Chapter 742 Dr. A Li reconnects...

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"The next-generation fully stealth virtual game console 'Cocoon' is jointly developed and owned by the American software company Syndora and Japanese manufacturers"

On the TV, Mizuno Reina recited something that Qin Zhibo had known for a long time, some basic information about the game console "Cocoon".

It seems that Sindora Company has overcome all difficulties and held a press conference in Japan as originally planned.

The last time the world's first press conference was held in Boston, a person died during the game experience session, causing the press conference to be terminated.

Although the death was not caused by the game console, various negative news has continued to ferment in the United States, and it is no longer possible to hold a second press conference in the United States as a remedy.

In addition, the development of "Cocoon" was developed with technology provided by Syndora Corporation and the Suzuki Consortium injected funds behind it, so the location of the second press conference was naturally chosen in Japan.

Judging from the news, the press conference will be held this weekend.

I don’t know exactly which weekend it is, but it’s this week anyway.

The location is at the Mihua Municipal Building.

Sure enough, the center of this world is rice cakes

Thinking in his mind, Qin Zhibo took out the badge from the last Boston press conference from the drawer and played with it.

According to the compensation mechanism proposed by Chairman Sindora, those who experienced the game at the last press conference can also obtain the exact same experience qualifications at the Japanese press conference.

In other words, this old ticket can still board his passenger ship.

However, although Chairman Sindora tried his best to clarify that the death was not caused by the "cocoon", when it came time to register for the second time, most of the wealthy people who had lingering fears did not dare to experience the "cocoon" again.

In fact, it was not the vast majority, only Qin Zhibo quietly registered for the second time.

Of course, since Qin Zhibo’s experience qualification originally belonged to antique dealer Carl Sanford, the identity he registered for the second time was also Carl.

After playing with the delicate badge for a while, Qin Zhibo put the badge back into the drawer and picked up the phone.

Now that the news of "Cocoon"'s press conference has come out, it means that the bugs in the game have also been fixed.

Then Dr. Ali went to the United States to fix bugs.

I picked up the phone and dialed Dr. A Li's number. After waiting for a while, the other person answered the phone.

"Dr. Ali? Have you come back from the United States?"

"Yes." Dr. A Li's hearty voice came from the other side, "I am in Japan now and just got off the plane."

Sure enough, as Qin Zhibo guessed, Dr. Ali's return was in sync with the Mihua news.

"Do you need me to drive to pick you up?" Qin Zhibo asked again.

"No need, I've already got in the car and will be arriving at Miwa Town soon."

"Then we'll meet at your house later?"

"Ah?" Dr. Ali hesitated for a moment.

Qin Zhibo heard Dr. Ali's hesitation and asked: "Is there a problem? Or is it inconvenient?"

"Ah, it's not inconvenient, just come and do it."

After hanging up the phone, Dr. Ali, who had just put his suitcase in the taxi, looked sad.

Although it is said to be convenient, it is actually not very convenient.

Before boarding the plane in the United States, Dr. Agasa called Hattori Heiji and asked him to gather at his home when the plane landed.

During this period of time when he left Japan and traveled to the United States, Dr. Ari was most worried about two people.

One is Haibara Ai, and the other is Conan.

Needless to say, Haiyuan Ai is mainly worried that Haiyuan Ai and Dr. Chengshi won't get along well. After all, Haiyuan Ai is a talented girl with quite a personality, and most people can't hold her.

The other Conan is a black PTSD patient. He gets impulsive when he sees people wearing black clothes. When he encounters clues from the organization, he will pursue them at all costs.

While fixing bugs in the United States, Dr. Ali heard something from Conan during the phone call.

Someone stole the case information from the National Police Agency, which mainly involved cases handled by Kogoro Mori and Qin Zhibo.

Although the information was quickly returned, there was no doubt that someone was secretly investigating Kogoro Mori and Qin Zhibo.

Conan was on the phone, suspecting that this matter might have been done by a black organization.

Needless to say, Mouri Kogoro is a detective who directly takes in a person who has become smaller.

Qin Zhibo was the one who picked up Hui Yuan Ai in the first place, and he was also a detective who was often active in this circle, so it was normal for him to be investigated.

Not only that, during the time when Dr. Ali was away, Haibara Ai also felt the presence of organization members around her again and again.

As a result, it seems that the survival situation of the shrunken people has become very critical, and the minions of the black organization have locked onto Miwa Town.

When Dr. Agasa wanted to continue to ask Conan about his thoughts and what to do next, Conan prevaricated again and said that he would let Dr. Agasa fix the bug in the United States with peace of mind and not let down Kudo's father's recommendation.

How can Dr. Ali feel at ease?

So Dr. Agas rushed back to Japan as soon as the bug was fixed, and called Hattori Heiji over to discuss countermeasures together.

As one of the few people who knew Conan's identity, Hattori Heiji also knew about the black organization, and even when he knew his life was in danger, he would support his good brother.

With the help of Hattori Heiji, I believe Conan will let go of all his ideas.

Dr. A Li had planned this in his heart, but he didn't expect Qin Zhibo to come over suddenly, and he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

But why did Qin Zhibo suddenly want to find him?

Zhibo Detective Agency, third floor.

Pushing open the door of the room with the magic circle of the All-Union, Qin Zhibo walked to the corner of the room and picked up a box.

The inner lining of the box is made of lead, which Qin Zhibo spent more than 10,000 yen to find in a medieval market.

This thing was originally designed to store those precious uranium glasses.

But Qin Zhibo bought it because he wanted to store the ore brought from the Mi-Go mining area.

When he was on a mission to kill Mi-Go near Suidu Villa, Qin Zhibo brought out a piece of ore from the mining area.

Regardless of the size of this ore, and the fact that Mi-Go had always carried it with him, Qin Zhibo suspected that this was the ore that the Mi-Go family wanted to mine on earth.

So Qin Zhibo used the characteristics of [Fear in a Bottle] to bring the ore back, and wanted Dr. A Li, who has many scientific skills, to study it.

However, while waiting for Dr. Ali to return, Qin Zhibo briefly studied the ore himself.

Although it was research, it was actually just using a Geiger counter to detect radiation.

Radiation does exist. Although it is a trace amount of radiation, if it is stored directly in the air, it will be harmful to the body in the long run.

For this reason, Qin Zhibo bought this radiation-proof box.

This time I went to see Dr. Ali because I wanted to give the ore to Dr. Ali and ask him to help him research it.

If Dr. Ali can thoroughly study this thing, he might be able to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

After all, Mi-Go's scientific level is much better than that of the entire human race.

Qin Zhibo stretched out his right hand, and [Fear in a Bottle] slowly materialized in his palm.

Although there is a radiation-proof box, due to some psychological reasons, Qin Zhibo usually puts things in the props bar.

Inside the bottle of fear is a half-full bottle of Pacific Ocean water.

The ore was immersed in the slightly turbid sea water and was just big enough to be held in the palm of the hand.

Pour the contents of the brown bottle into the plastic basin, pick up the ore with a clamp, put it into the radiation protection box, and quickly buckle it.

Looking at the seawater in the plastic basin, it is obvious that it has been contaminated by radioactive substances.

anything else?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Zhibo poured the seawater back into [Fear in a Bottle].

After all, if you go to the sea areas around Japan and refill it with seawater, you will still get seawater with radiation.

After doing this, Qin Zhibo put away the system props, picked up the box, and returned to the office area on the second floor.

Toru Amuro, who was on the second floor, came to the office on time to check in, but found that Qin Zhibo was not there.

Just as he was wondering if there was any urgent task, Qin Zhibo came down from the third floor.

"Good morning, Xiao An."

"good morning teacher."

As soon as Toru Amuro glanced at it, his sight fell on the box in Qin Zhibo's hand.

The quaint leather box looks a bit old.

What's inside?

"Teacher, what you are holding is..."

Toru Amuro did not hide his thoughts. After all, being curious at this time is a normal human reaction.

Not daring to ask directly would show a guilty conscience.

Qin Zhibo smiled slightly and replied: "I said it was a bomb."

Toru Amuro:Σ(゜ロ゜;)

Qin Zhibo: "Do you believe it?"

Toru Amuro: "."

Qin Zhibo placed the box on the table and opened it. Toru Amuro hurried over to take a look, only to find that it was a gray stone.

Before Amuro could ask, Qin Zhibo took the initiative to explain: "This is a strange stone that has not been carved yet."

"Ki-shi?" Amuro Toru's tone was a bit puzzled.

"Yes." Qin Zhibo nodded and closed the box again, "I'm going to take it to an expert to take a look at it now. You can look after the office."

After saying that, Qin Zhibo took the box and left.

Toru Amuro stood there blankly, looking at Qin Zhibo's leaving figure outside the door.

Although the strange stone just now looks ordinary from the outside.

But the inner material of the box containing the "strange stones" seems to be metallic lead.

Although Toru Amuro was curious about who Qin Zhibo was going to meet, he didn't dare to follow him directly.

If discovered, then.

Helpless, Toru Amuro could only stay in the office honestly.

At this moment, Toru Amuro suddenly noticed something.

Where has the silver disk that hung behind the office door gone?

I drove to Yoneka Town 2-chome and stood in front of Dr. Agasa's house.

Although it has only been a week, the courtyard wall of Dr. Ali's house is already covered with green plants.

The ivy with its teeth and claws splayed out from the inside of the courtyard wall, and some of it was exposed outside.



I pressed the bell next to the iron fence twice, but there was no response, which meant that Dr. A Li had not returned yet.

There was no other way, Qin Zhibo could only sit back in the car and wait.

While waiting, Qin Zhibo looked at the "haunted house" next to Dr. Ali's house, Kudo House.

While Dr. Agasa's house only had some ivy growing on the walls, almost the entire house of Kudo's house was covered in ivy.

Although the greening looks good and poetic, it does great harm to the building itself.

Over time, it is not impossible for the weight of the ivy to collapse the building.

Although Mao Lilan would occasionally come to clean the inside of Kudo's house, it seemed that Conan deliberately did not let Mao Lilan take care of the ivy outside.

This is to allow the black organization to judge from the abandoned Kudo house that Kudo Shinichi is completely dead, and to create some confusion.

However, it is a pity that such a luxurious house has been empty and unoccupied for such a long time, and no one has repaired it.

Do you want to find a way to talk to Conan and let Amuro come and live through it?

Toru Amuro rents an apartment in the nearby Rice Flower 1-chome. If he is allowed to live in this big house, he can also provide benefits to his employees.

On the other hand, Toru Amuro is also a member of the organization. Nothing can confuse the organization more than letting members of the organization come to live in the house.

Kudo Shinichi is dead. As a member of the organization, embezzling the deceased's property is an immoral thing that is perfectly reasonable for the organization.

Just when Qin Zhibo was having wild thoughts, the noise of cars suddenly sounded in the quiet street.

When I turned around, I saw a taxi driving over, stopping right in front of Kudo's house.

A dark-skinned young man got out of the car and thanked the driver in a strange Osaka accent.

Khaki pants and a blue shirt, with personal information floating on his head.

Name: Hattori Heiji.

When Hattori Heiji was sitting in a taxi, he saw a stylish red convertible parked in front of Dr. Agasa's house.

Finally, when I got out of the car and took a closer look, I realized it was Qin Zhibo who I hadn't seen for a long time.

The two looked at each other, both surprised that the other one appeared here.

Hattori Heiji: Is he also included in the combat meeting against the black organization? When did this uncle join the organization?

Qin Zhibo: Osaka Black Chicken comes to Conan again?

Although the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, they couldn't pretend not to know each other, so they greeted each other.

"Hey! Long time no see, uncle."

"You too, Osaka boy, what are you doing in Tokyo?"

Qin Zhibo hit a straight ball and directly asked the question first, catching Hattori Heiji off guard.

"Ah~ Actually, I'm here to find a job, Conan."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hattori Heiji realized that he had said the wrong thing.

This is the Kudo family, why are you looking for Conan?

Fortunately, Qin Zhibo didn't care about these minor problems.

"Come to see Conan, is there something wrong?"

"A hotel is about to open in Osaka, and I want to invite Kudo. Oh no, it's the Mori family to attend the opening reception!"

For some reason, when faced with Qin Zhibo's inquiry, Hattori Heiji's brain subconsciously revealed another purpose of coming to Tokyo this time.

However, it is better to state this purpose than to say that you are here to hold a war meeting.

When he heard that Conan was going to attend the opening ceremony of the hotel, Qin Zhibo's ears trembled as if they were triggered by some indescribable keyword.

There are places where Conan appears.

Want to go

"Then look at me, uncle. Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Zhibo glanced over, obviously recommending himself.

Hattori Heiji looked at Qin Zhibo, thinking about the possibility of letting Qin Zhibo participate.

Although the hotel's opening reception theoretically has a limited number of places, there are actually not that many rules. As long as celebrities with status can participate, they can be introduced.

After all, the opening of a hotel is all about publicity and the more celebrities the better.

If Qin Zhibo also participates, what if

If a case happens, I can take the opportunity to avenge the last Didan High School garden party.

In fact, it’s not just the Didan High School Garden Party, but also the Spider Mansion Incident, Sherlock Holmes’ Journey, and the Memory Egg Incident...

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji immediately had a kind smile on his face.

"No problem! Uncle!"

“Welcome to Osaka!”

This chapter has been completed!
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