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The land equalization system allowed farmers who had lost their land to return to the land. The homeless people in exile and the tenants who were attached to the names of powerful men also got rid of their shackles and became independent households, thus increasing the number of people controlled by the state.

The working population and tax targets have increased farmers’ enthusiasm for production.

This measure was not only beneficial to the Northern Wei Dynasty, but also laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It can be said to be an unprecedented move that will benefit the present and the future.

Finally, let’s talk about the “Three Chiefs System”.

In the 10th year of Taihe (486), Empress Dowager Feng presided over the reform of the local grassroots organization-the suzerain supervisory system and implemented the "three-chief system".

The "Three Chiefs System" is to reconstruct the local grassroots institutions of the Northern Wei Dynasty based on the form of the Han Shiwulijia organization. It stipulates that five families are one neighbor, five neighbors are one li, and five li are one party. Neighbors, li, and parties have their own offices.

The first chief, collectively referred to as the third chief, is a person who is capable of doing things in the township, abides by the law and has good reputation. He is responsible for checking household registration, collecting taxes and levies, managing production, and maintaining public security. Those who serve as three chiefs can be exempted from official service of one or two people.


It not only facilitates the checking of dependent household registrations, but also determines the unified criteria for levying taxes and prevents those who try to evade taxes from taking advantage of loopholes. This weakens the economic strength of local powerful people, strengthens national power, and enhances the authority of the central government.

These reform measures played a role in promoting the transition of the Northern Wei Dynasty from the backward production methods of the Xianbei people to the advanced feudal production methods of the Han people, that is, feudalization.

In addition to these, in order to gradually adapt the Xianbei people to the lifestyle and etiquette system of the Han people, Empress Dowager Feng promoted education, respected Confucianism and Legalism, and banned the study of divination and prophecy, thus starting the process of Sinicization of the Xianbei people.

No one is perfect, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. In terms of governance, Empress Dowager Feng does have her strong side, but in terms of appointments, Empress Dowager Feng's shortcomings are exposed.

After all, Empress Dowager Feng did not proclaim herself emperor, but only appeared on the historical stage as an assistant to the government. Perhaps because of this, the people who had the most contact with Empress Dowager Feng were the eunuchs in the harem, so she favored more eunuchs.

The eunuchs favored by Empress Dowager Feng include Zhao Hei, Wang Rui, Li Feng, Zhang You, Wang Yu, Qi Daode, etc. In "The Biography of the Eunuchs", they are simply countless.

Not only were they given official titles and titles, but they were also given immeasurable money, land, slaves, etc., and one person even achieved enlightenment, chickens and dogs, and ascended to heaven. Together with their relatives, they were taken care of by the Empress Dowager Feng and were promoted and made rich.

These people were favored by Empress Dowager Feng to such an extent that when Emperor Xiaowen Tuobahong saw them, he would greet them with a smile and rely on them. I don’t know if Tuobahong felt aggrieved in his heart. Anyway, he felt quite aggrieved when he thought about it.


These favored eunuchs were not talented people. Empress Dowager Feng spent a lot of money to raise a bunch of mediocre people. They had no other abilities except eating, drinking, having fun, and flattering horses. But it was okay. At least they did not bring trouble to the government. Maybe

Empress Dowager Feng's favor and trust must still have her own bottom line.

Empress Dowager Feng also knew that she had made such mistakes, so she was afraid that others would talk about her. If she had any suspicion, she would kill her. For example, Li Hui, Li Hui and others suspected that more than ten families were destroyed, and hundreds of people were killed. These deaths

Most of the people who lost their lives were wrongfully committed adultery, innocent victims, and injustice to the world.

Empress Dowager Feng died of illness in Pingcheng in September of the 14th year of Taihe (October 17, 490) and was buried in Yonggu Mausoleum. She was posthumously named "Queen of Civilization" at the age of 49.

In addition, I would like to emphasize again that the Xianzu Emperor Tuobahong was not the biological son of Empress Dowager Feng. The Northern Wei Dynasty had a system of "the son is honored until the mother dies". When Tuobahong was established as the prince, his biological mother Li Guiren was given the gift.

Damn it. Those who write posts on the Internet, please stop talking nonsense and take some responsibility for the words you write!

The second step of filling in the hole: Talk about Emperor Xiaowen and Emperor Tuoba Hong (Yuan Hong)

First, we must add one thing. Xiao Daocheng, the general of the Liu Song Dynasty, forced Emperor Shun of the Song Dynasty Liu Zhun to abdicate in 479, proclaimed himself emperor and ascended the throne, and the Liu Song Dynasty was destroyed. Because there is a prophecy among the people that goes: "The golden sword and the sharp blade will cut it off", which means

"Qi" will replace "Song", so the country was named Qi and its capital was Jiankang. It was the second political power of the Southern Dynasties during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and was known as Southern Qi in history.

By the time Tuoba Hong came into power, the founding emperor of Southern Qi, Emperor Taizu Gao Xiao Daocheng, had already passed away. As for which emperor was in power, ahem, I will dig another hole, but we will talk about it later.

After the death of Empress Dowager Feng, Tuoba Hong took charge of the government that year (490) and continued Empress Dowager Feng's reforms.

Tuoba Hong had long planned to move the capital from Pingcheng to Luoyang, but he knew that northerners were not willing to move south, so he deceived everyone in the 18th year of Taihe (494):

"We are going to march south and kick Qi's ass!"

Since it was the Southern Expedition, no one could say anything, so Tuoba Hong not only brought the soldiers, but also the civil servants.

In August, everyone marched southward in great force, because Luoyang was a place they had to pass through if they wanted to march south. By September, everyone finally arrived in Luoyang.

Why use "finally"? Because it had been raining continuously since they set out from Pingcheng. Even the carriage was already soaked in such rainy weather.

As a result, everyone spent this month's journey in rain and mud. The soldiers were fine, but the civil servants couldn't stand it. When they finally arrived in Luoyang, they were naturally very happy.

Tuoba Hong is also not stingy, serving beautiful women, delicious food, good accommodation and fun.

After a few days like this, Tuoba Hong waved his hand:

"Let's go on kicking Qi Guo's ass!"

After spending many days in such a gentle countryside, and seeing the prosperity of the Central Plains and the lush greenery of different generations, I felt a little nostalgic and reluctant to move forward.

Tuoba Hong said very "angry":

"How can we accomplish nothing by mobilizing troops and mobilizing troops! How can we warn future generations like this?! If you don't want to go south, then move the capital here!"

So, the matter of moving the capital was decided. After the capital was moved, Sizhou, the old capital of Pingcheng (today's Datong City, Shanxi Province) was changed to Hengzhou.

In the 19th year of Taihe (495), an imperial edict stipulated the funeral rules after the capital was moved:

From then on, people who moved to Luoyang were buried in Mangling (north of Yanshi City, Henan Province) and were not allowed to be buried in Hengzhou or Daizhou. In other words, people who moved to Luoyang could only be buried in Henan.

Within the territory, they are not allowed to return to the place of origin for burial.

If the husband is buried first in the north, and the wife dies in the south, it is better to return to the place of origin for burial. It is okay to move the father to live with the mother, or to move the mother to live with the father. However, the wife must follow the husband. If the husband is buried first in the north, the wife is buried now.

In the south, if a woman follows her husband, she should return to the place of Dai for burial. If, conversely, the wife's grave is in Hengzhou or Daizhou, and the husband is buried in Luoyang, then she cannot be buried in Hengzhou or Daizhou. If there is no husband to follow the wife, then

The principle of respect and humiliation. If you want to be buried elsewhere, it is also allowed.

There are also provisions for officials:

The household belongs to Hengzhou and Yanzhou (in the 11th year of Emperor Xiaowen's Taihe reign (487), the eastern part of Hengzhou was divided into the northern part of Youzhou and Yanzhou was established. Yanzhou was governed in Xinli Village, Shahe Town, Southeast of Changping District, Beijing today), but he worked in Jingluo

, then the choice of the parties involved should be respected whether to stay or go.

This funeral regulation only applies to Hengzhou, Daizhou and Luoyang. Other states are arbitrary and not subject to this regulation.

Although Tuoba Hong acted vigorously and resolutely, he did not have strict requirements on migration. Not all the old nobles of some dynasty capitals migrated, and those who migrated were allowed to come and go.

This was also forced by the situation at that time. After all, the majority of people opposed the relocation of the capital. Tuoba Hong made a plan to make the relocation happen. However, for people, they cannot forcefully demand it, otherwise it will cause a lot of instability.

It’s just that these old nobles who stayed behind have become the main force of future turmoil. Ahem, the bear is digging a hole again. I’ll talk about it later. I’ll go! There’s no rush to fill this hole, one on the left and one on the right! Ouch!

, the bear is shy...

Uh-huh, let’s put the shyness aside for now and get down to business.

After moving the capital to Luoyang, Xianbei's old customs were comprehensively reformed.

It stipulates that Han clothing should be used instead of Xianbei clothing, and Chinese language should be used instead of Xianbei language.

, Reform the political system of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

As for why he changed his surname to "Yuan", no reason has been found. Tuoba Hong can't just do it on a whim. Among the many Chinese characters, he just refers to it casually.

Attention! In the blackboard, after Tuoba Hong moved the capital in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Tuoba clan was replaced by the Yuan clan.

A series of actions by Empress Dowager Feng and Tuoba Hong promoted the vigorous development of the economy, culture, society, politics, and military of the Northern Wei Dynasty, eased ethnic gaps, and played a positive role in the integration and development of the people of all ethnic groups in the north.

Because the reform was carried out during the "Taihe" era, it is known as the "Taihe Reform" in history.

However, these measures will take time to be verified. Most reforms are not immediate and will take time to prove. If everyone can have the foresight, foresee the benefits of the reform, and actively improve the system, they can

If it is implemented well, then "Wu Qi's Reform" will not die prematurely, Shang Yang will not end in tragedy, and "Wang Anshi's Reform" will not be repeated and eventually become a tool for partisanship.

Similarly, although the "Taihe restructuring" seems to have long-term benefits now, at the time, it touched the interests of some people, and some people were unwilling to change and felt that it was good to stay in their comfort zone, so it also produced unsatisfactory consequences.

There are fewer rebellions caused by opposition to restructuring.

Among these rebellions, the first thing that should be mentioned is the deposed and murdered prince Tuoba Xun (Yuan Xun).

Empress Dowager Feng's brother Feng Xi died in March of the 19th year of Taihe (495). Tuoba Pi, who heard about Yi Hun's rebellion mentioned earlier, asked Yuan Hong to go to the capital to attend the funeral.

However, Pingcheng, the capital of Dai, is a gathering place for the old people, and those who remain in the capital are all those who oppose moving the capital. If Yuan Hong goes to attend the funeral, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. There will definitely be restrictions from many parties, which will lead to the failure of the reform. Therefore,

Yuan Hong was determined not to go.

I also found a high-sounding reason:

"From ancient times to the present, has no emperor personally attended the funeral of his uncle? The world is most important, and the monarch and his ministers are upside down. You are causing me to lose my virtue!" (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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