Chapter 756 Give it away! Let him continue to give it away!

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On Gin's side, he was conscientiously guarding his post.

More than an hour has passed since it got dark, and the road is still extremely quiet.

Faced with this situation, even Gin, who had always been calm and collected, couldn't help but frown, feeling doubtful in his heart.

Is Michael really going to disobey his own orders?

He shouldn't be that stupid, right?

All of Gin's previous assumptions were based on the fact that the other party was a smart person and understood that cooperation with him was the only way.

What if "that lord's" cronies are actually not that smart?

Gin's brain was sorting out his thoughts while staring at the forest.

Suddenly, Gin's eyes widened slightly, his pupils dilated and he stared at the forest carefully.

I saw beams of light scattered in the originally dark forest. Although they were weak, they were very strange.

Gin quickly took out his telescope and pointed it in the direction of the forest.

In the field of view of the telescope, figures holding flashlights were gradually searching towards the edge of the forest.

It's the police!

Gin's eyes widened, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted inside.

"Vodka, there's a note coming!"

"Quickly retreat!"

Vodka on the other side of the intercom woke up from his seat and immediately looked around nervously.

At this time, Gin Jiu had decisively started the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the distance.

It's normal for Gin to react like this, after all, Numabuchi escaped from the organization.

Although he spoke softly, he definitely told the police about "someone above him".

At the place where Numa Yuan escaped, there was a car parked on such a quiet street, which inevitably led the police to suspect that someone was actually trying to pick him up.

On the contrary, this confirmed Miichiro Numabuchi's words and exposed the existence of the organization.

So Gin reacted very quickly and immediately decided to give up his plan and take the overall situation into consideration.

By the time the police officers searched the area, there was nothing on the asphalt road.

"They all came out of the forest, but we haven't found the marsh yet."

"Did Detective Mori really say that?"

Unable to find Numa Yuan, the bald old policeman looked at Conan with suspicion.

Conan, who was used to falsely conveying imperial edicts, didn't care at all, and directly asked Haiyuan Ai anxiously: "How do you feel now?"

"Yeah," Haiyuan Ai groaned, "It seems like that feeling suddenly disappeared."

Conan frowned, glanced at the empty road, and immediately ran to one side of the road.

After searching around the side of the road, Conan didn't find anything like cigarette butts, but he did find some water droplets dripping from the ground.

Judging from the shape of the water droplets, it looks like it is dripping from the height of the car's exhaust pipe.

In addition, the water stains have not completely dried up, indicating that a car was parked here just now.

At this time, Dr. Ali and others, who were not running fast, also chased over and asked what was going on.

Conan glanced at Haiyuan Ai and told him the truth.

"There was a car parked here just now, but it shouldn't be Miichiro Numabuchi."

"Because this car has been waiting here for a while, condensed water vapor will drip from the exhaust pipe."

Dr. Ali's expression tightened and he asked worriedly: "Then is this car?"

Conan frowned and said seriously: "Yes, it should be them."

At this moment, the majestic figures of gin and vodka appeared in Conan's mind.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the marks on the ground and remained silent.

At this time, the two little ones on the side didn't understand and quickly asked what the Riddlers were talking about.

"Did Mitsuhiko be picked up by someone?" Ayumi looked worried.

Conan quickly smiled and comforted him, "It's okay. Mitsuhiko must have gotten lost in the forest. Let's go back and find him!"

"Look, the police officers are going back to search!"

After Conan changed the subject, the two little birds gave up pursuing the car and instead followed the police who were preparing to return to the forest.

Conan walked at the back, still thinking gloomily.

According to Haibara Ai, Numabuchi Miichiro should be an abandoned son of the organization, and has been sentenced to death and will soon die.

Gin and Vodka would actually risk being discovered by the police and appear in Gunma Prefecture for such a person.

Could it be that there are any major secrets hidden in Ma Yuan?

This time, Conan was even more determined to capture Marsh Abyss.

Haiyuan Ai, who was walking next to him, looked at Conan's profile and saw the little thoughts in his head.


A few English letters suddenly popped out of Haiyuan Ai's mouth, causing Conan to turn his eyes and ask indifferently: "What are you talking about?"

"New Potential Laboratory, New Potential Laboratory."

"Abbreviated as 'NPL', this is the tissue laboratory where Miichiro Numabuchi lived before he was abandoned by the organization."

Conan looked incredulous, and after a moment he hurriedly asked: "Have you ever been to that place?"

Hui Yuarai shook his head lightly, "No, I've only heard of it."

"A scientist once came to the laboratory where I was working, and he mentioned to me that there is such a research department in the organization."

"This department conducts all kinds of experiments that go beyond the realm of normal science, and that's where the real craziness gets."

"In comparison, the development of drug A that I conducted is just outside the field of pediatrics."

Conan listened to the secrets from Haiyuan Ai's mouth, and the shock on his face was not concealed at all.

This was the first time he heard Haiyuan Ai say these things.

Conan had always thought that the research undertaken by talented girls like Haibara Ai, whom the organization spent time and money to cultivate, was already the most important part of the organization.

But I didn't expect that there was even more important research.

"Where is the 'NPL' you mentioned?" Conan subconsciously began to ask for clues.

Although the research institute where Haibara Ai worked was disposed of by the organization, the "NPL" should still be there.

This is an important clue to trace the organization!

However, Haihara Ai had long expected that Conan would ask this question, so he answered directly: "I don't know about this either."

"Not only do I not know, but the scientist who told me about it also doesn't know. Even the country where the laboratory is located is an unsolved mystery."

"The security level there is very high. Once scientists enter, it is almost impossible to get out."

In contrast, even though Haibara Ai was monitored 24 hours a day at the Organization Research Institute, he could still apply for opportunities to go out.

Conan frowned, "But that scientist you mentioned, why did he come out?"

"Because he is also an abandoned son." Hui Yuan Ai explained calmly.

"The organization may have thought that he still had some normal thinking ability, so they asked him to come to my place to assist in drug development."

"However, he swallowed the unfinished APTX-4869 and committed suicide soon after."

commit suicide

The clue was cut off again. Although Conan was unwilling to do so, he had gotten used to it.

However, this time Haibara Ai's sporadic explanations still let Conan know more about the organization's inside story, a mysterious department called "NPL".

It is better to have information than to gain nothing at all.

Immediately, Conan glanced at Haihara Ai and asked alertly: "Why did you suddenly tell me this?"

"According to your past personality, wouldn't you try to prevent me from knowing these things?"

Facing Conan's question, Haiyuan Ai's eyes changed slightly with his hands behind his back.

"I want you to understand what kind of behemoth you are facing. What you and I have seen and known is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Also, don't place your hopes on catching Ma Yuan to learn any important information."

"If even the organization's scientists don't know something, what can a failed experiment know?"

After Haihara Ai finished speaking, the corners of Conan's mouth rose slightly.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be just right?"

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai was startled for a moment.

Conan looked directly into Haiyuan Ai's eyes, with a confident smile on his face, "The bigger something is, the easier it is to reveal flaws from various angles."

"The meaning of the detective's action is to seize all these flaws and destroy the evil in one fell swoop."

Conan's bright eyes and the confidence on his face made Haihara Ai's eyes widen slightly, and some unknown emotion was shaken in his heart.

Immediately, a relieved smile appeared on Hui Yuan Ai's face.

"That means I am also a 'flaw' in your eyes?"

Conan: "Huh?"

Haiyuan Ai didn't wait for Conan to understand, then strode forward with her little hands behind her back.

Watching Hui Yuan Ai's back leisurely leaving, Conan stayed where he was.

Dr. Ali, who had been eavesdropping on the side, pretended to smile casually and said: "When Xiao Ai mentioned 'NPL', I thought he was talking about the British National Physical Laboratory."

Conan was stunned and looked back at Dr. Ali in confusion.

Dr. Ali quickly explained, "National Physical Laboratory, the abbreviation is also NPL?"

Hey, what kind of hell joke is this?

"Doctor, you have to be careful about people suing you for slander."

Conan complained in return and hurriedly chased the large army in front.

In the forest, the Gunma Prefecture police regrouped and prepared to go back to the forest to continue the search.

However, under the instruction of the bald policeman, he no longer plans to take Conan and others with him.

"As for the missing child, our police will do our best to find him. It is too dangerous here at night. You should go back to the town first and wait for news."

"Shancun, go and take them back to the town."

Conan and the two little ones still wanted to stay, but Yamamura Cao had already taken orders and sent the detective team out.

At this moment, a uniformed policeman came over to report the situation.

"Report! A child was just found in the mountain!"

When Ayumi and Genta heard this, they immediately cheered up, "It must be Mitsuhiko!"

When the police brought the person over, it turned out to be Mitsuhiko.


The little ones met happily, and the three young masters of Didan were finally reunited.

Dr. Ali was quite moved when he saw the reunion of the three little ones, but he still couldn't help but wonder how Mitsuhiko, who was usually the most obedient, could do such a stupid thing.

"Misuhiko, why are you here alone?"

Before Mitsuhiko could answer, Conan answered quickly: "Actually, Mitsuhiko is here to catch fireflies."

"Misuhiko asked people from the Firefly Conservation Association at the bus station about the areas where fireflies are distributed, but he was scolded."

"So Mitsuhiko followed these people all the way to Gunma County."

"The reason why I can't use the Detective Medal to reply is because I'm holding fireflies with both hands and I can't use my hands free."

After arriving in the forest of Gunma County, Conan gradually figured out Mitsuhiko's "motive for committing the crime."

But just when Conan looked at Mitsuhiko's hands and wanted to prove his reasoning, he saw Mitsuhiko's empty hands.


"Hey, Mitsuhiko, where are your fireflies?"

Only then did Mitsuhiko remember something and said quickly: "I met one in the mountains just now."

Mitsuhiko thought about the words to describe his appearance, but he still felt that this was easier to understand——

"A detective who looks like Uncle Qin Zhibo! He also caught a man who looks like a skeleton!"

Conan looked stern, these two people seemed to be somewhat familiar.

Isn't the man with a skull-like face none other than Miichiro Numabuchi?

That other one.

"Are you sure that person is not Qin Zhibo?" Conan asked seriously.

Mitsuhiko nodded, "Well, although they look very similar, they are definitely not the same person."

When Conan thought about it for a moment, he remembered the fake Qin Zhibo he had met at the Kuiwu Hotel not long ago.

Could it be him?

Last time I was in Gunma County, and this time I am also in Gunma County. It is indeed very possible to meet him again.

Practice brings true knowledge, and Conan no longer wanted to stretch his arms, and quickly asked Mitsuhiko to tell the police this important information.

After asking Mitsuhiko to identify the photo, he confirmed that the man with a skull-like face was Miichiro Numabuchi.

In order to arrest Numabuchi faster, the police asked Mitsuhiko to lead the way back to the place where they met Numabuchi just now.

And Conan and Dr. Ari persuaded them to go with them on the grounds that they wanted to monitor Mitsuhiko.

When everyone arrived at the mountain stream in Mitsuhiko's memory, there was no one around except for traces of climbing and rolling on the grass.

It was obvious that Numa Yuan had escaped again. The police could only use this place as the starting point and re-send people to launch a new round of search in all directions.

As for the young and old group of young detectives, they naturally have no reason to stay here and can only be sent back by Yamamura Cao.

Although Conan was extremely reluctant to give up, he could only obey the police's arrangements.

At the foot of the mountain, as soon as the young detective team got into the police car, Yamamura Cao received a call.


".What? Really?"

"Yes! I will definitely complete my mission! I will live up to the expectations of my seniors!"

Yamamura Soo saluted the phone with excitement on his face, which made Conan very concerned and quickly reached out to ask.

"Police Officer Yamamura, have you caught Miichiro Numagachi?"

"How can it be that easy?" Yamamura waved his hands with a smile on his face, "I just received a notification from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department that they captured a fugitive from Gunma County and asked us to send someone to bring the prisoner back."

"It just so happens that I am sending you back to Tokyo, so the task of escorting the prisoners this time is left to me!"

"With such a great opportunity, I must make atonement for my sins!"

There was a fire burning in Yamamura Soo's eyes, but Conan in the car had no choice but to throw it away for a month and a half.

You have already lost a prisoner, and you still dare to ask him to send him away?

Is there no police in Gunma Prefecture?

No, this guy is from the professional team and will indeed be entrusted with important responsibilities.

As for the fugitives from Gunma Prefecture

Conan thought for a moment, it should be Kinoshita Tomori who was arrested yesterday.

Thanks to Chaos and Nothingness for the reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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