbs, the head of a trunk protrudes.

His appearance that was supposed to be gentle now looked a little ferocious.

Before this face became bloody, his name was Nishino Masato.

This chapter has been completed!
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