Chapter 377 A man named 'Kurosawa Formation'...

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At the front desk of the hotel, Conan grabbed the edge of the counter with both hands and anxiously asked the lady at the front desk about the wine cellar that was not often used. There was also a large fireplace in it.

"wine cellar?"

"Little brother, are you talking about the old hotel that will be renovated in a few days?"

"I once heard someone say that one of the rooms is used as a storage room to store some wine and other goods. It seems to be Room 404."

The young lady who fell under the spell of Conan's question-and-answer skills explained it more carefully, and intuitively told Conan that Haibara Ai was there.

You wait for me!


In the hotel corridor, Conan is running over.

On the other side, Qin Zhibo followed the guidance of the Searching Object Spell and came to the old museum.

The guest rooms in the old building have long been out of use, so there is almost no one in the corridors of the entire building.

In order to save his will points, Qin Zhibo chose to take off the Lord of the Rings first and continue looking for Pisco.

As soon as he took the elevator to the 4th floor, Qin Zhibo saw Kenzo Maoshan push the door and walk into room 404.

After cautiously following to the door of room 404, Qin Zhibo saw a scene that made him furious.

Masuyama Kenzo squatted in front of the weak and feeble Haibara Ai, and spoke in a somewhat mocking tone, pretending to be a good person.

This old guy was so complacent that his eyes were full of astringency and he didn't notice Qin Zhibo coming from behind.

Just like this, the crouching Kenzo Fanshan narrowed his eyes at Haihara Ai who was lying on the ground, while Qin Zhibo was holding a crowbar and standing behind Kenzo Fanshan.

When Qin Zhibo raised his hand, the crowbar slowly climbed to the top of Fanshan Kensan's head.


This muffled sound was the sound of Qin Zhibo hitting someone with a crowbar.

However, Qin Zhibo did not choose to kill, but hit Kenzo Masama on the shoulder blade with a crowbar.

Masuyama Kenzo was an old comrade who was two years older than 69. He couldn't resist the young man's sneak attack and was knocked almost to the point of losing his breath and fell to the ground.

At this time, the breath of Hui Yuan Ai who was lying on the ground was gradually weakening, but his eyelids were still holding on.

In her narrowed vision, she only saw a long and thin object rising to the top of the old man's head, and then falling quickly, and the old man fell to the ground.

After the old man fell, the owner of another pair of leather shoes and black suit pants approached him again.

Due to viewing angle limitations, Haihara Ai could only see so much.

Immediately, Hui Yuan Ai could no longer hold on, his brain lost consciousness, and he closed his eyes completely.

Qin Zhibo walked up to Hui Yuan Ai and took the brown-haired lolita out of the messy pile of clothes, only to find that there was a complete vacuum inside.

The snow-white skin was smeared with mottled blood clots of different sizes, and what could only be seen at a glance were three bloody gunshot wounds.

The teeth in Qin Zhibo's mouth clenched together, and his temples also vibrated.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Qin Zhibo quickly rolled up the messy cleaners' uniforms into a swaddling bag that resembled a baby.

Fortunately, the wounds on Haiyuan Ai's body were not bleeding, but seemed to be clotted, otherwise all this would be pointless.

After wrapping Hui Yuan Ai in his swaddling clothes and holding him in his arms, Qin Zhibo took another look at the children's clothes and MO on the ground.

After hesitating for a second, Qin Zhibo quickly reached down, picked up the child's clothes and stuffed them into the swaddling clothes, and then put the MO into the inner pocket of his suit.

After doing this, Qin Zhibo stepped over Maoshan Kenzo's body and walked calmly towards the door.

As for Kenzo Masuyama, he had already lost consciousness and it was only a matter of time before he was caught by the police.

But just when Qin Zhibo was holding Hui Yuan Ai and walking near the door of the room, two footsteps suddenly came from the corridor.

Accompanying the footsteps was the sound of metal clashing as the gun bolt was pulled.

Qin Zhibo had an idea and immediately put on the magic ring, turning his body into an invisible state, and then quickly walked out of the room with Hui Yuan Ai in his arms to avoid being blocked in the room.

The invisibility mechanism of the Lord of the Rings is such that as long as it is held by Qin Zhibo, it will become invisible with Qin Zhibo after entering the invisibility state.

Currently, Hui Yuan Ai is being held in Qin Zhibo's arms like a baby, and his relationship with Qin Zhibo is one of holding.

If an adult's body is carried behind Qin Zhibo, he will not be able to become invisible together.

When Qin Zhibo walked out of Room 404 with Hui Yuan Ai in his arms, Gin and Vodka were holding pistols and were about to walk into Room 404.

It was at this moment that Gin's eyes suddenly widened and his feet stopped in place.

"What's wrong? Brother?"

Vodka looked at Gin behind him and asked in confusion.

However, Gin did not answer Vodka. Instead, after a second of stalemate, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the side and behind his body.

In the corridor, Gin stared coldly at the air that symbolized nothingness, squinting his eyes slightly, and the murderous intent in his pupils gradually increased.

Qin Zhibo, who was standing on the marble floor, did not move at all. He held Huiyuan Ai in his arms and stared at Gin like a sculpture.

The eyes of the two people collided at the unknown boundary of the world, as if two supernovae collided together.

The two stared at each other's direction for a long time. In the process, Qin Zhibo's eyes lifted slightly and he saw the message floating on the blond hair.


Name: Kurosawa Formation

Sex: Male


Occupation: Horror asshole

Social Credit:100


At this time, Vodka, who first turned his attention to room 404, had already discovered the situation in the room first.

"Brother! Come and take a look!"

The sound of vodka interrupted such a delicate confrontation, and Gin had to walk into the room to handle the tasks assigned by the organization.

Qin Zhibo looked at Gin who was a few meters away and bent down to check the situation of Kenzo Masama. He hugged Haihara Ai and moved his fingers first.

Afterwards, Qin Zhibo hugged Hui Yuan Ai and left quietly.

When Conan rushed to the 4th floor of the old building out of breath, flames were already shooting out of the door of Room 404.

Conan hurried over to check, and saw Kenzo Masayama on the floor of the room where the fire was burning. His big eyes were staring at him, which matched the blood hole on his forehead to form "three eyes".

Pisco is dead!

Conan was instantly shocked and quickly analyzed in his brain that the only person who could possibly kill Pisco was Gin who arrived later.

However, Conan doesn't have time to analyze carefully what caused Pisco to be killed. The top priority is to find Haibara Ai.



Conan shouted twice into the fire, and then immediately booed and listened, but there was no response from inside, only the wooden floor made crackling sounds in the burning alcohol.

Conan glanced around, rushed into the public restroom not far away, took off his jacket, turned on the faucet, wetted the jacket with water and put it on his body.

After making preparations, Conan rushed into the fire scene and quickly searched for traces of Huiyuan.

However, after searching twice, Conan could not see any trace of Haihara Ai.

Not only that, even the organizational computer, MO, that Haihara Ai mentioned during the call has disappeared.

Could it be!

Conan's eyes widened, and based on the situation he had learned so far, he thought of the worst possible outcome.

The smaller Haihara Ai was captured alive by the organization!

It is not unreasonable for Conan to have such an idea, because Haibara Ai is indeed missing now, and Gin's finishing work was very meticulous and not hasty at all, so much so that even a small and inconspicuous object like the MO was taken away.

If Haibara Ai were an adult Miyano Shiho, Gin would definitely execute Miyano Shiho on the spot, because the adult was neither in good health nor could he be taken out when there were police around, and there was no need to take him out.

But if Haiyuan Ai becomes smaller, then the meaning is completely different.

According to Haibara Ai, the organization currently does not know that drug A can make people smaller. If such a situation is discovered, Gin will definitely not just kill such a precious experimental subject.

Moreover, if it is just a child's body, it is very easy to take it out, and it is basically impossible to be discovered.

Therefore, Gin could only catch the smaller Haibara Ai.


Conan crushed his teeth, feeling not only angry but also filled with infinite annoyance and regret.

She regrets that she shouldn't have let Hui Yuan Ai follow her here in the first place.

She regretted that she should not have let Haihara Ai out of her sight outside the venue.


The results on the current world line require infinite causes to be superimposed.

And as many reasons as there are, there is as much regret in Conan's heart.

At this time, a puff of thick smoke choked Conan's mouth and nose, forcing Conan to run out of the fire scene.

After his mind cleared up, Conan believed that the most urgent task now was to contact the remaining people quickly and discuss a countermeasure.

Because the black wave is coming

On the busy street, a Porsche 356A sped past.

The eye-catching red lights of the fire truck hit the dark windows, but only for a moment before they were swallowed up by the arrogant black.

In the passenger seat of the car, Gin was smoking Seven Star cigarettes and summarizing the mission clearly.

"I never like to do things in vain"

"Now that we've seen that face of hers, that smart woman will definitely not stay in this place."

"She has probably left this area and fled for her life elsewhere."

Gin was anticipating Shirley's actions in his mind, and the angle of his mouth raised was the degree of his confidence.

At this time, a sensual female voice came from the back seat.

"Ah~ I didn't expect you to be quite fascinated by that little girl."

"Hmph," Gin snorted coldly, glancing at the woman in the back seat of the car who was fiddling with the dressing mirror in her hand, "I don't know who asked me to support that old man in Pisco, but he actually fell down in the end."

The woman's voice didn't care much and she continued frivolously: "Yes, luckily I covered him up before the policeman interrogated him, and even gave him a handkerchief in the water tank in the employee toilet."

At this time, Gin turned slightly sideways and glanced at the woman who was applying make-up.

"Before he died, in order to increase his chances of survival, the old man told me that he knew the clues to find Shirley and that he had served 'that gentleman' for many years."

"He also told you that you had a pleasant conversation with a strange foreigner at the venue?"


The woman known as "Belmod" closed her makeup mirror lightly, with a charming smile on her face.

"Why are you jealous?"

As soon as Belmod finished speaking, Gin quickly took out his pistol and pointed the black muzzle at Belmod's head.

"Don't think that because you are the person that 'that gentleman' likes, you can do whatever you want. As long as I determine that you are a threat to the organization, I can kill you."

"The response speed of the police in this assassination operation was abnormal. Even though the woman was already imprisoned in Pisco, the police outside still received an anonymous call."

"Maybe it's those tails you brought from the United States."

The intelligence network here at Gin is also very strong. When they just moved out of the old building, they received news that someone made a second anonymous call to the alarm center.

It's just that Gin still has no way of knowing what kind of personal phone calls Officer Megure received.

Before Gin finished speaking, Belmod impatiently moved the muzzle of the gun aside with his hand.

"That man is a third-rate young director from the United States. I just discussed with him on a whim about making a new film in the future."

"Anyway, I will continue to be active as a movie star in the future. Finding some potential directors to make movies will also help organize follow-up actions."

Gin's eyes moved slightly, he snorted coldly, put the pistol back in his pocket, and accepted this explanation.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the eldest brother and eldest sister had somewhat relaxed, Vodka, who was holding the steering wheel, finally dared to speak.

"Are you going back to the United States again this time?"

"No, I don't want to act in any drama just yet."

Belmode took out an Aixi cigarette for women and lit it.

“I plan to enjoy my time in Japan first and figure out the things I have always been worried about.”

Qin Zhibo had already taken a taxi and explained to the driver that his daughter was sick and needed to go to a hospital where she often goes to see a doctor.

When the driver heard this appeal, he glanced at the pitiful little face of the infant, immediately yelled, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Not long after, Qin Hui and his two men were driven back from Cuphu Town to Mihua Town 2-chome.

Qin Zhibo naturally came to the hospital where Aso was born.

Coming to this hospital is a last resort.

After all, Haiyuan Ai suffered a gunshot wound. If he was treated in a large hospital, the doctor would definitely call the police, and the subsequent problems would be very troublesome.

Neither Qin Zhibo nor Hui Yuan Ai wanted to cause this kind of trouble.

Qin Zhibo ran to the hospital door with Hui Yuan Ai in his arms and pressed the doorbell.

After a while, the sound of Aso's solidity came from inside.

"I'm coming!"

When the door opened, the people standing outside were really startled by Aso. They subconsciously stepped back half a step, and the expressions on their faces were a little frightened.

"You, you are."

Qin Zhibo then remembered that he was still wearing a human skin mask, so he quickly tore it off.

Witnessing Qin Zhibo's "torn face" with his own eyes, Aseng was stunned in place and could not calm down for a long time.

Qin Zhibo directly handed Hui Yuan Ai to him and said, "She is injured."

Seeing the injured, Aso's expression immediately turned serious.

This chapter has been completed!
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