Chapter 843 Was it intentional or accidental?

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Is there anyone else?

Conan was surprised and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Under the guidance of Youzi Komiyayama, several people came to the cooking class and saw Qin Zhibo, Matsumoto Ryohei and Minase Yomu sitting inside.


Qin Zhibo said hello in French. Mao Lilan, Yuanzi, and Mao Li Kogoro were very surprised. Only Conan showed his half-moon eyes helplessly, and he was used to it.


The cooking class still had to wait for a while, so a few people started chatting.

It turned out that this cooking class was signed up by Yuanzi, but unexpectedly I heard that the teachers here were a bit strict, so I dragged Mao Lilan to come with me. This is called "holding a back before death".

As for Mouri Kogoro and Conan, they came here to enjoy themselves in the name of protection.

"I failed the winter vacation test today, so let me heal the trauma in my soul with delicious French cuisine~"

Suzuki Sonoko sang with emotion, clasped her hands together, and raised her head at a 45° angle like an opera singer.

Mao Lilan smiled. Along the way, she had heard Yuanzi complain about her unsatisfactory performance in the exam many times.

During today's exam, there were constant sounds of police cars and helicopters nearby. These noises greatly affected the candidates' performance.

Only after returning home at night did Mao Lilan find out about the blaster.

In order not to scare Mao Lilan, Conan did not say that a bomb was also planted in Didan High School.

"By the way, Minase-san, you also took the exam today, right? How did you do?"

Mao Lilan took the initiative to talk to Minase Youmeng, but Minase's face was a little confused, as if he didn't know what you were talking about.

Sonoko looked at Minase and asked doubtfully: "Xiaolan, is this short-haired girl also from our school?"

"Yeah, have you forgotten? The last fishing competition..."

Just as Mao Lilan was about to explain the scene of her first meeting with Minase Youmeng, Conan on the side was frightened.

In order to prevent Sonoko from realizing that she was missing that part of her memory, she quickly interrupted: "Uncle Matsumoto! Are you here to learn cooking?"

Matsumoto Ryohei smiled slightly, "Yes."

"But uncle's cooking skills are already so good, do you still need to learn?"

Mentioning Matsumoto Ryohei's cuisine, Mouri Kogoro swallowed his saliva. Ever since he last experienced such a delicious and juicy steak dish, he would never forget it.

"Of course, cooking is a process of continuous learning, and it has nothing to do with the level of cooking skills that an individual has mastered. Nature has provided humans with so many rich ingredients, and there will always be new flavors and new combinations that have never been tried before, waiting to be developed."

"And my goal is to pursue the most delicious combination of ingredients to satisfy my taste buds..."

Matsumoto Ryohei talks eloquently and behaves like a professional gourmet.

But Qin Zhibo knows that in Matsumoto Ryohei’s understanding, the best food that humans can obtain is precisely humans themselves.

The sunglasses girl Shidai Kazue, who was sitting quietly beside her, suddenly opened her mouth, "I guess you were attracted by the French cuisine bestseller recently published by Yoshitomo Uemori, right?"

"But you may be disappointed. One-third of the cooking combinations published in that book were all painstakingly thought up by Ms. Youko..."

"Oh? Really?" Matsumoto Ryohei's eyes moved slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became subtle.

There was something in the words of Miss Sunglasses. When Youko Komiyayama, who was preparing ingredients by the cupboard, heard it, his eyes slightly lowered and he said weakly: "Stop talking about this, Miss Kazueda, these are not important anymore..."

"Isn't it important? Isn't it?" Shidai Kazue stood up, pinched his waist with one hand, and spoke more harshly, "They stole your own recipe, which you, as Meichi's assistant, worked hard to create.

Homemade recipes.”

"But, the teacher has revised it..." Komiyayama Uko's voice became weaker.

"Even if it's been modified a bit, it still belongs to you after all. You can't even complain about it. I really don't understand what you're thinking."

Rightko Komiyayama stopped answering, and the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Qin Zhibo looked at the people in the cooking class and calculated with his fingers that the deceased this time was probably the cooking teacher who had not yet appeared.

Rightko Komiyayama's original recipe was stolen. If this reason were applied to the rice cakes, it would be enough to become a motive for the murder.

There is also this girl with sunglasses named Shidai Kazue who seems to be upholding justice, but in fact, she is more like stirring up dissension and hoping that her old classmate will be in bad luck.


After a while, the remaining two students also arrived.

A man named Nishitani Hiroaki, a 29-year-old French chef, has a more serious appearance and is quite popular with Suzuki Sonoko.

"Xiaolan, this chef is quite good. If you can invite me to cook for my family..."

"Don't you already have Mr. Kyogoku?"

"Oh, Ah Zhen, isn't he out of the country right now? Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the nearer~"

"Yuanzi, you are really..."

Conan, the pure love warrior next to him, listened to the whispers among his girlfriends and couldn't help complaining about Yuanzi, a bad woman. Fortunately, Mao Lilan didn't imitate her at all.

The other student was not from outside. She was a curvaceous woman who came out of the back room. She was dressed in a flashy style, except that she wore an eyepatch over her left eye, which was a bit unconventional.

"Could she be that teacher? She looks very young..." Mouri Kogoro guessed casually.

"Probably not, she is a housewife, probably the teacher's daughter-in-law." Qin Zhibo judged after looking at the basic information on the wavy woman's head.

Several people were stunned, not knowing whether what Qin Zhibo said was true or false.

Under the introduction of Xiaogongshan Youzi, Qin Zhibo was right.

"Miss Xiaoxun is the daughter-in-law of our teacher Kamimori, and she is also learning French cuisine with everyone."

"You guys have to come on." Kaoru Kamimori said a perfunctory hello to the newcomers and walked aside.

Passing by Shidai Kazue, Shidai raised his head and asked: "Xiao Kaoru, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Shang Morixun subconsciously covered his eyes and lowered his head slightly, "It's just a needle eye..."

Qin Zhibo looked at Shang Senxun's reaction and could basically conclude that the eyepatch was not an illness, but an injury.

People are just like animals. When someone mentions an injury, their most instinctive reaction is to protect their own injury.

At this time, a figure floated faintly across the lawn outside the villa.

"The teacher is back."

Several people, led by the right son of Komiyayama, immediately lined up at the side of the door to greet him. Those who didn't know it thought the emperor had arrived.

"You are back, teacher."

"Thank you for your hard work, mother-in-law."

Amid the greetings and crowds, today’s protagonist finally made his grand appearance, the gourmet chef—Michi Uemori.

This is a typical "white, rich and beautiful" person, who can use half a box of makeup and foundation at one time, "white" with big arms and round waist, and "beautiful" with stinking beauty.

The appearance of this middle-aged old woman reminded Qin Zhibo of the old lady who was captured by the witch in the movie "The Master Key". She was exactly the same.

Seeing Mouri Ran and Sonoko paying to sign up, Uemori Michi smiled and said hello. Moori Kogoro, who had come to eat for free, took the initiative to say hello, but was ignored.

Arriving at the living room, Shidai Kazue respectfully handed the repaired brooch to her.

"This is the brooch you asked me for. I have already repaired it."

"Oh, then just put it there."

Yoshitomo Uemori neither looked at her nor said thank you, but simply sat on the chair, enjoying Hiroaki Nishitani's shoulder massage while Kaoru Uemori knelt beside her to take her pulse, a style that rivaled that of the Empress Dowager Nishitani.

Even a wealthy lady like Suzuki Sonoko grinned when she saw Yoshitomo Uemori's behavior, and she had countless things to complain about.

If I had known earlier I would not have signed up here...

As an observer, Qin Zhibo shook his head slightly.

This man is useless, completely useless...

If you dare to act arrogant and arrogant in front of Conan, and don't know how to restrain yourself, do you believe that the God of Death will take over you in a matter of seconds?

For such people, Qin Zhibo would generally not take the initiative to save them.

As the saying goes, it's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words. You have offended the abbot and still want to leave?

A person like this who always exudes the aura of "Who will kill me? Who dares to kill me?" cannot be saved, and he is not the savior.

Sunglasses sister Shidai Hezhi walked aside and expressed her dissatisfaction calmly. She asked others for help but didn't even say thank you.

Mao Lilan was still relatively naive and asked: "Teacher, may I ask if she has any physical discomfort?"

The sunglasses girl hugged her shoulders, snorted coldly, and replied in a low voice, "She is just too fat. Every time she comes back from going out, she will ask Xiaoxun to take her pulse."

"Because Xiaoxun was a nurse before she got married, and her son is an outstanding cadre in the company. However, because of his doting relationship with the only son, his behavior is unbearable, and Meichi is the kind of person who will abuse his daughter-in-law. Xiaoxun

It’s really pitiful…”

"But I heard that the teacher's husband died because of illness, right?" Mao Lilan asked again.

"Yes, that man was a steady and good man. It's a pity that he died too early..."

As she said that, the sunglasses lady tilted her head 45°, her eyes gleaming.

It's a set, just a hard set?

Under Mao Lilan's successful rhetoric, Qin Zhibo roughly understood the possible motives of several people.

Daughter-in-law Xiaoxun was subjected to domestic violence, assistant Xiaogongshan had her recipes plagiarized, and Miss Sunglasses lost her beloved one.

After looking around, it seems that the French chef Hiroaki Nishitani has no motive.

But until the end of the matter, it's hard to say everything. Maybe he just hid it better.

A small cooking class, but I didn’t expect it to be a luxurious choice of four.

Considering that his fate was certain, Qin Zhibo planned to give Minase Youmeng, who was experiencing a killing scene for the first time, a vaccination.

"Some situations may happen later, but you don't need to be too nervous. It's just a detective's daily routine." Qin Zhibo tilted his head and said to Minase Youmeng.

"Huh? Daily..."

Although she didn't understand the specific reason, she still nodded in understanding.

Conan, who had excellent hearing next to him, also heard the whisper Qin Zhibo sent to Minase Harumen, and was thoughtful in his mind.


Did he discover anything else?


After massaging for a long time, "White Fumi" Kamimori Michi finally changed clothes and prepared to teach.

Out of good intentions, the sunglasses girl Kazue Kiki reminded Matsumoto Ryohei that Michi Kamimori was very small-minded. If you didn't say hello, he would definitely find fault with you in various places later.

Matsumoto Ryohei smiled slightly and didn't think so.

Matsumoto Ryohei did not say hello, and Qin Zhibo was also quite surprised.

Logically speaking, as a butler, he is the most polite person.

While waiting for Michi Kamimori to change clothes, several students went to the back porch to get aprons and recipes.

While several people were opening the door, Qin Zhibo saw that the back porch was dark. He didn't turn on the lights, and he didn't know if he was trying to save on electricity bills.

While waiting, the bored Mouri Kogoro wanted to smoke, but was ruthlessly stopped by the sunglasses lady.

"Did you make a mistake? This is a cooking class. If you want to smoke, please go outside, okay?"

"Ah? I'm sorry..." Mouri Kogoro sneered and put the cigarette back into his clothes.

This scene left Mao Lilan, Yuanzi and Conan very speechless. They all felt that their faces were dull and they quietly moved closer to Qin Zhibo.

Suddenly, Qin Zhibo became the parent of three high school students and one elementary school student.

After Xiaogongshan brought the recipes and distributed them, everyone knew what to eat tonight.

"Today we are going to make a creamy fragrant soup, as well as duck and orange sauce. As for the dessert, we will use American pears to make pudding..."

Yoshitomo Uemori stood in front of the cooking table and read out tonight's recipe. The dishes were quite rich, but at least some cooking skills were needed to master them.

Needless to say, Matsumoto Ryohei, Mao Lilan often cooks at home, and he is a handy type, so it probably won't be a problem.

But as the eldest lady, Suzuki Sonoko is not sure. She only wants to cook for three minutes, and she has no foundation, so it will definitely be difficult to cook well.

In fact, it was just as Qin Zhibo guessed.

Uemori Michi first started to demonstrate the basic methods of several dishes, and everyone except Matsumoto Ryohei was taking notes carefully.

Then came the actual operation. Everyone took their own ingredients and went to their respective operating tables to start cooking.

Michi Uemori first walked up to Mao Lilan, looked at her, and gave her own evaluation, "Well, your cooking posture is pretty good."

Then came Sonoko, Uemori Yoshitomo immediately frowned.

"I take it you haven't cooked before? Why are you holding the kitchen knife wrong?"

"Um..." Sonoko was about to explain that she didn't cook at home, but was immediately interrupted by Yoshitomo Uemori.

"My cooking class is to train excellent French chefs. A complete layman like you is not suitable for this."

Conan was a little helpless after hearing this. I'm afraid Yuanzi's family won't let her be a chef, right?

The remaining students were basically scolded. Xiaoxun couldn't separate egg whites from egg yolks, Miss Sunglasses couldn't handle steaks, and Xiaomiyashan forgot to take out the cheese powder. They all made mistakes.

Only Hiroaki Nishitani seemed to be doing well. Michi Uemori took one look at him and left.

It was Matsumoto Ryohei's turn at the end. She quietly walked to the cooking table. She wanted to find out the other party's mistakes, but her eyes widened unconsciously while observing.

All the cooking steps are correct, and the skillful and rigorous techniques even put her to shame.

This person...comes with bad intentions.

Yoshitomo Uemori frowned and realized that it was impossible to learn from Matsumoto Ryohei's cooking skills.

Huh, send him away as soon as you finish this class.

As the saying goes, a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Yoshitomo Uemori had already made up his mind. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw a presumptuous move by Matsumoto Ryohei.

I saw him pick up the brown pepper bottle and sprinkle an appropriate amount of pepper into the freshly fried mushroom slices.

Seeing this move, Yoshitomo Uemori became angry and rushed over immediately.

"Why do you add pepper to the cream of mushroom soup? Don't you know that it is written in my best-selling book that there must be no pepper in this dish, otherwise it will destroy the sweet taste of the cream?"

"Did you do it on purpose? Or accidentally?"

Yoshitomo Uemori glared at Matsumoto Ryohei, as if he couldn't leave without an explanation today.

Matsumoto Ryohei looked at Kamimori Yoshitomo, with an extremely subtle curve at the corner of his mouth.

"It's intentional..."

This chapter has been completed!
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