Chapter 958 The Death of Gin!

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In the speeding taxi, two bodyguards were taking Yasuki Domon to the nearest Aipido Central Hospital.

Calling an ambulance or a helicopter to pick you up will take more time and will directly miss the best time for treatment. It is better to drive directly to the hospital.

However, considering that there was a killer who wanted Yasuki Domon's life, they did not dare to get in the car they came in, but temporarily commandeered a roadside taxi.

"Hurry up! Drive faster!"

One bodyguard still didn't want to give up. He ordered the bodyguard in front of him to speed up and at the same time covered the hole in the cover of Tumen Kanghui Tianling with his hands through his suit.

In fact, having a background in the Self-Defense Force, he knew what it meant when a bullet hit this location. At this moment, he was just doing useless work.

But even so, he had a deep friendship with Domon Yasutei who had been following him since the Self-Defense Forces, and he had a special respect for Domon's integrity. In his heart, he could not accept the fact that Domon Yasutei was dead.

But at this moment, Tumen Yasuhui, who had lost consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes.


The bodyguard was startled, but Domon Yasuhui had already sat up from his arms.

The two of them are in the back seat. You look at me and I look at you.

"Mr. Tumen, haven't you... already..."

Although the bodyguards spared no effort to rescue him, they already knew in their hearts that Yasuki Tomon would not survive.

Tumen Yasuhui looked at him and educated him earnestly: "Who said you will die if you are shot in the head?"

"Being shot in the head is being shot in the head, and death is death. Don't get confused."

"Turn left at the intersection ahead and park. I'll buy an OK bandaid first..."

At this moment, the bodyguard's mouth opened wide.

Arriving at the intersection ahead, the bodyguard couldn't resist Domon Yasuhiro's order and could only pull over and stop.

As soon as the car stopped, Tumen Yasuhui immediately got out of the car and ran into the alley in front at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

When the bodyguard reacted and chased after him, a fashionably dressed high school student just turned out of the alley.

"Young man! Did you see a man with blood on his head running in just now?"

"Oh? That uncle, he went there..."

"Thank you!"

The two bodyguards immediately chased in the direction indicated by the high school student.

After the bodyguard left, the high school student showed a mean expression and took out a bag from his arms, which contained a bloody human skin mask, a blood splatter device, and a mature man's suit jacket.

That's right, this young man is none other than Kuroba Kaito, also known as "Phantom Thief Kidd".

Qin Zhibo personally visited him at midnight yesterday and asked him to disguise himself as an important person and accept his sniping.

Although this was obviously outside the scope of his business, Kuroba Kaito had no reason to refuse, so he agreed.

Since the sniper was Qin Zhibo himself, as long as Kuroba Kaito sat upright and didn't move around, Qin Zhibo could ensure that the bullet hit the grass next to him and not his head.

Between his head and the human skin mask, there is a blood splatter device that can be controlled remotely.

This was originally a magic prop used to enhance the performance on the stage. It was specially customized by Terai's father who commissioned his inventor friend who did not want to be named, but now it is put to use.

As for the process of changing into Yasutei Domon, it was the most comfortable time for Kuroba Kaito to change someone else's identity during this period, because he didn't even need to take action, and the police came forward to negotiate with Yasuki Domon himself.

Of course, in order to conceal his true identity, Kuroba Kaito used other identities when meeting the police.

Is this the first collaboration between the Phantom Thieves and the police?

Thinking of this, Kuroba Kaito smiled teasingly.

In the dim space, a ray of light shines across the lying body of Conan.

The noisy sounds outside reached his ears, gradually waking him up from his coma.

Conan frowned at first, and after a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes.


The horrified Conan screamed, the last scene he saw before comatose still remained in his brain, it was Gin standing behind him!

I was caught by Gin!

Conan immediately realized the reason why he was unconscious here, and subconsciously looked around nervously.

This is a small space, and there is a faint smell of car oil in the air. It should be the trunk of the car.

But Gin was obviously careless. Conan found that his hands and feet were not tied, and even the trunk lid was not completely closed, leaving a gap.

Is it to prevent me from suffocating in the trunk?

It seemed that he planned to bring me alive to the laboratory so that he could conduct experiments.

Conan still remembers Haibara Ai saying that both of them are very special cases of APTX-4869 reduction, so as to organize their love for science, they should not be immediately obliterated.

Unexpectedly, this identity actually gave me a chance to make a comeback.

Even at this moment, Conan did not give up. Regardless of the soreness in his neck, he immediately leaned over to look at the gap to observe the situation outside.

Outside is... a bush?

Why does this place feel familiar? Is it a laboratory I have been to?

Conan thought that he had been transported to the organization's laboratory by Gin and that he was in the "wolf's lair".

But at this moment, the sound of a police siren appeared in his ears at the right time, making his eyes widen in surprise.

There are actually police here!

Conan pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and he heard a lot of sirens. It would take at least a dozen police cars to make such a sound!

There is a large police force nearby!

No wonder there was no one to guard him, the people in the organization should have gone to deal with the police!

Realizing that this was his only chance to be rescued, Conan decisively opened the door, jumped out of the trunk of the car, and ran in the direction of the siren.

He had no intention of admiring the scenery along the way. At this moment, he had only one goal in mind, which was to run in front of the police and expose the criminal activities of this evil organization.

It doesn't matter if the police don't believe in themselves. At least they can organize a case of child abduction first.

When necessary, he can directly announce his true identity.

I'm showing off my cards!

I am the high school detective, Shinichi Kudo!

Conan was already prepared for a showdown in public, and ran straight to the place surrounded by more than a dozen police cars.

He cast his gaze towards the center of the encirclement, and just as he was about to speak, the person was immediately dumbfounded.

I saw several police officers pressing a blond man in a black trench coat to the ground, and countless hands groping and searching his body.

And the man who was "handled" was Gin!

At this moment, Gin's expression was no longer cold and calm, but had completely fallen into violent mode. Even when he was pressed to the ground, he kept struggling with his body, trying to break free from the restraints of the police around him.

"Kill me!"

"Kill me quickly——"

Gin roared and shouted, but the orders given to these police officers included that they must be kept alive.


In order to prevent him from biting his tongue, two gloved policemen held Gin's jaw tightly so that his teeth could only remain closed and he could not make any sound, so he could not bite his tongue.

The two policemen in the middle removed the holsters from Gin's armpits and threw the two pistols and holsters aside.

The two police officers behind were searching Gin's legs to see if he was carrying more guns.

In addition to the policeman pressing down on Gin's back, seven people were needed to deal with him alone!

There are dozens of police officers and more than a dozen police cars around, guarding the surrounding area and not allowing any unexpected situations to occur.

Conan's eyes widened and he looked at the huge formation in front of him in disbelief.

He had already recognized it. This was none other than the Abeido Park parking lot where he had been knocked unconscious by gin just now.

Why did the police show up?

Did Haiyuan call the police?

The first thing Conan thought of was the person he had entrusted to him before leaving, but then he thought about it. Even if Haihara Ai called the police, it would be impossible for her to call such a large number of police in the first place based on her connections.

Moreover, the suit policemen who controlled Gin seemed to have received special training and were not like ordinary Japanese policemen.

Could it be... Qin Zhibo?

Conan suddenly thought of another important person in the parking lot today. Without him, he would not be here at all today.

Could it be that Qin Zhibo designed to seize Gin wine?

Conan thought for a moment and immediately thought of the logic behind this.

Qin Zhibo first created a meeting with the organization's intelligence liaison, with the purpose of attracting Gin Jiu, and then designed a trap to capture Gin Jiu.

So handsome! Uncle!

After figuring out the whole thing, Conan had an excited smile on his face.

Gin was arrested, which is really exciting news!

With this important member of the organization, the good guys camp can sound the clarion call for counterattack!

Now that the Japanese police know the existence of the organization, they can announce their identity openly and cooperate with the authorities!

Conan had never told Officer Megure what happened to him before, mainly because he had no actual evidence to prove the existence of the organization.

The organization keeps a low profile and leaves no clues when doing its work. Anyone related to it will be brutally silenced.

Because of this, Conan did not dare to tell police officers he was familiar with, including Officer Megure, about the organization.

Because even if Officer Megure believes in himself, his power alone is just the light of a firefly, and excessive investigation of the organization will only lead to death.

But things are different now. Gin is caught by the police, and the behemoth of the organization will be exposed to the blue sky and daylight!

At this moment, Conan felt that the big stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground, and the burden on his shoulders became much lighter.

It’s time to fight back…

And Xiaolan, I can also confess my identity to you.

A knowing smile appeared on Conan's lips. He had been thinking about saying that sentence for a month and a half.

Although the organization has not been completely destroyed, he wants to tell Xiaolan the truth in advance.

Because in the next period of time, Conan knew that he would be very busy, not only as a think tank for the police, but also as a victim of the organization's drugs. He must cooperate with the police to eliminate the organization.

When the organization is destroyed and he gets the permanent antidote and returns to normal size, he will confess his love to Xiaolan.

Conan was filled with joy and planning the future in his heart, as if he had passed the most difficult time and the rest would be good days.

"Hey, hey hey..."

At the same time, a dark-skinned man wearing sportswear was hiding sideways behind a tree, wearing a hoodie and a hoodie, and was quietly observing every move of the police not far away.

His code name in the organization is "Bourbon", and he is a colleague of Gin who was arrested over there.

However, the difference between the two is that his true identity is the Japanese police, and he was the one who arranged for the police to arrest Gin.

As for the entire arrest plan, it came from Qin Zhibo.

In order to avoid the police's plan being exposed, this operation did not set a trap in advance, but went directly to the parking lot to arrest people at a specific time point.

Tohru Amuro didn't understand how Qin Zhibo left Gin alone in the park, but now it was a good thing to ensure the safety of Domon Yasuki and capture Gin at the same time.

As long as Gin is caught, the real top management of the organization who has been operating behind the scenes will have to personally take charge of the situation.

Moreover, he who is already a cadre of the organization also has the opportunity to rise to the top again, and even come into contact with the big boss behind the scenes!

Toru Amuro was mentally thinking about what would happen within the organization after Gin was arrested, and his eyes passed over a child who was watching not far away.

The kid looked very familiar and had a stupid "hehehe" smile on his face.


Toru Amuro was confused for a moment.

Surrounded by the police, Gin was eventually pulled out of all his "fangs" that attacked people, his hands behind his back were also handcuffed, and he was led to the police car under the control of two stout policemen.

His eyes were still angry, and his body was still struggling slightly, but maybe he was a little exhausted, and his strength was much smaller than before.


Although a special anti-bite mask was put on his face, suspected to be the same one that Hannibal wore in the mental hospital, Gin still made threatening sounds from the bottom of his throat through the mask.

The surrounding police officers had long been mentally prepared for this situation, but they were still surprised that criminals resisted so tenaciously.

The two police officers escorted Gin towards the police car. Just as they were about to enter the car door, Gin suddenly raised his head and stuck his chin on the edge of the roof, refusing to get in.

Upon seeing this, a policeman reached out and grabbed Gin's head, adjusted the angle and forced him into the police car.

But the moment the policeman's hand touched the Ginjiu Tianling Gai, a bullet flew from nowhere and hit his palm directly.


The policeman who was hit in the palm screamed in pain and subconsciously let go of his palm, blood flowing on the palm and back of his palm.

But the bullet didn't stay in his palm, but went straight through and entered Gin's head!

As the bullet penetrated his brain, Gin's body instantly lost life.

"There are snipers!"

"There are snipers nearby! Everyone, be careful!"

The police officers either lay down or hid behind bunkers. For a while, the atmosphere at the scene fell into a state of extreme tension.

Conan, who was not far away, heard the shouting, looked startled, and immediately ran forward, but Gin had already fallen in a twisted posture at the door of the police car.

The bright red blood dyed the long golden hair, a generation of organization cadres died before being taken into the police car!

Gin, dead!

This chapter has been completed!
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