Chapter 642 Cool kid

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In the game arcade.

As a bystander, Conan watched Shimizu Takayasu defend himself without wavering at all. Instead, he strengthened his thoughts and showed his eyes that he had already seen through everything.

This man is the murderer.

In fact, before the police arrived, Conan investigated the body of Shimizu Takaho.

The deceased looked like he was suffocated, but there were no signs of a rope being strangled around his neck, so he most likely died from poisoning.

But this time there was no bitter almond taste in the deceased's mouth, indicating that the murderer did not use cyanide, which is popular among popcorn people.

new poison

This is a challenge for Conan.

However, it is almost certain that the murderer is "Lucas Cupido", because he was the only man who had been close to the deceased before, and Qin Zhibo, who had super powers of observation, had also been watching him.

Qin Zhibo must have seen something.

Conan glanced at Qin Zhibo, who was chatting with Officer Memu.

"I think it may have been poisoning, and I suggest that it be sent for a judicial autopsy to determine the cause of death first."

Mumu, who is used to being taught how to do things by others, nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's send the body away first."

Although the investigation of Qin Zhibo's body has determined that he was poisoned, the specific poison is unclear.

As for other investigation points, Qin Zhibo also investigated them all before the police arrived.

There was only one investigation point on the body of the yellow-haired man, which was a pinhole on the inside of the corpse's right arm.

Those were probably traces of someone injecting poison. Since he was wearing a sleeveless vest, this was easy to spot.

Read the book

As for the murderer, it is obviously "Lucas Acupido" - Takayasu Shimizu.

Before the yellow-haired man died, he was the only one who approached the yellow-haired man from the right and had the opportunity to inject poison.

At that time, Shimizu Takayasu always had his back facing him. Although he couldn't see any small movements, his other hand was indeed groping for something in his pocket.

Coincidentally, this game arcade has surveillance cameras that are rare to see in a thousand years.

"Officer Megure, look!"

Qin Zhibo pointed to the camera in the corner of the ceiling, and Mu Mu looked up, with an expression of joy on his face.

"It's a security camera! It's really rare!"

Takagi Wataru also asked the store clerk whether all the scenes captured by the camera were recorded.

After getting a nod from the store clerk, everyone went to the surveillance room to check the video.

Soon, the scene of Shimizu Takaho approaching the yellow-haired man appeared on the surveillance screen.

With the video as evidence, Shimizu Takayasu cannot deny it.

"Hey, hey."

"I did approach him, but I just wanted to change seats with him, but he didn't answer me, so I walked away."

"Why did you change seats with him?" Officer Megure asked.

Shimizu Takaho shook his arm, "It's not because of anything else, it's because this guy has beaten me several times in a row in that seat before. Of course I want to sit in his seat and see what the difference is."

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko also nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, when Xiaolan was sitting in that seat before, he even chased her away, saying that it was his throne. I was really angry at that time."

Although Suzuki Sonoko said this, she was still very happy that the yellow-haired man had taken over Mao Lilan's position, and she had a firm idea in her heart.

Never play game consoles in public in the future, it is too dangerous!

At this time, the store clerk stepped forward and quickly explained: "I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with that machine!"

"Yeah." Although Officer Megure nodded, seemingly agreeing with the clerk's statement, he turned around and said to his subordinate Takagi Wataru: "Call the manufacturer of the game console to send staff to confirm."

Seeing that Mu Mu's investigation was going astray, Qin Zhibo couldn't stand it anymore and quickly corrected it.

"Officer Megure, shouldn't we first investigate whether this person has any poison on him?"

"After all, he was the last person the deceased came into contact with during his lifetime."

After Qin Zhibo said this, Officer Mu Mu suddenly realized and quickly turned his gun to aim at Zhishui Gaobao.

"Sir, if you don't mind, could you let us search you?"

Although the content of Officer Megure's words was relatively polite, his eyes were stern and he simply could not refuse.

Shimizu Takabao was startled for a moment, then helplessly spread his palms, "Okay, you can search whatever you want."

While Zhishui Gaobao was being taken away for a body search, Qin Zhibo looked at the surveillance camera carefully.

After he whispered to the yellow-haired man and left, Qin Zhibo's attention was focused on the yellow-haired man and did not see his next actions.

However, the surveillance footage has revealed everything about him clearly.

On the screen, Takaho Shimizu took a few steps towards another game console and suddenly squatted down.

Judging from the surveillance, his gesture was to pick something up, but it might also be to put something down.

Because the surveillance cameras of this era did not have high pixels, it was difficult to see clearly what he was holding.

Since he let the police search him so readily, he must have disposed of the poison.

The only chance to get rid of the poison should be this, because he had already discovered the death of the yellow-haired man and was keeping an eye on his movements.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhibo left the game center office and returned to the game hall.

Conan saw Qin Zhibo take action, although he tried his best to stop himself from doing the same thing as Qin Zhibo, otherwise he would always be led by the nose.

However, a creature named "Scheming Frog" caressed his belly, and Conan couldn't restrain his restless heart and followed him out.

Due to the fatal accident, Qin Zhibo immediately called the police and blocked the scene. At this moment, more than 30 customers were stranded in the game hall.

I came here happily to play games, but suddenly a fatal accident occurred, and I was detained as a suspect because of it. Anyone would be dissatisfied.

"It's really unlucky that something like this happened to me. I will never come to this store again."

"Yeah yeah."

When Conan's passive skills are activated, as long as the business place he visits is, the sales will drop rapidly, and in severe cases, it may even go bankrupt.

But sooner or later, this will bottom out, because one day, when Conan's footprints are all over the streets and alleys of Tokyo, people will find that there is no "pure land" where death has not happened.

"You are not unlucky, but I am the most unlucky."

"I don't know some unscrupulous guy who threw chewing gum wrapped with cigarette butts on the ground. I just happened to step on it and couldn't clean it up at all."

"I just bought new shoes!"

When Qin Zhibo heard this, he looked around and saw that the light at the investigation point was fleeting.

this means..

Qin Zhibo hurried over and asked: "Excuse me, did you step on the chewing gum and cigarette butt just now, was it in front of the big screen?"

Qin Zhibo pointed to the spot where Zhishui Gaobao had squatted just now.

The passerby customer nodded, "Yes, how did you know?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Zhibo immediately understood that there was something going on and continued to ask: "What about the chewing gum and cigarette butts? Where did you throw them?"

"That trash can over there, I threw it there."

Upon hearing this, Qin Zhibo and Conan, who was watching, immediately ran to the trash can.

Open the lid of the bucket, and there is a bright investigation point lying at the bottom of the dark bucket.

In the distance, Judy was leaning on the corner, looking at Qin Zhibo - his investigation partner, Conan - with interest.

This kid is kind of cool…

Cool kid…

This chapter has been completed!
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