Chapter 249: Hui Yuan Ai: Clever kid did a good job, dont do it next time...

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"Old man, have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag?"

Qin Zhibo said while raising his right hand that was clenched into a fist.

This scene shocked everyone present.

The dumbfounded police officer Mumu looked at Qin Zhibo's actions. This was obviously threatening the cinema owner!

Breaking the law in front of the police is too disrespectful to take the Japanese police seriously!

However, Qin Zhibo is his trusted brother Qin. Officer Mumu did not immediately order the arrest, but asked calmly and doubtfully: "Brother Qin... what are you doing?"

Qin Zhibo quickly changed his words and said: "This is a very popular joke recently. A fist as big as a sandbag is as big as mine..."

"And I'll give you some colors to see. In fact, I'll actually give you some colored cards to see, haha..."

"I see, there is still such a joke now..." Officer Mu Mu breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were intimidating him, brother Qin."

Thanks to Qin Zhibo's good social credit, Officer Mu Mu didn't pay too much attention. If the person who just said this was a yellow-haired gangster, Mu Mu would definitely order the arrest without hesitation.

Qin Zhibo quickly asked in normal language: "What happened to the air conditioner at that time?"

The cinema owner, who was a little frightened just now, stabilized the crutches in his hands and said, "The wind at that time felt stronger than usual, so I went to check the condition of the air conditioner."

"Yes." Mitsuhiko interjected from the side, "I also felt very cold at that time, so I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet..."

[The air conditioner suddenly turned on very loudly during the movie. To rule out the abnormal operation of the air conditioner, someone must have secretly adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner]

The last investigation point is completed, and Qin Zhibo enters the next step.

【Scene reproduction√】

The moment the prompt appeared, Qin Zhibo saw a "little black" sticking his head out of the projection window above his head.

"Little Black" Kazilan's big eyes stared at Qin Zhibo with undisguised murderous intent.

However, Qin Zhibo knew that "Xiao Hei" was not staring at him, but...

Qin Zhibo moved his body away, and sure enough, "Xiao Hei" was still looking at the seat under the projection window, which was the seat where the deceased Haruda Masaji often came to the cinema to sit.

In other words, before committing the crime, the murderer confirmed in the screening room that the deceased was still sitting in his usual position today.

At this moment, it seemed to be obvious who the murderer was.

But Qin Zhibo still needs to know his methods.

Next, Qin Zhibo followed "Xiao Hei" from the screening room to the air-conditioned machine room, then to the seat under the screening window, and then back to the screening room.

[End of scene reenactment]


The police are still conducting inquiries and investigations.

In the projection room, the film projectionist was explaining his job content to Officer Megure to prove that he had absolutely no chance of taking action.

The windows here are also completely sealed, which puts an end to Haihara Ai's original idea, that is, the cinema owner and the projectionist worked together to kill the person. One person put a rope around the neck of the deceased, and the other hung the person.

"If you put it that way, it's really suicide..." Officer Megure muttered with his chin raised.

At this time, Conan, who was in charge of listening in, smiled and thought of a good idea.

"If the film is divided into two parts, and then two projectors are used to project the film in a staggered manner, wouldn't it be possible to make the body hanging in front of one of the projection windows suddenly appear?"

After talking about this interesting idea, Conan felt a little excited.

First of all, judging from Zhang Tianzhengji's various performances before his death, Conan does not believe that such a person would suddenly commit suicide today.

If it was a homicide, the college student would have the photos in the camera as an alibi, and the ticket lady and owner of the movie theater were both women and old people, so they did not have the strength to hang an adult man up.

At this moment, Conan selectively forgot about the museum director who was wearing a knight's iron armor and could stab an adult into the wall, as well as Souha Sotoku, who had been sitting in a wheelchair and pretending to be sick, and the man who blew up a telephone pole with one punch.


Excluding the possibility of cooperation in killing, only the projectionist is the most capable of killing.

The killing method I came up with is indeed practical and sophisticated enough, and it also proves that only professional film projectionists can do it.

Conan looked around and found that Qin Zhibo had gone somewhere.


This time I won.

Just when Conan thought he had found the truth first, the projectionist laughed and said, "This idea is indeed interesting..."

Fortunately I didn't think of this method...

"But little brother, this technique will leave joint marks on the film."

"The police officer can come and check this film. I can guarantee that there are absolutely no traces like that in it."

The ticket sales lady on the side also laughed and said: "My little brother is quite smart, but after I came back from shopping at the convenience store, I saw that the only thing moving in the screening room was the projector next to the door."

Under the combined denial of the two, Conan, who looked confident just a second ago, was immediately speechless.

This method is obviously very effective...why didn't the murderer think of it?

At this time, Hui Yuan, who was smiling without showing his teeth, walked over sadly with his hands behind his back.

"It turns out that famous detectives can also be clever..."

"You're smart, you did a good job, don't do it next time."

Hui Yuan Ai: poisonous tongue +1


Regarding Conan's frustration, Haihara Ai found it both funny and gratifying.

The funny thing is that this famous detective looks a little defeated after being defeated, which is rare and cute...

The good thing is that Conan didn't solve the case without even using his vest this time, otherwise the news about a "prodigy" in Mihua Street would have spread to the outside world.

In fact, I learned about Conan not after he became young, but when Miyano Akemi was still alive, I learned about Conan's deeds.

During a date in a coffee shop, my sister Akemi told me that there was a kid named Edogawa Conan in a nearby detective agency. He was obviously a kid, but he was surprisingly calm and seemed very mature.

And he recalled that when he came to investigate Kudo Shin's family not long ago, he found that all his childhood clothes were missing.

As the only researcher who knew the side effects of APTX-4869, Haibara Ai guessed at that time that Edogawa Conan might be Kudo Shinichi.

In other words, if Conan continues to express himself and portray himself as a child prodigy, Gin will become suspicious sooner or later.

Although he had changed Kudo Shinichi's status to death on the APTX-4869 taking list, he was a traitor after all, and Gin, who had always been suspicious, might even re-investigate these dead people.

Haibara Ai didn't know that Gin didn't remember the people he killed with his own hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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