Chapter 927: Heart turbidity

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Lian Zhibei left just as quickly as she came back. When she came back, eight young and strong Bailian believers behind her roared and carried a tall black coffin into the hall.

It was obvious that there was a bad heart inside the coffin, so in order to avoid anything going wrong, the coffin was sealed.

If the heart is not handled well, it will cause big problems and cannot be released inside the hall. Under Bai Lingmiao's order, the coffin was moved to the main hall dug out of the ground. This place was originally used to erect the statue of the Wusheng Old Mother.

"Have you remembered them all? As soon as the turmoil comes out, as long as he forgets us, then I will no longer exist in your minds. That's why I asked you to write it down on paper. If it doesn't work, I will carve it on your body with a knife!

"The impatient voices of the two gods continued to echo in the empty hall.

The other people on the periphery who responded nodded in succession, clenched the brushes in their hands tightly, and nervously wrote something down on the paper quickly.

If the heart is forgotten, it will disappear, and if the heart is recalled again, the White Lotus Sect can force him to let it go.

In this case, it should not be too early. If it is too early, it may not be found. If it is too late, it may cause other troubles.

"Miaomiao, why don't you... let the white donkey go? You don't have to go. I heard it's very scary inside. What if there's something wrong..." Chun Xiaoman, who was in charge of responding outside, said very worriedly


Bai Lingmiao looked at the coffin in front of him and shook his head gently, "Sister Xiaoman, I'm not that weak anymore, and if I don't go in, how can others bring out all the heart and soul inside? Don't worry, I'm very good at heart and soul."

has experience."

As the black-smelling coffin nails were pulled out, the coffin board opened, and a man with half a large birthmark on his face crawled out, dragging his ragged clothes.

Looking around, there was a deep confusion in his eyes, as if he had forgotten who he was and where he was.

"Everyone get out, close the door, and don't let them see you. After three days, remind him with our portraits, and then force him to send us out." Bai Lingmiao said, leading a group of white donkeys towards him.


"Where...where is this? Why am I here?" Na Xinzhuo asked Bai Lingmiao.

Bai Lingmiao walked up to him, felt him carefully, and made sure that she was completely reflected in his eyes, then a red hijab covered his head.

When Xin Zhuo took off the red hijab again, there was no one around, and there was no surprise on his face at this moment. He had completely forgotten about Bai Lingmiao and Bai Lu.

"Where...where is this? Why am I here?" He asked around blankly.

When he turned around and looked at the same environment, he asked again: "Where... is this? Why am I here?"

At this moment, Bai Lingmiao had already led his people out of the darkroom. The hall outside and even the entire Shangjing City had completely changed.

The sky was pitch black, leaving everything between visible and invisible. Large tracts of houses were dilapidated and looked extremely desolate, as if the Liang Kingdom had perished. This was a world where the heart was turbid and forgotten.

"Let's go, please be careful. The people trapped here have long been tortured to the point where they are no longer humans or ghosts. They are very hostile to strangers."

Bai Lingmiao walked through the dilapidated imperial city with his white donkey, intending to grab a tongue first and ask for directions.

If there is really good intentions here, then based on their special abilities, they should be well-known among the people trapped here.

The empty journey didn't last long. Soon, Bai Lingmiao, who has a strong sense of perception, heard some crazy sounds from three kilometers away. "Hahahahaha!! Weird, weird, grandson marrying grandma..."

"Come on, this way, the sound is coming from here." Bai Lingmiao took the white donkey and rushed in the direction of the sound, but the sound from the other side was still coming.

"The pigs and sheep sit on the bed, and the six relatives cook in the pot... The daughter eats the mother's flesh, and the son beats the father's skin drum... Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe)

The sound didn't seem to indicate anyone was there. As it quickly approached, Bai Lingmiao immediately saw the source of the sound.

It was a monk sitting upside down on the lotus seat. His shoulders were twitching while he said words that were incomprehensible. "Everyone came to congratulate me. I think it is really painful... It is really painful... Hahaha...


When they saw Bai Lingmiao wave, the two white donkeys wearing talisman short sleeves immediately opened the two iron chains and rushed forward.

The chains flew up with the afterimage and wrapped directly around the sitting monk.

As the chains suddenly stretched straight, the sitting monk was instantly tied and fell in front of Bai Lingmiao.

The monk looked very thin and skinny. He looked as if he had gone crazy for a long time. His hands like chicken claws took out his own intestines and turned them around like a Buddhist bead.

"Master, have you ever seen Xinsu around here? If I can help the little girl, I will definitely help the master escape from this sea of ​​misery."

Faced with Bai Lingmiao's tempting repayment, the monk seemed not to have heard it and continued to talk nonsense. "...The pigs and sheep sat on the bed, and the six relatives cooked in the pot... The woman eats the mother's flesh, and the son

Beat the father's skin drum..."

After asking a few more times, when there was still no response from the other party, Ershen said, "No, this guy has gone crazy. God knows how long he has been forgotten by his heart."

"It seems that if you want to catch your tongue, you have to catch something that has come in in recent years."

Bai Lingmiao did not answer her words, but quickly retreated into the white donkeys. "Be careful! There are many people coming behind the ruined temple!"

As soon as Bai Lingmiao finished speaking, the dilapidated curtains were suddenly opened, and a group of naked weirdos with swollen bellies and red eyes came towards them like a tide.

There were men and women among them, and the endless forgetfulness drove them all crazy.

When they saw Bai Lingmiao's appearance, these people became even more crazy and rushed forward without fear of life or death.

"Form up! Protect the Saint!" As the white donkey quickly started fighting, they were possessed by various things and easily blocked these things at the periphery.

However, even if you take off all their heads, it still won't help. There is no death here.

Unlike before when the Heavenly Path of Death disappeared, the people here are still full of madness and killing.

"Go this way! Hurry up! If you stay here, there will only be more and more of them!" A voice suddenly came from outside.

When Bai Lingmiao quickly sensed the past, he was surprised to find that he actually knew the person who said this. He was Tuoba Danqing, who used to be Senior Brother Li's supervisor of the Tiantian Division.

The last time he dealt with the turbid heart, he was left here.

Looking at his expression, Bai Lingmiao judged that the other party had not been tortured crazy since he had only been here a few years and could communicate.

"Retreat to the southeast and follow the man."

This chapter has been completed!
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