Chapter 137 Don't be afraid

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In the study, the entire temperature dropped to a bone-chilling cold. Su Nanjin listened gloomily to his subordinates' report. After waiting for a long time, there was still no result!

It was impossible for him to accept losing Zhiluo again!

He could wait until Zhiluo fell in love with him, but after waiting for so long, she left him again!

There seemed to be an empty space in her heart. Su Nanjin lowered his eyes and carefully took out a photo of Shen Zhiluo from the wallet compartment. The photo was already a few years old. Compared to now, the woman's smile was greener. She rubbed it reluctantly twice and took it again. I took out a diamond-shaped diamond ring. Due to long-term rubbing, the ring base emits a round arc.

Since the day Shen Zhiluo returned the ring to him, he has not been away from her for a day.

Sooner or later, he will put the ring on Zhiluo again.

"Mr. Nan, the news that Miss Shen went out was deliberately erased by the other party. We can't find any trace of her."

Su Nanjin frowned, and his handsome face sank completely, shrouded in a layer of frost: "If you can't find any clues about leaving, just look for it from the photos!"

The other party sent it specially and did not ask for any reward. He just told Su Nanjin specifically to provoke him!

There will definitely be a way to find clues!

Otherwise... the person who kidnapped Zhiluo wanted to watch a good show, but how could he continue to act!

"Mr. Nan, we found it!" Xing Lei had cold sweat on his face and wiped it hurriedly, "There is a small sign in the corner of the photo, Miss Shen's abandoned factory in the suburbs."

"Prepare the car and go now!"

Waking up faintly, Shen Zhiluo's lips trembled as he heard Su Nanjin's deep and pleasant voice coming from the wedding video.

"Zhiluo, marry me."

Then, the red velvet ring box with a ring of diamonds on the outside was slowly opened, revealing a diamond-shaped ring inside.

It was designed by Su Nanjin himself.

Staring at the familiar ring, suddenly, a conversation flashed through her mind.

"Su Nanjin, I, Shen Zhiluo, don't want you anymore."

"It doesn't matter who doesn't want who, what matters is that we are finished."

But in the video, the two kissed in front of everyone, which brought her back to reality.

Her face was even slightly red. When did she and Su Nanjin become so close!

And when I saw this video, it was like reliving it all over again, but with a little more bitterness.

The video ended with a passionate kiss. Before she could recover, Shen Zhiluo heard a crackling sound. She looked outside, and her eyes instantly became frightened.

The factory is on fire!

The other party wanted to burn her alive in an abandoned factory!

No, she can't die yet!

How could she die like this and become a lonely ghost before she even found out who was the murderer of her parents?

She immediately reacted, like countless ants crawling through her heart, and she began to shake the chair in an extremely anxious manner, and the shaking amplitude became larger and larger.

Suddenly, the chair legs broke with a "click" and the whole chair fell backwards.

Her head hit the ground hard!

There was no time to feel the pain, because one of the chair legs was broken, Shen Zhiluo quickly moved twice to get up, tried to land on his feet, and then moved forward bit by bit.

She clearly saw that in the black backpack in front of her, there was a dagger that could save her!

She pulled open the zipper with her teeth, then hesitated for a moment, then immediately decided to bite the handle of the knife and pull it out.

The dagger is very heavy, and it is even more unstable when held with teeth. If an accident occurs, the face may be bloody and bloody.

She bit the handle of the knife carefully, and with a soft sound, the dagger fell to the ground.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the hot sweat on the tip of her nose because of the fire seemed to be blown away by the cold wind.

The sound of burning weeds could be heard in her ears. The fire was getting closer and closer. Shen Zhiluo did not dare to stop. She adjusted her posture, stretched out her hand, bit the dagger again, and rushed towards the sharp tip with a cold glow. her wrist.

She kept rubbing the thick rope with the blade of the knife. The rope was rough. The dagger had not even scratched her arm, but her wrist was already bleeding from the hemp rope.

As the fire grew stronger, there was even a bit of steaming heat in his body, and the tip of his tongue felt dry. Shen Zhiluo's heartbeat was thundering, and his cold eyes showed tenacity.

The hemp rope was wound five or six times, and finally one, two, and finally all was untied!

I don't know how much time had passed, but now she had no strength left, and her teeth were chattering due to the pain, but she still clutched the handle of the knife tightly and completely cut open the body that bound her feet.

Finally, her heart relaxed slightly and she let go completely.

Her hands and feet became numb due to long-term binding, and her legs began to tremble and kept falling.

But seeing the raging fire outside surrounding the entire warehouse and the entire factory burning, she was completely powerless. Running out now would be tantamount to death!

The infrared camera in the corner was still flashing red, seemingly waiting for the woman to save herself.

Shen Zhiluo fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, grabbed a small stone on the ground, and smashed it towards the camera!

Finally, the red light disappeared.

The man behind him laughed interestingly: "Interesting."

She knows how to use the dagger that's there, she's not bad at it, she's a smart woman.

According to research, the number one cause of death in fires is poisoning from smoke inhaled while running in a hurry, not fire.

A suffocating feeling lingered in her throat. The fire surrounded the entire warehouse, emitting a strong and pungent smell. Although Shen Zhiluo couldn't smell it, he still tried his best to prevent himself from breathing rapidly.

There was no one passing by in the surrounding wilderness, and no one would call the police.

If you stay here, you will only die of smoke.

Thick smoke covered the direction in front of her, and the poisonous smoke continued to be inhaled into her body. Her chest became more and more stuffy, and her forehead couldn't stop hurting!

Shen Zhiluo squatted on the ground, covering her mouth and nose with her clothes. The fire in the warehouse was like a prairie grass, unstoppable, and the flames almost swallowed her up.

How could she just die like this!

She hasn't found out the truth yet!

Even though he was full of reluctance, he was powerless in the face of the raging fire.

"Zhiluo! Shen Zhiluo!" The man's voice was loud, not at all as low and calm as usual.

It's very familiar, it seems to be Su Nanjin's voice...

Wait, Su Nanjin?

How did he know he was here?

Before he could think about it carefully, Shen Zhiluo quickly shouted: "I'm here!"

I just shouted, because the smoke was choking, and I couldn't help but cough loudly.

Fortunately, the man's hearing was very sensitive and he followed the sound to the warehouse. Then, ignoring the flames soaring into the sky, he used his suit jacket to block the situation and rushed in without hesitation.

The fire was so strong that his trousers and shirt began to burn along with the flames.

Shen Zhiluo's head was dizzy, his limbs were weak, and he couldn't ask why you were here. He could only follow Su Nanjin's support, and his legs and feet gained some strength.

The warehouse is an old building that began to collapse slowly due to continuous high-temperature combustion.

Su Nanjin hugged the woman and put the suit jacket on her body. She was petite and most of her skin was tightly covered.

Then, Su Nanjin lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

This chapter has been completed!
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