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Chapter 244 Passed two levels in a row, the eighth level, actual combat assessment

"My child, you are so lucky to be able to be beaten by Mr. Feng to accept you as a disciple. Work hard."

On the side, seeing Feng Wuyu leaving, the gray-haired examiner came to Yao Xuan and congratulated with some envy.

"Senior, please tell me, I should be able to get full marks for this level, right?"

At this time, Yao Xuan couldn't say anything else, so he could only ask.

"Of course, if you can complete the spiritual training, your score in this level will naturally be perfect."

"In addition, according to the rules, you have to keep this piece of spiritually forged fine gold as a file. Is there no problem?"

After listening to Yao Xuan's words, the examiner nodded, and then spoke again.

"Of course there is no problem. Senior, then I will continue with other assessments."

After bowing to the examiner, Yao Xuan left the workroom and waited patiently outside.

About an hour later, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin also finished their assessments and walked out.

According to their second professional level, they received ten points, nine points, six points, and nine points, which are very good results.

At this time, everyone once again thanked Wu Changkong for coming. Without Teacher Wu, I’m afraid everyone would not know the importance of this level at all, right?

The first five levels of assessment were over, and it was already approaching noon. When Xie Xie asked about the content of the sixth level, the student guide just smiled slightly and then led the way.

Under the guidance of the student guides, the five people from Class Zero came to the location of Shrek Academy's sixth level assessment - the academy cafeteria.

That's right, it's the college cafeteria, and the content of this assessment is also very weird, which is eating, or to be more precise, eating steamed buns.

Walking into the testing area of ​​the canteen, in front of everyone, there is a huge tray, and on the tray, there are layers of fist-sized steamed buns.

As for the rules of this level, they seem to be very simple. If you eat fifteen steamed buns in one go, you will pass. Every five more steamed buns you eat after that will increase one point.

Of course, this level also has a special requirement. When eating steamed buns, the examinee cannot use his soul power and must rely on his own appetite.

It’s a really weird assessment method!

Listening to the serious introduction of the rules to the students, everyone couldn't help but think that perhaps only Shrek Academy had such a unique assessment method.

However, in fact, this level may seem ridiculous, but it can actually test the students' willpower.

For a soul master, eating can also keep him going. For a child under fifteen years old, fifteen steamed buns is definitely a heavenly figure.

What's more, the steamed buns provided by Shrek Academy are not the kind of things that are lacking in weight. They are all real goods, and each one is heavy.

Without using soul power to assist digestion, it is almost impossible for a normal child to eat fifteen steamed buns easily.

In order to force down fifteen steamed buns, it requires the support of strong willpower. Therefore, this test may seem simple, but it always makes the candidates miserable.

However, this is only for normal children, and here, there happen to be three students with very, very abnormal appetites.

"Wow, steamed buns, I'm just hungry!"

Looking at the stacks of steamed buns in front of him, Tang Wulin's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he raised his hand and asked:

"Senior, can I help others eat this?"

"Of course, but are you sure you can eat it?"

With a strange look in his eyes, the student nodded and confirmed.

"Senior, don't worry, I can eat a hundred steamed buns this small."

After hearing what the student said, Tang Wulin said cheerfully, then he grabbed two steamed buns, stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them for a few times, and then swallowed them.

Just like that, under the stunned eyes of the guiding student, Tang Wulin destroyed nearly a hundred steamed buns by himself, but his belly was only slightly bulging.

Naturally, in the sixth level, which stumped many candidates, all five members of Class 0 passed with full marks. Immediately came the seventh level, the endurance test.

There are three tests in endurance test:

Running, 10,000 meters;

Squat with fifty kilogram weight, one thousand times;

Pull-ups, one thousand times.

During the test, students can use soul power, but cannot use soul skills. If they complete all projects, they will receive six points for passing the test. It takes one hour to complete, and the full score will be reduced by one point for every additional ten minutes, but the maximum is reduced to six points.

Different from the original historical line, because everyone is taking the normal assessment, everyone has an hour to rest and digest the previous food.

After this, the endurance test officially begins.

As for Gu Yue, although she is not a beast spirit soul master, her physical fitness is strong enough to complete all assessments.

As a control soul master, Xu Xiaoyan is not the same. Even after Wu Zhangkong's training, it is difficult for her to complete such high-intensity exercise.

Because of this, Yao Xuan, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin all completed three projects and scored full marks, while Xu Xiaoyan, like the original historical line, gave up the latter two and only got two points.

After the seventh endurance test ended, and before the eighth test began, the students still had an hour of rest, while everyone meditated separately to recover their physical and soul power.

Soon, an hour passed, and then, the instructor led everyone to a circular room.

Compared with the venues for the previous exams, the area of ​​this circular room was much larger, and opposite everyone stood ten opponents.

"The eighth level, comprehensive battle."

"In this level, you will fight separately. Each of you will face a Shrek student who enrolled in the previous class. The opponent's ability will be drawn immediately, so luck is also a part of strength."

"Among these ten students, because they are randomly selected, their strength may be strong or weak. Their martial spirits may be restrained by you, or they may be restrained by you."

"So, here is a little tip. Choosing your opponent well is the key to victory. This is an assessment of your observation ability and eyesight."

"During the battle, soul guides cannot be used. All other means can be used. If the battle lasts for ten minutes, it will pass and the opponent will be defeated by ten points. In other cases, it will be determined based on the performance in actual combat."

"Now, you can start to decide the order of battle and choose your opponents. Once your opponents are selected, they cannot be changed. You have five minutes. Now the timer starts."

The student guide introduced the rules and then stood aside.

"Brother Xuan, how do we choose our opponents? Can you help us?"

Everyone gathered around Yao Xuan, and immediately, Xie Xie asked in a low voice.

"Okay, let's talk about the order of battle first. Xiaoyan's martial spirit is very powerful tonight. Let her play last. The four of us, in order of battle, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Gu Yue, and me."

After listening to Xie Xie's words, Yao Xuan nodded, and then looked at the opponent in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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