Chapter 667 Attack from Voodoo Curse

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"My younger brother, in order to distinguish himself from me, even cut his hair into an inch."

"When you go to Kanagawa Prefecture, you might be able to meet him."

The hypothesis put forward by Henggou Zhenshu is very good, and it also gave Conan some inspiration.

It's possible that they just look alike, or as Henggou said, the other person is a twin brother.

After listening to Henggou's guess, Mao Lilan felt that it made some sense and got some comfort in her heart.

Since it was a case that had already occurred, there was no need for Henggou Sengo to ask, and he went directly to call Officer Megure to inquire about the situation.

But it didn’t take long for Henggou to get some “exciting” news.

"What! The body is missing!"

"is this real?"

"Well, I understand. Then please let me know when you find clues."

Henggou Shenwu hung up the phone and said to Xiaolan with a serious face: "Xiaolan, the body of the person you mentioned is missing."

Hearing this, Mao Lilan looked horrified, and Conan's eyes also changed slightly.

After the last arcade case ended, the two people were attracted by the sudden death of Shimizu Takaho, and did not hear Megure receiving a call that the body was missing.

"Now the Tokyo police are working hard to find the body and the person who stole the body. They will tell us as soon as they have clues."

"By the way, Officer Memu said that the deceased did not have a twin brother."

Henggou Zhenwu informed Mao Lilan of this news, which made Mao Lilan, who was already timid, even more frightened, and moved her body involuntarily closer to Qin Zhibo.

When the missing body and the identical murderer are stitched together, a horrifying truth will emerge.

The truth is

"Uncle policeman, could it be that someone stole the body and then reshaped it to look like the body? This way he could disguise his true identity and interfere with the police investigation."

Conan innocently proposed a not-so-cute hypothesis.

After listening to Conan's idea, Henggou held his chin in his hand and thought for a moment, and felt that it made sense.

The murderers in this world always like to use various techniques to make their murders appear to be mythical or bizarre.

But now that we are about to enter the 21st century, it is impossible for police officers who pay attention to scientific handling of cases to regard strange forces and chaos as their closing arguments.

Even if there is no conclusive evidence, there must be a common sense explanation.

And this explanation proposed by Conan is exactly a common sense explanation.

Maybe someone is using the identity of a dead person to commit crimes, in order to cover up their true motives.

At this time, as a police officer, we cannot be in a state of disarray.

Henggou made up his mind and began to interrogate the people in the villa. The main question was whether President Majiao had any enemies.

This question brings up a lot of melons.

The vice president has been bullied by President Majima for a long time. If his work performance is not good, he will be scolded.

The president's secretary had previously borrowed several million yen from President Majima for some matters, but the interest rate was as high as loan sharks. The secretary who could not repay the money could only work as a free worker.

Housekeeper Ayaka Honjo, formerly known as Tanuma Ayaka, her father was the driver of the former president, and she lurked into the house in order to investigate the cause of her father's death.

There is also Kinoshita Tomonori. From the name Kinoshita Furniture, you can tell that this company should have been his.

It was President Majima who took the opportunity to seize power after the death of the previous president in a car accident. As a result, Kinoshita Tomonori can only receive dividends from the company's shares and has no management rights.

"But I am not good at running a company. President Majiao can help manage the company, so I have no dissatisfaction."

"This way I can travel abroad with peace of mind."

Kinoshita Satoshi expressed that he only wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so Henggou Sengo listed him as a lower-level suspect.

This president has everyone around him who is his enemy, yet he still dares to sleep?

How can you sleep in a situation like this (reprimand)!

Qin Zhibo complained secretly in his heart, but then he thought about it, which president he met before didn't have some enemies around him.

These days, few enemies are too embarrassed to be president.

However, this time the murderer was obviously an outsider, and was most likely the work of a resurrected corpse.

Thinking in his mind, Qin Zhibo glanced at Conan, who was thinking with his chin raised.

Qin Zhibo guessed that Conan might still be thinking in the direction of someone paying to kill someone.

Conan didn't know about the existence of resurrected corpses.

Conan should be a materialist. He will believe in the existence of matter that he sees, but will not easily believe in what he does not see.

For example, Conan may believe the "flying skeletons" and "MI-GO corpses" that he controlled before.

But without seeing the resurrected corpse with his own eyes or other evidence, Conan would definitely not believe its existence.

In fact, Qin Zhibo was also thinking that someone hired a murderer to kill someone, but instead of buying it with money, he used "the curse of the dead".

The Curse of the Dead specializes in avenging others, and its methods of revenge are all weird.

According to the previous routine, as long as you can find out who is using the "Curse of the Dead", this person will suddenly die inexplicably. In fact, he will be silenced and the clues will be interrupted.

In addition, this case is different from previous cases. The murderer did not do it himself, but sent an outsider - a resurrected corpse to divert the police's investigation direction.

As for the rooms of these enemies, Qin Zhibo also took a look and found no investigation points.

So, I had to give up this time.

At dawn, the police withdrew from the villa.

Next, Henggou Sengo prepared to send a large number of search personnel to search the mountain and establish control at various stations in Shizuoka Prefecture.

In addition, since there was a possibility of hiring a murderer to kill someone, Henggou Shenwu planned to go to the bank to investigate the fund movements in the accounts of everyone in the villa to see if there were any suspicious fund expenditures.

But in Qin Zhibo's view, these may be useless efforts.

At noon, Qin Zhibo, Mao Lilan and Conan said goodbye to everyone in the villa and embarked on the road back to Tokyo.

A red Mustang convertible drives through the mountains.

In the driver's seat, Qin Zhibo, who was driving, suddenly asked: "Conan, do you believe it is impossible for crime to happen in this world?"

Conan was startled by this sudden question and glanced at Mao Lilan next to him with concern.

Don't ask this kind of question at this time.

In front of Mao Lilan, Conan showed an innocent smile and replied in a childlike voice: "Uncle Mao Li said that there is no impossible crime in this world."

"Oh" Qin Zhibo nodded, "What do you think about Conan?"


For a moment, Conan, who was between science, science, and science, couldn't think of how to answer.

However, at this moment, Qin Zhibo felt his heart tremble suddenly.

[Under attack from the voodoo curse, physical fitness is declining]

This chapter has been completed!
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