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Extra 7 The demise of the Qiangu family

In addition to killing the three evil rulers of Chuanling Pagoda, Qiangu Dongfeng, Qiangu Zhangting, and Qiangu Dieting, in order to maintain the rule of Chuanling Pagoda, Yao Xuan did not kill the other senior members of the Qiangu family for the time being, but only enslaved them.


Now that the Great Yao Empire was established and was extremely prosperous and stable, these senior officials of the Qiangu family no longer need to stay. Yao Xuan is ready to conduct a just trial against them in accordance with the "Laws of the Great Yao Empire".

As an evil family, most of the senior members of the Qiangu Family have quite a dark history. They have used their power to bully men and women, acted tyrannically, accepted bribes, and even participated in collusion with the Holy Spirit Cult. Their crimes are countless.


Although Yao Xuan is ready to punish the Qiangu Family, he is not a bloodthirsty person from the earth. Yao Xuan will naturally not kill those members of the Qiangu Family who have not committed any crimes.

Regarding members of the Qiangu Family, including direct members within three generations of the Qiangu Family, Yao Xuan directly summoned them all, used his divine power to make them confess all their crimes, and held trials based on their crimes.

The first level of punishment is direct execution. This penalty will be imposed on those members of the Qiangu family who have directly or indirectly killed other people, or who have forcibly violated women through their power.

Among the top echelons of the Qiangu family, almost 70% of the members were executed according to the laws of Yao. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Even if the justice in the absence may not be real justice, it is better than the absence forever.


The second level of punishment, the abolition of soul power and life imprisonment, was all sentenced to this punishment for those members of the Qiangu family who did not commit serious crimes but committed serious crimes.

If the first-level punishment and the second-level punishment are included, all the members of the ninth level and above among the Qiangu family's senior leaders have been punished, which is enough to show how many crimes the soul masters in the Qiangu family have committed. Even those ordinary members have been sentenced to the second level.

There are also many who are punished.

The third level of punishment is to abolish the soul power and impose a corresponding period of imprisonment. As long as the members of the Qiangu family who have violated laws and regulations are all sentenced to this punishment, even if it is only the lightest law, this is after all an infringement on the Qiangu family, Yao

Although Xuan is kind, his kindness is also limited.

The fourth level of punishment, deprivation of fertility and being demoted to a pariah, is a punishment that direct members of the Qiangu family must accept regardless of whether they have committed crimes, regardless of gender. Of course, members of the Qiangu family who have received second and third level punishments also need to accept it.

Those who are punished in this way, as for the first class, will be put to death, thus avoiding this heavy punishment.

For Yao Xuan, the Qiangu family does not need to perish immediately, but it must perish. Cutting off the fertility of direct members of the Qiangu family is undoubtedly the best. The peaceful way to destroy the Qiangu family is also the one he prefers.

After all, there is no killing involved.

By the way, the surnames of the remaining members of the Qiangu family have also been changed from the original "Qiangu" to "Qin". This is also a little bit of Yao Xuan's bad taste, and the names of Qiangu Dongfeng, Qiangu Zhangting, and Qiangu Dieting

The kneeling statues were also placed next to the kneeling statues of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, for all people to despise, and they were also permanently nailed to the pillar of shame.

In this way, under Yao Xuan's thunderous methods, the Qiangu family was completely destroyed. Even if the Qiangu family still has some bloodline, it is not harmful. As time goes by, they will naturally perish if they lose the ability to conceive.

, it will never be possible to turn over.

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