Chapter 536 Reliable Organizational Associates

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The dull phone ringing continued in the drawer. Qin Zhibo took a deep breath and took out the phone from the drawer.

"Cough, cough——"

Qin Zhibo cleared his throat, adjusted his voice slightly, and then pressed the answer button.


Qin Zhibo joined the black organization as an American, and he had to use English to communicate with the other party at all times to fit his personality.

"Tonight at 10 o'clock, Longshen Mountain's ninety-nine turns, turn 47."

The person on the other side of the phone also spoke English, but his voice was a little thicker and his sentences were not coherent, giving it a Japanese-style English feel.

Qin Zhibo frowned slightly and recalled the rich voice in his mind. It was Uotsuka Saburo who had a relationship at the Izu Holiday Inn and the Cupido Hotel. The code name in the organization was "Vodka".

As for the time and place he mentioned, it should be the meeting place tonight.

"Okay, Igotit."

Qin Zhibo replied simply, and the other party quickly hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhibo breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that he would talk a lot on the first phone call, but he didn't expect it to be so simple. He only had two lines.

However, from Uozuka Saburo's spoken pronunciation of "vodka", Qin Zhibo could tell that his English level was only adequate for communication, and was completely incomparable with Kudo Shinichi, a high school student.

This makes Qin Zhibo somewhat reassured, because strictly speaking, the fact that he can only speak English is a layer of protection for him.

If the other party's English proficiency is average, he will definitely not communicate with you too much and will have less opportunities to speak, which is conducive to hiding his identity. He may even relax his vigilance and communicate some secret content in Japanese in front of you.

A typical representative of this type of character is Sharon Wynyard, whom she once met in the Cupido Hotel. She could clearly communicate with Gin on the phone in Japanese and reveal the trends of the police and the Internet, but she pretended that she did not know Japanese.

But the meeting at night still made Qin Zhibo a little worried.

I checked the location of the joint on the map. Ryuken Mountain is located in the outer suburbs of Tokyo. It is a good place to kill people and dump their bodies.

But now, I have to bite the bullet.

At 9:00 p.m., Qin Zhibo put on the "Michael Bay" human skin mask and changed into a low-key and easy-to-movement black outfit. He first walked to the Mihua Hotel, and then took a taxi to Longshen Mountain.

Entering the mountainous area of ​​Longshen Mountain, Qin Zhibo counted the number of big turns in his mind. When he reached the 40th bend, Qin Zhibo proposed to stop.

The driver kindly reminded him that there was no village in the front and no store in the back, but Qin Zhibo waved his hand in refusal, so the driver could only place Qin Zhibo on the side of the desolate road.

When we got here, it was already 9:40 pm.

Qin Zhibo quietly put on the magic extractor, recalled Gin's highly recognizable appearance in his mind, and immediately got feedback in his brain.

Facing the direction of this hillside, Qin Zhibo subconsciously looked up.

Beside the iron fence on the hillside in the distance, a Porsche 356A was parked on the roadside.

Gin was sitting in the car smoking silently, while Vodka beside him was holding a telescope to look into the wind and observe what was going on down the mountain.


"Brother, it seems that guy is here."

Gin put out the cigarette he had just lit, walked out of the car calmly, and took the binoculars from Vodka.

On the winding mountain road, two symmetrical headlights hovered on the dark curves. Judging from the color of the taxi, it was a taxi.

"That guy was quite cautious. He took a taxi. He was probably afraid that we would write down the license plate number and find out where he lived, right?"

Vodka on the side was holding a newly brought telescope from the car and analyzing with a grin on his face.

Gin glanced at the vodka next to him and did not make any comment on this analysis.

In fact, Gin had been making various preparations since he received an order from "that lord" three days ago, saying that an organization accomplice was coming from the United States.

In the past three days, I flew from all over the United States to Japan and arranged a vodka check. Although there were many foreigners involved, there was no one named "Michael Bay".

Not only that, but among the new guest lists of major hotels in Tokyo, the American "Michael Bay" is not among them.

This method is not unfamiliar to Gin, because if it were Gin himself, he would definitely not leave his identity information in the international flight system, especially the check-in information.

However, this has led to another problem, that is, this "organization associate" has sneaked into Tokyo like a "ghost", and even I can't grasp his whereabouts.

Gin hated secrecy, especially secrecy that affected him personally.

But "that adult" has warned that the source of this "organization associate" is very reliable, and he is the most reliable associate that can be harvested when the organization is currently being targeted by many rats.

The growth of an organization is inseparable from talent building, but during the talent building process, there will always be some traitors within the organization.

Moreover, the organization's growing size has also attracted the investigation agencies of various countries to focus on this behemoth, and a large number of squeaking "rats" are heading straight for the "elephant" of the organization.

The consequence of this situation is that eight out of ten organization members recruited in the name of the organization are undercover agents sent by investigation agencies from various countries.

Who can stand this?

However, this "organization associate" from the United States is special. "The adult" said that the place where he comes from has not been targeted by any investigation agency because the "supplier" channel is relatively safe, so he cannot be a "rat"


Therefore, Gin could only tolerate the other party's secrecy for the time being and see what happens next.

After all, loyalty is hard to buy these days.

Except vodka.

On the winding mountain road, the taxi suddenly stopped before a bend, and a blond foreign face got out of the car.

"It should be him, brother." Vodka expressed his judgment.

Gin kept silent and continued to observe every move of this "organized associate" with his binoculars.

After the man named "Michael Bay" got out of the car, he calmly took out a glove from his pocket and put it on his hand.

Suddenly, the man raised his head and looked straight at his position on the hillside.

Through the telescope, there was no trace of confusion in the man's eyes, as if he and Gin were looking at each other from a distance of thousands of meters.

If your domineering power leaks out, you are seeking death!


The two stared at each other for two seconds, then the man looked away and continued walking up the winding mountain road.

Gin narrowed his eyes slightly and put down the telescope. Vodka on the side quickly took the telescope that his elder brother had left idle.

Qin Zhibo, who was at the foot of the hillside, turned on his night vision goggles and telescope at the same time. With the help of his vision, he saw two dark figures standing by the fence on the hillside, as well as a total of four small bright spots on their faces.

Looks like gin and vodka

This chapter has been completed!
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