Chapter 894: Double Mystery on the Full Moon Night (12)

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Five minutes ago, Qin Zhibo drove into the port.

Passing by the taxi that was just leaving the port, Qin Zhibo chose a side road instead of driving in from the main road.

Stopping at the end of the path, Qin Zhibo and Cheng Shi quickly got out of the car and explored towards the dock.

Since he did not have guns on his side and the opponent had the advantage of weapons, Qin Zhibo's plan was to first grasp the opponent's number of people, and then use the invisibility of the magic ring to knock down the enemy as much as possible and rescue Hui Yuan Ai.

But just when Qin Zhibo used his night vision goggles to find a sniper lying on the container, gunfire suddenly came from the dock.

Several consecutive gunshots rang out through the sky, and Cheng Shi panicked and rushed towards the sound of the gunfire desperately.

Regarding the possibility of losing Hui Yuan Ai, Cheng Shi values ​​​​far more than his own life.

Qin Zhibo, who had an iron will, was more sensible. If he didn't deal with the sniper at the high point first, he would lose his life in vain if he rushed out.

Therefore, Qin Zhibo decisively used [Flying Claw] to climb onto the container and quietly approached from behind, only paying attention to the sniper in the scope.

When he took out the "Eureka Gun" from the toolbar and pressed it against the back of the sniper's head like a real pistol, the sniper's body trembled suddenly.

"do not move."

"If I move, I'll kill you."

Qin Zhibo uttered harsh words, which were the same harsh words copied from Ginjiu.

With such force and severity, the sniper Calvados certainly did not dare to move, and he was convinced that the opponent was holding a real gun.

After all, it is an old tradition in anti-Japanese dramas that the Japanese are tricked into using fake guns behind their backs.

Qin Zhibo squatted next to Calvados, keeping his head against his head, and took out a real gun from his waist.

There was no real gun just now, but now there is...

Qin Zhibo put a real gun as a substitute and put it against Calvados' head, and suddenly there was a vibrating sound from the phone in his pocket.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Below, Belmod is fighting with Cheng Shi.

Although Aso is actually a man and has greater strength, he does not have professional fighting skills, so he still has a disadvantage compared to the top killer Belmode who kills many people.

As soon as Chengshi got rid of Belmod's restraint, he was knocked to the ground by a crisp uppercut from Belmod.

Just as the person was about to get up, Belmode was already sitting on him, grabbing Chengshi's ponytail with one hand, and clasping Chengshi's chin with the other hand, forcing it up.

"Your disguise is great, but your fighting skills are terrible. You can't protect Shirley..."

"Calvados, shoot now!"

Calvados didn't fire just now, and Belmod thought it was because he was afraid of hurting himself, so he didn't dare to fire rashly.

After all, several consecutive shots just failed to hit Mao Lilan, which is very damaging to the confidence of an elite sniper.

But now that he has Chengshi under control, Calvados doesn't have to worry about missing a hit.


Belmode roared again, but there was still no response from the container.

This change of situation shocked Belmode. Is there anyone else here?

Calvados was subdued?

Just when Belmod was a little distracted, Cheng Shi suddenly exerted force and pushed up Belmod from the waist.

Belmode, who was turning sideways, was holding a solid ponytail in her hands. When she rolled over, a lot of long hair was pulled out.

However, Chengshi completely ignored the severe pain on his scalp and rushed towards Belmod like crazy. Instead, he sat on Belmod's body and punched him wildly.

Belmode held his arms in front of him, defending himself while complaining in his heart about this lunatic.

Although Cheng Shi was temporarily suppressed by Cheng Shi who entered a violent state, Belmod still relied on his rich fighting skills to push away Cheng Shi with a knee but he did not have any advantage in weight.

She was about to turn over to pick up the small pistol that had fallen aside, when a bullet grazed her shoulder.


Belmode looked up and saw that Judy had climbed under the container at some point, picked up the revolver and aimed it at himself.

Putting aside what trouble Calvados might encounter, Judy herself was already in the blind spot of the rifle, and it was impossible for Calvados to hit her.

"Kneel down..."

"Kneel on the ground with your head in your hands!"

"Otherwise I will aim my next shot at your head!"

Judy's gun was aimed at Belmod, but Belmod did not have a pistol, and the outcome seemed to be decided.

However, Belmode would not give in obediently. He just frowned slightly and looked at Judy, with no intention of surrender in his eyes.

Ask her to kneel down, unless her knees are broken.

Judy, who was in a bad state, immediately realized this, stopped talking nonsense, lowered the gun, and turned to aim at Belmod's knees.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet accurately hit Belmod's left knee. Blood flowed from the bullet hole and soon dyed the dark blue trousers red.

Under the severe pain, Belmode's astonishing beauty was distorted for a moment, her body fell over, and she had to kneel on one knee.


Belmode, who was shot in the knee, did not scream in pain, but just grunted, still gritting his teeth and staring at Judy.

Seeing that Belmod had no intention of surrendering, Judy also turned the gun and aimed at the other knee.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise above the head.


It was the sound of iron plates, and it looked like someone had jumped onto the container.


Another layer, the sound is getting closer and closer.

Judy instantly became nervous, worried that a sniper from above would jump down from the container and kill her.

At this moment, she didn't care so much anymore and aimed directly at Belmode's head. Even if she died, she would still kill the enemy who killed her father.

Judy re-aimed at Belmod's head and pressed the trigger so hard that the hammer of the revolver even bounced off.

A tall body fell from the sky and landed right next to Judy.

The man immediately took action and grabbed the revolver of the revolver so that the revolver could not rotate and the bullets could not be fired.

This timing must be grasped just right, not even a moment less.

Before Judy could react, the revolver in her hand was pulled hard by the opponent and was easily taken away.

Belmod, who was opposite him, also stared at the man in front of him in disbelief.

It's Michael!

Time flashed back to three minutes ago. Qin Zhibo had just taken control of Calvados and seized a real gun from him when the phone suddenly vibrated.

The phone vibrating means obviously there is a call.

However, although Qin Zhibo no longer paid attention to the things on the ghost ship, he did not hang up the communication with Minase Youmeng, so it stands to reason that the call could not come in.

The only possibility is that the call came from a new number.

That's a number exclusive to the black organization!

In order not to be exposed, Qin Zhibo immediately answered the phone, but what came from the other side was not Gin's voice, but another unique voice.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, buzz..."

Mo De's emotional tone, coupled with the iconic "hum" at the end, immediately reminded Qin Zhibo of who the other party was.

It's Mr. Clock!

As an alien who cooperated with Qin Zhibo, a Mi-Go, it was under its arrangement that Qin Zhibo sneaked into the black organization and became a "newcomer".

"Greetings from Jiu Shu, Mr. Qin, how have you been lately? Hum..."

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly."

Qin Zhibo didn't want to talk nonsense with it at this time. It was nothing important and he was about to hang up.

However, the reason why he did not hang up immediately was because he knew that Mr. Clock, an alien, was definitely not calling to chat with him. He must have something important to do.

When Qin Zhibo said this, Mr. Clock did not beat around the bush and said directly.

"It's information about the Panest fragments. I need to tell you..."

The Panest fragment is an important prop in the legend that can travel to the underground world of Enkai Abyss without injury. It also involves one of Qin Zhibo's biggest main tasks.

It was precisely in order to obtain the Panest fragment that Qin Zhibo cooperated with Mr. Clock, sneaked into the Arkham Club of Successful People, and was recommended to join the black organization.

It is said that there is the last fragment of Panest in the Arkham Success Club.

"The last fragment of Paneste, I saw it in the club, but only half of it."

"Half a piece?" Qin Zhibo was a little surprised, "What does this mean?"

Mr. Clock: "Literally, Carl only has half of the Panest fragments in his hand, which were given to him by the leader of the organization you are currently joining."

"There is another half of the fragment, which was given by the leader of the organization to his most beloved woman, in a way that even the woman herself didn't know..."

Qin Zhibo squatted on the spot, continuing to press Calvados' head while thinking about Mr. Clock's words.

Isn't the leader of the organization he currently joins the "that adult" in the organization?

The woman your lord loves the most is...

Qin Zhibo looked down at Bermod. If Elena Miyano was right in what she said in the tape, it should be her.

"I see."

Qin Zhibo quickly hung up the phone and thought about the plan in his mind.

Almost instantly, Qin Zhibo figured out what to do, took out "Michael's" human skin mask from his pocket, and put it on his head.

Aligning the hole position of the mask with the facial features with one hand, a figure quietly touched up behind him.

Qin Zhibo was very keen on the situation behind him and immediately felt a sharp falcon-like gaze watching him from behind.

Crouching on the spot, he glanced behind him and saw that a figure in the darkness had climbed onto the container and quietly approached him.

Switching to the night vision scope, this person is wearing a knitted hat, his eyes are cold, and his face is as sharp as a knife.

Shuichi Akai!

Qin Zhibo recognized the person behind him as Shuichi Akai.

Time was running out, Qin Zhibo quickly put away his pistol, jumped forward, and jumped onto the container on the next floor.

Seeing that he was so careful, Akai Shuichi still alerted the snipers and observers in front. He also had a bad feeling in his heart and hurried forward.

Calvados, who was lying on the ground, saw the man who threatened him running away. He just stood up and prepared to shoot with his rifle, but was hit in the side with an elbow by Shuichi Akai who attacked him from behind.


Calvados suddenly felt a loud buzzing in one ear, and before he could react, one of his legs was kicked and broken by Akai Shuichi.


Calvados's willpower was not that strong. After breaking a leg, he screamed in pain.

Shuichi Akai quickly took away the weapons on his body, including a rifle, a shotgun and two pistols. Then he jumped down from the container with the shotgun in hand to chase the escaping man in black.

After jumping two levels of containers in a row, Qin Zhibo successfully landed on the ground and stood next to Judy, who had his back against the container.

At this time, Judy was about to shoot at Belmode, but Qin Zhibo's reaction speed reached the extreme, and he suddenly took action and grabbed the revolver of the revolver.

It's almost a muscle memory thing.

Judy was also shocked by this scene. She was able to grab the wheel with her bare hands and stop the bullet from being fired.

Belmod, who was opposite, was even more shocked. She originally thought the person who jumped from the container was Calvados, but she didn't expect it to be Michael.


Belmod's eyes widened and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Because in her knowledge, Michael Qin Zhibo has been lured to the ghost ship by her trick, and the ghost ship is still sailing in the Pacific Ocean.

There was no way Michael was involved in this dockside fight!

Could it be that I guessed wrong?

I saw Michael snatching the revolver from Judy's hand, then quickly running in the direction of Bermod, and lifting Bermod up from the ground.

"Can I still leave?"

"It's a little difficult..."

Belmod's left knee was shot through by a bullet, and he could barely stand up with only one leg exerting strength and holding Michael's shoulder with one hand.

Michael put one hand on Belmod's waist and was about to take him into the car, but Belmod was still unwilling to leave.

"That FBI woman must be killed..."

Even when he was injured and ready to escape, Belmode did not forget to silence Judy.

Judy was also looking at this blond foreigner who suddenly appeared in shock. One look at the black trench coat and she knew that he was the same as Belmode.

It’s over…

The situation suddenly reversed, and there was no hope of a comeback.

But Michael just shook his head and rejected Belmod's proposal, and Danding replied: "It's too late."

As Michael finished speaking, a painful cry suddenly came from above the container.



Above the container, Calvados's screams shocked Bermod's heart. He knew it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so he quickly got into Judy's car with Michael's help.

As soon as Michael got into the car and was about to start it, Shuichi Akai also jumped into the three-story container with a shotgun in his hand, a rifle on his back, and a black leather jacket on his body, making him look like a Terminator.

When Judy saw the tall figure appearing next to her, she immediately felt extremely safe.


Without saying a word, Akai Shuichi directly picked up the shotgun and shot at Belmode and the blond man in the black trench coat in the car.


After a shot was fired, both of them lowered their heads and dodged. The car glass was shattered and fine projectiles hit the car door.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the black trench coat also raised his two guns in the car and fired back. The muzzle flashes of the semi-automatic pistol and Judy's revolver flashed alternately.

Pia, Pia, Pia…

Under the intense pressure of bullets from both guns, the iron plate of the container was hit with sparks flying. Shuichi Akai had to avoid the sharp attack for a while and quickly pulled the injured Judy to the corner.

Taking advantage of this short period of time, the man in black trench coat knocked off the tires of the white car in front, stepped on the accelerator, and drove off into the distance.

And all of this was seen by Cheng Shi who was lying on the ground.

Mr. Qin?

This chapter has been completed!
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