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Chapter 355 Relics

After being rejected, You Chen didn't have a big reaction. It was just a test and there was nothing to be angry about.

Although the Shen family has bad memories, it is undeniable that the Shen family is Shen Zhiluo's family.

Back at Shen's house, Shen Zhiluo felt inexplicably like he was in another world. He sat in the living room for a while, then went upstairs and opened Shen Liangqiu's door.

Now that the person is gone, all the hatred will naturally disappear.

She wanted to pack up Shen Liangqiu's belongings.

The room is in simple blue and white tones, and the bed is clean and tidy, without a single wrinkle, as meticulous as his person.

There was a separate cubicle inside that became a study room. Shen Zhiluo walked in. The desk was still clean, except for a notebook placed on it with a unique password lock.

She picked it up and read it, like a diary. She tried Shen Liangqiu's birthday, but it was wrong. She tried it many times, but it was wrong.

"It can't be that day, right?" Shen Zhiluo rolled his eyes and finally chose the date when Shen Liangqiu arrived at the Shen family.

With a snap, the password lock opened. A little surprised, Shen Zhiluo opened it and looked at it, realizing that it was a diary written by Shen Liangqiu.

On March 20th, I arrived at the Shen family, my enemy's family. I wanted to avenge my parents. Why could they be so happy...

Were they really the ones who killed mom and dad on June 3rd? I don’t think they are like that, but if they don’t take revenge, mom and dad will be very disappointed...

Shen Liangqiu struggled back and forth between giving up and taking revenge day and night, until the day he actually took revenge.

On September 25th of this year, my plan was successful and Zhiluo's parents died. However, I was not happy at all. I was a little numb. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Seeing Zhiluo's painful look, I first I realized for the first time whether I had done something wrong...

Later, Shen Zhiluo saw that he wrote about pursuing Xia Xia. Xia Xia wanted him to confess, but he didn't dare. He had Xia Xia, so he didn't dare to gamble.

Then Xia Xia passed away. She knew that Shen Liangqiu had killed her parents. Shen Liangqiu was bent on death and left evidence to exonerate her. However, she found that all this was his misunderstanding, and his determination to die became even more determined.

The tip of Shen Zhiluo's nose felt sore, and she realized that Shen Liangqiu was no less painful than she was. In his memory, his parents were the murderers who killed his parents.

On the one hand, he wants to avenge his parents, but on the other hand, he suffers from his own soft-heartedness.

Shen Zhiluo slowly finished opening it and locked the diary intact. He couldn't calm down for a long time and sat on the chair for a long time before leaving the room with his only remaining diary.

The room is still clean and tidy, as if the owner of the room has always been there and never left.

The moment he closed the door, tears fell from Shen Zhiluo's eyes, "Brother Liangqiu, goodbye."

I turned around and went to my parents' room, which had been sealed. I hadn't been in it for a while. Before I took revenge, I was afraid that I would collapse. After taking revenge, I couldn't accept the result and didn't dare to come back.

She thought that her future life could really begin.

Walking in carefully, there was some slight dust. Shen Zhiluo was choked and coughed a few times. He opened the window to let in some air and felt much better.

Shen Zhiluo was not in a hurry, just slowly looking around and searching.

"Huh?" Shen Zhiluo saw the camera her parents had put in a glass cabinet and gently opened it. Dust was rising in the air again. She reached out and fanned the camera before taking it down.

The moment I took it out, I found that there was also the removed battery inside. I took it out together, put the battery in, pressed the power button, and the camera screen turned on.

Shen Zhiluo opened the photo album curiously. The first photo was a family photo of the four of them. He looked through it one by one and unknowingly, tears fell silently.

"Sister, don't run around, you're going to fall!" Young Shen Liangqiu anxiously chased the uncertain girl running around in front of him, and kept shouting.

"Ah!" The little girl stumbled and fell to the ground. She didn't cry and said with a flat mouth: "Brother, if you don't tell me, I will definitely not fall down!"

The young man who was beaten down was stunned and at a loss. A gentle female voice sounded: "Zhiluo, how can you say that to your brother? Apologize quickly."

Hearing this, the little Shen Zhiluo got up and apologized in a long voice: "Brother, I'm sorry~"

While talking, Shen Liangqiu made a face. Shen Liangqiu smiled helplessly and continued to follow her, fearing that she would fall. At least his eyes were sincere, without any pretense.

Shen Zhiluo knew very well that Shen Liangqiu was not sincere when he was with them, but sometimes he reacted and pressed down hard.

After reading everything, Shen Liangqiu's face was full of tears but she didn't know it. She put down the camera and suddenly covered her face and burst into tears: "Mom, Dad, I miss you so much, and I miss my brother so much... Why did I just I am left alone..."

In the empty room, the woman's heart-rending cry could not subside for a long time. She didn't understand why in such a happy family, she was the only one left to live alone.

On the second day of their wedding, Su Nanjin still had no intention of entering the wedding room. Han Shuyu was extremely anxious. How could she maintain her marriage without an actual marriage?

That night, I took out the sexy suspender pajamas I bought and put them on. Han Shuyu was not a beauty, but she could be considered a Xiaojiabiyu. She put on light makeup and was pretty and pure.

"I don't believe it anymore. You can still hold on like this!" Han Shuyu put on the body lotion and made sure it smelled good before letting his long hair down. He had pure black ink hair, fair skin and burgundy silk. Nightgown creates a strong visual impact.

She didn't believe there was a man who wouldn't cheat on her. After so many years of relationship with her ex-boyfriend, didn't she get cheated on in the end?

What's more, Su Nanjin's wife has nothing to do with him for a long time. She is also Su Nanjin's legal wife, and there is no moral problem.

When Su Nanjin came back in the evening, she felt that the house was too quiet. In the past, as long as Han Shuyu was here, there was basically no quiet time.

The room was very dark, so Su Nanjin raised her hand to turn on the light, only to find that the original incandescent light turned into a warm yellow light, and a woman wearing a nightgown stood quietly not far away.

With just one glance, he understood what Han Shuyu wanted to do, and he felt extremely disgusted in his heart. He said coldly: "There are some things you shouldn't do. You should know better, get out of here!"

Unexpectedly, the first sentence was like this. The smile on Han Shuyu's face could hardly be maintained, but he still walked over and tried to hold his arm: "We are husband and wife, there is nothing we shouldn't do."

Feeling her approach, Su Nanjin waved his arm and strode inside. Then he stopped and turned to look at her. He said coldly: "I think you should know very well why I married you. You can pay as much as you want." , I will still treat you as a benefactor, but if you ask me to marry you, you should know who you are living for!"

This chapter has been completed!
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