Chapter 804 Happy New Year!

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Akai Shuichi looked at the impression of tea hair, and his mind instantly recalled that his girlfriend Miyano Akemi once told him that she had a sister, "Shirley", the organization's scientist.

Miyano Akemi said that if one day she could leave the organization, she would take her sister with her.

In the photos of the two sisters, the only thing that Akai Shuichi remembered very clearly was the messy short tea hair.

And the child in front of me is exactly the same as the sister Mingmei in my impression.

It's impossible.

Could it be that this kid has the same hair stylist as sister Mingmei?

If you ask this kid for information about the hairstylist, you might be able to find Mingmei's sister.

For a moment, Akai Shuichi wanted to ask and fulfill Miyano Akemi's last wish.

But after thinking about it for a while, Akai Shuichi temporarily put away this idea.

Even if he finds "Shirley" now, he won't be able to leave Japan in a short time. He can only ask his colleagues at the FBI to take him to a safe place and hide him.

Such an action would undoubtedly alert the enemy, causing the FBI's plan to deploy in Japan to come to nothing.

But in the final analysis, Hide Akai heard about his sister and never met "Shirley" with his own eyes.

In case "Shirley" has been brainwashed by the organization and has completely lost her rebellious nature, contacting her rashly is just asking for trouble.

There are too many uncertain factors, so forget it.

Akai Shuichi gave up the idea of ​​asking the tea-haired Lolita about the whereabouts of "Tony-sensei" and turned around and left calmly.

On the other side, Haiyuan Ai belatedly realized, his pupils dilated, and he turned around to look behind him.

At that moment, there was a smell of alcohol in the crowd.

But looking back, I saw that the bustling crowd was busy, looking as usual.

Haihara Ai turned her head and was about to tell Conan about her radar reaction, but when she saw Conan who was thinking about it, she felt a little grumpy.

You hide it from me, and I hide it from you, hum——(3)

At this time, Conan didn't know what he had missed, and was still thinking about things.

Brother-in-law Haiyuan

Brother-in-law Haiyuan

Zhibo Detective Agency.

"Now for the next news, around five o'clock yesterday afternoon, a man's body was discovered in the guest room of Mihua Hotel."

"The deceased was a CG designer, Mr. Taku Itakura, who was 45 years old."

"According to the police."

On the TV screen, the female anchor Shui Wulian solemnly announced the "Daily Life of Rice Flowers" that happened every day and was therefore not considered news.

Qin Zhibo crossed his legs and watched what was on the news.

The news of Taku Itakura's death has been disclosed to the public, and Gin should also be informed of the news as soon as possible.

I wonder what Gin’s expression will be like after seeing this information?

Before the morning news was finished, Qin Zhibo turned off the TV and walked out of the office.

The sun is shining brightly today, and there is no trace of ice or snow on the streets. It is completely different from the all-night wind and snow yesterday.

After going downstairs, Qin Zhibo went straight into the convenience store across the street called "Sunday Mart".

Since this convenience store is located opposite the office, Qin Zhibo is also a frequent visitor.

"Mr. Qin is here. What would you like to eat today?"

“The oden has just been cooked, it’s all fresh~”

The boss here is a meticulous and bespectacled man. Although he also has cashier employees, he often does the cashier himself.

Qin Zhibo walked to the oden machine and took a look at the freshly cooked "big root" inside, which was actually white radish strips.

Compared with boiled skewers, Japanese oden generally tastes lighter.

Especially "big root", which has no seasoning in itself, if it is freshly cooked, it will have even less flavor.

"Forget it, I'll just stick to the bento and instant noodles."

As an uncle with a height of 185cm, I will not be full even if I only eat one portion of instant noodles or a bento. I can only cure the bad habit of being hungry at meal time by adding two portions together.

Qin Zhibo selected instant noodles and bento boxes with suitable flavors on the shelves. He glanced around, but did not see the clerk who usually gave him instant noodles.

"Mr. Tsukayama, where is Xiaoxuan?"

"Xiao Xuan, she is feeling a little unwell and has asked for leave to rest."

Qin Zhibo glanced at his boss's evasive eyes and knew he was lying, but he didn't expose it.

After Qin Zhibo paid, he made instant noodles, heated the bento, finished eating in the store, and left.

Zhongshan looked at Qin Zhibo's leaving figure and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lying in front of a famous detective is not an easy thing.

In fact, the clerk Xiaoxuan did not ask for leave on her own initiative, but because she was found stealing goods from the store yesterday, she was asked to go home and reflect on herself.

Although he was caught stealing something, Tsukayama didn't want to tell him about it for the sake of Xiaoxuan's reputation.

I hope this child can change his ways.

After coming out of the convenience store, Qin Zhibo went straight to Mihua Shopping Mall.

The mall just opened at this time, and Qin Zhibo was the first batch of customers.

As one of Mihua's landmark buildings, Mihua Shopping Mall has suffered two murders in recent times, and the impact has been extremely bad.

In the past, Mihua Shopping Mall was famous for its high-quality products and after-sales services, attracting residents from several surrounding towns to come shopping.

But since the cases happened, and they happened continuously, the passenger flow here has dropped a lot.

In order to stop the declining trend of customer flow in time, shopping mall owners can only launch various discounts and promotions.

But even so, the results were not good.

But in fact, Qin Zhibo feels that there is no need for shopping mall owners to be so nervous about performance.

When Conan's footprints spread all over the streets of Tokyo, people changed their minds. The presence or absence of homicides was not the only criterion for considering business premises.

This is the saying that if you have too many lice, you won't be itchy.

Qin Zhibo passed through a sparsely populated store and came to a computer store.

With the careful introduction by the store clerk, I purchased a laptop that is currently considered a top-of-the-line model and cost 374,000 yen after a discount.

Laptops in this era are still relatively high-priced and low-end, but Qin Zhibo has a small treasury of 30 million yen that he planned to buy a house before, so this consumption is nothing.

After getting a new computer, Qin Zhibo walked out of the Rice Flower Mall and came to a dilapidated apartment building in Rice Flower 1-chome.

There had been haunting incidents here before, but with the joint efforts of Qin Zhibo, the Mori family, and Toru Amuro to solve the case, haunting became a science.

However, Qin Zhibo's goal this time is not to return to the haunted apartment for nostalgia, but to the unfinished building next to the apartment.

Walking into the unfinished building, it is still in a state of abandonment.

When we reached the second floor, the wanted criminal who once lived here had been frightened by the ghost and jumped off the building, but some of the daily necessities he used were abandoned here.

Qin Zhibo picked up the overturned small table, spread a blanket, and placed the newly purchased laptop on it.

Next, Qin Zhibo took out a CD from his pocket and inserted it into the computer's CD-ROM drive.

This is the CD Conan used to fish for vodka. Although we don’t know whether it is authentic or not, we still have to deal with it with caution.

The laptop was newly purchased, so there was no need to worry about computer viruses being implanted, and the address was also an unfinished building to prevent it from being traced back to the specific location.

With the disc inserted, the first problem arises.


A password is required to enter the software, which Qin Zhibo did not expect.

It seems that this software is real.

However, there is no prompt for this password. If you guess it by force, the software inside will be automatically destroyed if you guess it wrong a few times.

How to do it?

Qin Zhibo thought for a few seconds and came up with a solution.

Since this thing requires a password, of course you should ask the person who set the password!

Although Itakura Taku is dead, Qin Zhibo has a skill - psychic. Anyone with a clearer impression can have a chance to channel him.

Qin Zhibo took out a piece of yellow talisman paper he carried with him from his arms, made a hand seal, and thought of Itakura Taku's death in his heart.

[The success rate of this channeling: 16.21%]

【Are you psychic?】

Since I have seen the deceased with my own eyes, the success rate of channeling is quite high.

In fact, the success rate is of little significance to the channeling itself. As long as it can be successful, the rest is just a matter of trying a few more times.


When he was determined in his heart, a vague light flashed on the yellow talisman.

Immediately afterwards, the system prompts - [Failure].

Qin Zhibo: It’s understandable. After all, the probability is only 16.21%. If you succeed once, you will be very lucky.

Keep trying.




After failing 27 times in a row, Qin Zhibo finally couldn't stand it any longer.

This nm is cheating!·jpg

This is more real than the probability of the horse server game!

Of course, Qin Zhibo's too many failures are directly related to his low luck value.

If Mao Lilan tried it, he might be able to enter the soul with one shot.

Or it may never succeed, because for Mao Lilan, failure in channeling is the luckiest thing.

Finally, after trying it for the 35th time, the reaction on the yellow talisman paper was slightly different.

A light white spirit slowly condensed and formed on top of the yellow talisman paper.

Compared with the soul of the woman who channeled in this place last time, this spirit body is much less solid. It can be seen that it is the silhouette of a human being, but it has no facial features.

"Are you Taku Itakura?"

According to convention, after successful channeling, you must first ask the other party's identity.

The misty spirit nodded in confirmation.

"Is this software designed by you?"

Qin Zhibo pointed at the password input interface on the computer screen, and his soul body nodded again.

"Mr. Itakura, can you tell me the password for this?"

When asked, the spirit body hesitated and just floated in mid-air, neither nodding nor shaking its head.

Qin Zhibo thought of Itakura Taku's obsession before his death, which was that this software would affect the well-being of all mankind. This may be why he did not want to hand over the password.

There was no other way, Qin Zhibo could only be moved by his feelings.

"Mr. Itakura, I am not the men in black who threaten you, I am a good citizen."

"As for the software you designed, I'm just looking at it and won't use it."

When the level of spiritualism is not high, the spirits that come out of the medium are generally not very intelligent and cannot carry out complicated communications.

However, no matter how smart he was, Itakura Taku did not believe Qin Zhibo's "nonsense".

Just hang around and not go in?

Who are you lying to?

What about the liar?

Seeing that Itakura Zhuo's spirit body was still unmoved, Qin Zhibo could only understand it.

"Mr. Itakura, in fact, I was the one who caught your murderer, Ryusuke Soma."

"Even if it's just to repay the favor, shouldn't you tell me the password?"

At the mention of this, Miao Miao's spirit body trembled slightly, as if he was a little touched.

After a few seconds, the spirit body tapped its head lightly and agreed.

It seems that the most direct and effective way to communicate with the soul body is "I helped you get revenge."

The greatest obsession of departed souls is often revenge.

Although I have obtained the consent of the spirit body, I still need some methods to enter the password.

This intelligent soul body cannot speak and can only nod and shake its head.

Fortunately, Qin Zhibo thought of Uncle Ding Ding in "Breaking Bad" and came up with the plan.

Qin Zhibo hung his fingertips on the keyboard and said to the spirit body: "Follow the order of the password, I click on the correct position, and you nod."

The next step is a boring and long process of elimination. Since computer passwords are widely chosen, including punctuation marks, uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers, etc., it is quite troublesome to determine them one by one.

After a round of "click here and there", Qin Zhibo finally determined that the first letter of the password was a capital "C".

A new round began. When "h" was clicked, Itakura Taku's spirit finally nodded again.

"Is it capitalized?"

The spirit nodded and the description was still in capital letters.


After a long series of searches, Qin Zhibo determined the remaining letters one by one.


When the last digit of the eight-digit password was determined, Itakura Taku's spirit body suddenly trembled and disappeared into the air.

Qin Zhibo suddenly realized that the existence time of his soul body had reached its limit.

No matter what level of spiritualism you have, souls cannot always exist in the world of living people, unless they are ghosts with strong obsessions, or even evil spirits.

If you want to exist forever, there is a [glass bottle] in this week's props, which can contain souls.

It's just that Qin Zhibo doesn't have enough general skill proficiency to redeem this item.

Moreover, a soul that has been channeled and dissipated on its own cannot be channeled again.

In other words, I will never see Itakura Taku again.

But the good news is that the last letter has been eliminated to the last three of the last row of English letters.

Judging from the first seven digits of the password, the password set by Itakura Taku should be a string of words, not involving symbols or numbers.

It's just that as a Hawaiian, Qin Zhibo has never heard of this word. It should have been coined by Itakura Taku himself.

The last three letters, B, N, M.


Judging from the pronunciation of the suffix, it is relatively rare.

ZIN? or ZIM?

Both are somewhat possible, but the more likely one is.

Qin Zhibo stretched out his ten fingers and slowly entered the eight-digit password in the password field.


After entering the password, the screen flashed and you entered the CD.

The data in the CD is not complicated, there is only a small computer + an application file with the host logo, and the file name is a bunch of garbled characters.

It seems that this is the software designed by Taku Itakura.

Qin Zhibo thought for a moment and decided to click to enter.

Although it is said that this thing can affect the welfare of all mankind, that should only be when it is used by bad people.

If you just open it and take a look, there should be no problem. After all, Takashi Itakura, who designed the software, couldn't test it all without opening it.

As the cursor click was confirmed, the screen suddenly flashed, and the white interface instantly turned into black.

Strings of green code continue to pop up from top to bottom, from left to right, line by line.

At this time, the computer seemed to be controlled by a hacker with unpredictable skills. Everything was automatic and Qin Zhibo only had to watch.

This situation lasted for more than a minute before the green code stopped and entered the waiting for progress stage.

wmic:root\cli>Product Where name=“Cthulhu” call uninstall

Deleting progress:1%

I wish you all a happy New Year’s Eve! May the New Year be auspicious, may everything go well, and may the future be like a bright future!

This chapter has been completed!
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