Chapter 1100 Tianzhu

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"Tianzhu is a Buddhist country on the earth. It is said that there are countless eminent monks and great virtues, and the rain is spread widely, and all living beings are equal. That monk came from Tianzhu and did not teach my husband the Dharma, but he promised to learn arithmetic?"

Li Bi was very curious, and after her son left in despair, she began to ask questions.

It can be said that Li Po truly realized that one lie requires countless lies to cover up the truth, but he can't say that these are his dreams, right?

He already had a record of being a night dreamer, so he changed the trick this time, and it is said that Arabic numerals were indeed first created in the South Asian subcontinent. The reason why they are called Arabic numerals is because they started to be spread from there.

Just entering Europe.

He still remembered all these, but he was not sure whether Tianzhu had formed some basic systems of mathematics at that time, or whether it had invented Arabic numerals.

But things in Tianzhu are actually just rumors in the Central Plains. Buddhism from Tianzhu was introduced to the Central Plains during the Han Dynasty. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are accurate records that Bodhidharma, a monk from Tianzhu, preached in Luoyang and other places. Buddhists gradually began to worship Bodhidharma as his

The most typical example of the founder is Songshan Shaolin Temple.

Because it is close to Luoyang, it is where Bodhidharma settled down, and it should be regarded as the beginning of Mahayana Buddhism.

In fact, at that time, Buddhism gradually spread throughout the Central Plains. By the Sui Dynasty, it entered a heyday. In the north, the number of people who believed in Buddhism was increasing day by day. In the south, the number of people who believed in Buddhism was increasing, and the nobles flocked to it. They began to build Buddhist temples on a large scale, which caused a serious conflict with Taoism.


At that time, Emperor Wen Yang Jian was raised by a nun, but after he ascended the throne, he saw people worshiping Buddha and gods and ignoring practical matters, and he was deeply disgusted.

Moreover, some remnants of princes gathered people in the name of Buddha, and many monks also participated in it, resisting the imperial policy, so he wanted to demolish temples and drive away believers.

Of course, there was a lot of resistance.

Yang Guang rose to prominence at that time and protected Buddhists in the south, so the people in the south were very grateful. Even though he was in a very poor state when he went to Jiangdu for the third time, he was still welcomed by the nobles in the south of the Yangtze River because people still remembered his kindness.


But when the war in the south also started to burn fiercely, no one came towards him anymore.


The people in Tianzhu have made great contributions to religion. It is no wonder that in the era of prosperous science and technology, there are still so many people there who believe in religion crazily, even to the point of ignorance.

In the current world, there is probably no one who has been to Tianzhu and returned to the Central Plains safely. Most people regard Tianzhu as a Buddhist holy land, but what the holy land looks like can only be imagined.

It is the kind of scene where the Buddha is sitting on a lotus flower and preaching, with eminent monks gathered around, devout believers watching from a distance, singing and dancing, and a series of visions in the sky.

In fact, Li Po felt that the people over there were probably eating glutinous rice. Even if the caste system had not reached its peak, it was probably still being implemented.

With the suppression of the caste system, it is much more cruel than the nine-level Zhongzheng system in the Central Plains, and there has never been a unified country there. The name Tianzhu is actually just a collective name.

Buddhism plus caste, my God... restores equality to all living beings, that's just saying.

A wise person can understand a lie just by thinking about it. Who can be on an equal footing with Buddha?

"Don't ask any more questions. The monk's face is very black, similar to the rumored Kunlun slave. The rest, he has one nose and two eyes, and speaks human language. That's what he looks like.

As for Buddhism, do you think your husband is a person who knows how to follow the Buddha? If you have good knowledge, you will know etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace.

In the military camp outside the Great Wall, life is difficult. We can’t even fill our bellies. Why should we worship the Buddha? The monk sits and meditates all day long. If we didn’t support him, he would have died of hunger long ago. He teaches us some magic and arithmetic. We can only compensate him just in case.

That’s all.”

Li Bi knew that her husband was talking nonsense again, but she was helpless. After so many years, she also knew that her husband had no taboos and had no respect for the Buddha and gods. He was really a stubborn stone that could not be influenced.

He was also afraid of being irritated and angry, so he took the action of cutting down mountains and destroying temples.

So he hummed twice and muttered, "It's not as bad as you said. Buddhism encourages people to do good and cultivate merit for the next life. It's still good..."

Seeing that his wife's arrogance was gradually fading, Li Po didn't care about himself, so he just fooled her and it was over.

Since last year, he has been secretly compiling basic mathematics reading materials, preparing to contribute to the construction of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, he also had to study the current mathematics level. He was very busy overtly and secretly, but he had no time to argue with his wife.

While he was talking, the food and wine had been put on the table, and the hungry Li Po immediately buried himself in the table and started chewing. He couldn't drink any more wine. Countless government affairs were waiting for him, and he couldn't be too dizzy.

Li Bi stopped pestering her and looked at how sweet he was eating. A smile gradually appeared on her lips. She leaned on her waist and took a few bites. She had not had a good appetite recently and was angry with her son just now.

After eating some, I put down my chopsticks.

Ashina Rongzhen had already had dinner. At this time, he grabbed his daughter out of boredom and kept playing with her. Sometimes he asked her to punch, and sometimes he asked her to kick her legs. If she didn't like it, he stabbed her twice with his fingers.


Li Zhen was so tormented by her mother that she was in a state of ecstasy, competing with her brother just now.

While the family was having a good time, Li Chun finally arrived. After coming in, he gave gifts to his brother and sister-in-law. Li Po tilted his head and looked at her. His face was flushed with alcohol. It seemed that he had drank a lot there.

Li Chun sat down on the couch with a guilty conscience, and Li Bi asked with a half-smile, "You've been living a really carefree day. Where did you go to drink again?"

Li Chun laughed playfully, "My sister-in-law is asking questions knowingly. I don't believe there is anything in Manchang'an that can be hidden from my sister-in-law's eyes and ears."

Li Bi smiled, squinted her eyes, and leaned on the couch. Immediately, a palace servant came forward to put a soft cushion on her, and then said quietly: "You, just don't think about it all day long. Why don't you do something serious?"


You have to be more careful when the consort returns to Beijing this time. If you can't carry on the family line, you may be rejected by your husband's family. Then it will be too late if you come to us again to complain."

Li Chun chuckled and didn't take it seriously, "If he has the courage, I will divorce him..."

Li Po continued to eat and ignored them. The unlucky boy... actually went to his brother's outer room to talk without saying hello beforehand. He was really in need of discipline.

Li Chun had a few words with his sister-in-law, tested Li Bi's attitude, and was somewhat relieved. His sister-in-law was not angry. It seemed that his eldest brother was managing the family well.

If that person in her family had such means and courage, she would... stab him twice. If he survived, it meant that it was God's will and we were still husband and wife.

Well, Xu Shiji may not be blessed with three wives and four concubines in his life...

This chapter has been completed!
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