Chapter 361 Drifting on the Pacific Ocean...

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Conan didn't know why his brain suddenly had such an idea.

But when humans feel specious about an idea in their hearts, they always want to ask for advice from the people around them, and Conan is no exception.

"Uncle, have you heard the strange sound of water?"

Conan did not say it was the sound of falling water, because this would create psychological implications.

"Strange sound of water?" Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then casually replied: "Maybe it's a dolphin jumping out of the water."

Mouri Kogoro's answer made Conan believe that there was indeed the sound of falling water just now.

But why did I subconsciously think that Qin Zhibo fell into the water?

Conan was a little confused. At this moment, Mao Lilan looked at Conan, who was frowning, and suddenly asked: "Conan, do you think Mr. Qin has fallen into the water?"

Mao Lilan's sudden words stunned Conan.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you too?"

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded, "I suddenly had an idea just now, Mr. Qin fell into the water."

After listening to Mao Lilan's words, a faint blush appeared on Conan's face.

Xiaolan and I are so connected.

However, Mouri Kogoro on the side didn't care much about the two people's thoughts and felt that it was completely unfounded.

"That guy is very smart, how could he fall into the water? You are thinking too much."

"It must be a dolphin during the day, or a bonito, flying fish or something like that."

It was a rare compliment from Kogoro Mouri's mouth to a colleague, but it was just to reassure his daughter.

But Mao Lilan and Conan had already ignored them and rushed to the ship's duty front desk.

The two people quickly asked the waiters at the front desk if they had seen the passenger wearing a brown trench coat, but both waiters shook their heads and said they had not.

Conan immediately raised his chin and reasoned about where Qin Zhibo might be now.

After discovering the "popular" Kameda Teruyoshi, Qin Zhibo broke away from the crowd and acted alone.

By the time he and Hattori Heiji finished investigating the engine room of the ship and returned to the restaurant, everyone who refused to obey had returned to their rooms, but Qin Zhibo still had not come back.

After disappearing for such a long time, Qin Zhibo must be investigating a case somewhere.

There is no Qin Zhibo on the lower deck of the ship, so it can only be the side and deck.

Although to investigate the ship's side and deck in the dark, you usually need to borrow a flashlight from the front desk, but Conan remembered that Qin Zhibo never smoked and always carried a lighter with him.

Therefore, Qin Zhibo had no shortage of lighting tools, so he naturally did not borrow a flashlight from the front desk to reveal his whereabouts.

"Sister Xiaolan, Uncle Qin should be on the side of the ship or on the deck."


At this critical moment, Mao Lilan subconsciously believed Conan's extremely serious face.


Seeing his daughter running out with an elementary school student, Mouri Kogoro sighed helplessly and could only follow her.

"Mr. Qin! Mr. Qin!"

"Uncle Qin! Uncle Qin!"

Mao Lilan and Conan anxiously ran back and forth between the side of the ship and the front and rear decks. Since they didn't know where the water point was, they had to use this method.

Mouri Kogoro followed slowly with his hands in his pockets, occasionally shouting symbolically.

An artificial surround sound was made around the ship, and both Mao Lilan and Conan were exhausted.

Mouri Kogoro came over and said helplessly: "That guy is not a three-year-old child. He cannot fall into the water casually."

"In my opinion, he must be hiding somewhere and thinking hard. He wants to solve the case before the police arrive, so as to make a big splash."

When Kogoro Mouri said this, it was not because he disrespected life, but because Kogoro Mouri trusted Qin Zhibo's ability too much.

Although Mouri Kogoro never said a word of approval to this colleague of his own age, in fact, this is Moori Kogoro's own character and habit.

Kogoro Mouri never had any verbal praise for any of his fellow detectives.

But in his heart, Kogoro Mouri still recognized Qin Zhibo's ability as a detective.

After all, Qin Zhibo is the first man so far who can seal his "sleep mode".

As long as Qin Zhibo appears in the case, he does not need to sleep.

For such a man, Mouri Kogoro could not imagine that he would slip and fall into the water.

More importantly, Kogoro Mori was not hit by the "bullet of thought".

Regarding Maori Kogoro's judgment that Qin Zhibo could not fall into the water, Mao Lilan and Conan ignored it, but became more convinced in their hearts.

Conan stepped on the railing with his feet and stuck his head out. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

"Sister Xiaolan! The ship seems to have sailed!"

Since the fire broke out on the ship, the captain gave the order to stop the ship, but I don’t know when the ship started moving again.

Mouri Kogoro was not surprised and said: "Of course the ship will sail. This ship is also responsible for transporting supplies to Ogasawara. It can't always stay at sea."

After Conan's reminder, Mao Lilan reacted immediately and said without hesitation: "I will go to the captain immediately and ask the ship to stop!"

On the Pacific Ocean, Qin Zhibo is practicing "floating on his back".

The so-called floating on your back is to spread your hands and feet as far as possible, raise your pelvis, look straight upward, and let your body float on the water in a large shape.

This method is the most energy-saving floating method. You only need to flap your palms and feet when you are about to fall occasionally, and you can float for a long time.

This is one of the life-saving skills in the water, and it is also one of the swimming skills that Qin Zhibo wholesaled from swimming skills.

The distress signal fired by the flash gun has been sent, and now we are waiting for the ship to return to rescue us.

Of course, if the distress signal is of no use, Qin Zhibo will consider using Plan B, which is magic.

A relatively basic magic among red magic is fire magic, which can create a blazing magic circle even on the water.

This magic circle can be used as an SOS signal for help, or it can be used to directly contact another magician, Koizumi Anko.

Just contact Koizumi Anko and ask Koizumi Anko to fly over on a magic broom to save you.

However, Qin Zhibo cannot contact Koizumi Hongzi immediately because the ship ahead has not gone too far yet.

If I create a red magic circle on the water at this time, I'm afraid I will be in the newspaper tomorrow.

So at least wait for the ship to move away first.

Before that, Qin Zhibo could only float on the sea like a big star.

One of the techniques for floating on your back is to look straight up, without any deviation, otherwise you will sink immediately.

The advantage of this is that Qin Zhibo can always look at the sky and not see the water of the Pacific Ocean.

The disadvantage is that when the sea water flows through Qin Zhibo's body, Qin Zhibo can hear the gurgling sound of the water.

and some indescribable sounds

Thanks to the girl for the 500 reward that time!

This chapter has been completed!
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