Chapter 1107 Jiang Zuo

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There are many people abandoning their wives and children these days, and only Yu Wenshi and one of them are. The unfortunate thing is that Yu Ze survives in the former Sui Dynasty. The evils committed by Yu Wenhua and his brothers, even if Yu Wenshi and Yu Wenshi were not involved at the time, they will still have to do it in the end.

He will bear the consequences.

In these days, it is difficult to separate families from individuals. It was lucky that Yu Wenshiji could not lose his life due to the burden of his two brothers. It is simply normal for him to be somewhat affected.

For example, Dou Jiande's Huangmen servant Yu Shinan was burdened by his brother Yu Shiji. Everyone regarded Yu Shiji as a sycophant, and they were unwilling to talk to Yu Shinan. He was alone in Hebei, and the same was true in Chang'an.

But this man is indeed a great figure in the world of literature. He once studied under the great Confucians Gu Yewang, Xu Ling and others. He is full of knowledge, and his calligraphy in particular is one of the best in the world.

After returning to the Tang Dynasty, some people suggested that he wanted to kill him. Feng Deyi said a few good words for him, and he was recommended by Cen Wenwen, the minister of Zhongshu, who was also a southerner, so he became a writer and revised the history of the Sui Dynasty together with Wen Yanhong.



According to Huang Junhan, the political situation in Beijing was very stable. To use his flattering words, he said that the supreme sage did not give way to Yao and Shun, and his bravery was not inferior to that of the Han Dynasty. Everyone praised him and believed in him.

Roughly speaking, it means that the emperor is sitting firmly on the throne, and no one dares to cause trouble. The demeanor of the founding king has been clearly revealed.

Seeing this, the ministers gradually became clear about their intention to assist Mingjun in making achievements, and no longer thought about what happened to the previous dynasty or the old master.

Even though there were great changes in personnel, it was also a normal phenomenon. After the princes were pacified, talented people went to Chang'an one after another, and many people were promoted and appointed.

If you don't go to Beijing for a year, many new faces will appear in the court, such as Huang Junhan, who is one of them.

Huang Junhan felt that Governor Li had been away for two years and was probably a little homesick, so he talked about the situation inside and outside Chang'an very carefully. As long as he felt that Li Jing was interested in a topic, he would talk about it.

But after many years of ups and downs in the officialdom and serving several masters, he knew what should be said and what should not be said. For example, even if he heard about everything in the palace, he would not mention a word about it.

Only the emperor's close ministers and censors had room to speak out about palace matters, and he was obviously not among them.

In fact, he thought a little too much. Li Jing was at the peak of his life, holding great power, bossing around, and having great ambitions. How could he miss home?

Li Jing was quite pleased to know that everything in the capital was improving. The situation in the government was stable, and foreign ministers like them could better display their talents.

"Jing Yun has just arrived in Xiangyang. He must be busy with general affairs. He shouldn't bother with things, but Jing Yun's talents are rare... As the saying goes, those who can do more work. You go back and prepare. I estimate that I will send troops to Lingnan in the autumn. I intend to use General Yuchi to rule

Bing, how about you come and go with him?"

Huang Junhan couldn't help but be overjoyed. He was a consignment from Li Yuan, especially since Shuzhong had a very bad operation and was finally appointed again. When he wanted to use his talents, what could increase his qualifications more than military merit?

Huang Junhan nodded without hesitation and said: "Please don't worry, Commander. I will go and pay homage to General Yuchi later. As the saying goes, no thanks can be expressed for a great favor. The Commander-in-Chief will just observe my behavior from now on."


Compared with Li Jing's drastic measures in Jiangling, Wang Ze was completely different when he arrived in Jiangdu.

Wang Ze and others took a boat to Jiangdu, and Fugong Tuo, Zuo Youxian, Kan Ling and others led their people to meet them on the shore. The leaders of these people were either Du Fuwei's brothers or Du Fuwei's adopted sons.

Family management.

Fugong Tuo and Zuo Youxian were both Du Fuwei's sworn brothers. Kan Ling and Wang Xiongdan were known as the two heroes. They always commanded Du Fuwei's personal guards and saved Du Fuwei in danger many times.

Like Du Fuwei, these people all came from rough backgrounds. They had fought with Du Fuwei for many years and were Du Fuwei's most trusted subordinates.

They naturally obeyed when Du Fuwei was around. Once Du Fuwei left, Jiangzuo would be their world. Only God knows what they were thinking.

But what is different from another time and space is that Li Po's wings are strong enough, and they are blown up by strong winds. Even if these people are thousands of miles away, they are all blown askew by the strong wind blowing from the north.

Nowadays, each of them has a rich net worth. Once people become rich, especially the grassroots, they are no longer willing to live a turbulent life. In other words, their willingness to rebel again is not that strong.

But having said that, he is absolutely unwilling to let go of the power he has gained, so when the two people meet for the first time, they are inevitably nervous.

In fact, they all know that there will definitely be discord or even conflict between the old and the new.

Du Fuwei's subordinates are doing well in Jiangdu. How can they easily give away the foundation that the boss has worked so hard to build?

As for Wang Ze and others, they came to Jiangdu to turn this place into the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Now they can talk nicely to each other, but it is only because Du Fuwei took the initiative to ask for surrender, and he was very favored by the Supreme, so the handover can be smooth.

It's the best, but if anyone still wants to cause trouble, they are not afraid.

They were accompanied by five thousand elites, and there were thousands of large and small ships parked on the river, all controlled by the elites of the Jiangyou Navy.

The most important thing is that there are more than 200,000 troops in the north distributed on the ground in Henan, Hebei, and Shandong. Behind them are tens of thousands of Yuchi Gong's elite troops. It takes only a short time to take a boat from Jiangling to Jiangdu.

Therefore, Wang Ze and others are not worried about someone refusing to obey orders and starting a rebellion again. What they are worried about is that provoking rebellion will make the Supreme think they are incompetent.

In fact, in the final analysis, the Tang army did not show enough desire to attack. Like in another time and space, Li Shimin sent troops to the north and provoked wildly when Du Fuwei and others had surrendered.

Li Jing and others prepared ships on the river and wanted to go down the river to attack Danyang. Everyone on the left side of the river was in danger and refused to lead the way to kill, so they elected Fugong Tuo as the leader and set up a rebel flag.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons and cannot summarize the situation at that time.

Today's situation is different. Li Po has no intention of eradicating the roots, and he has no sectarian views in his heart. He will not harm others because of their humble background.

Especially in Du Fuwei's narrative, he felt that Jiangzuo was governed very well by Du Fuwei, and that another war would be harmful rather than beneficial, so he left a lot of room for everyone in Jiangzuo.

Of course, if you still don't know how to commend them, you can just attack them with the strength of the Tang army.

So the encounter between the local snake and the dragon crossing the river was not that dramatic.

Both sides brought gifts to show their friendship.

If we follow the idea of ​​Fugong Tuo and others, we can take out a few boxes of gold and silver and put them on the shore, and get some beauties to add to the fun when the wind and dust are washed away. If it looks pleasing to the eye, we can just share the harvest from overseas.

For newcomers, I think that soon after arriving, the outsiders will become our own.

This kind of nouveau riche-style operation is now very popular in Jiangdu. Everyone is full of energy, very interested in recruiting people to join the team, and very confident.

In the end, they were persuaded by the children of the noble families who were dumbfounded. They were all heroes from Guanxi and nobles from Chang'an. They were ashamed to talk about money.

Wealth and beauty are definitely not worth mentioning in other people's eyes. The people who come here all come from well-known families and have a lot of money.

So the country bumpkins started thinking about something else, and finally felt that the previous idea was indeed a bit vulgar. They happened to catch the sea bandit Liu Haiwang and beheaded him, so they might as well offer it as a gift. In addition to showing their merit, it can also make people come.

I know they are not easy to mess with.

Well, these gangsters are so real.

King Liu Hai has a good reputation at sea. This man was born as a fisherman on the seaside. During the Daye Year, he went to sea and was captured by pirates, so he joined the gang. This guy is very smart. When the chaos broke out in the Central Plains, he saw the opportunity to recruit many big people.

The Sui navy gradually became a climate at sea.

When Du Fuwei led his people to the sea, the so-called fellow travelers were enemies. This man led his people to oppose Du Fuwei many times, and placed bounties on the heads of everyone in Jiangzuo at sea. He was very arrogant.

Du Fuwei personally led his people out to sea several times but could not find any trace of this guy. The caravans that went out to sea were repeatedly robbed by King Liu Hai. Not only did he steal money, he also killed people. As long as Jiangzuo's ships were surrounded by his fleet,

Usually no one is left alive.

At the beginning of the year, Fugong Tuo received news about King Liu Hai, and ordered Kan Ling to lead his army to sea. After several naval battles, they pursued him to the west of Ryukyu, and finally captured King Liu Hai and his accomplices and brought him back to Jiangdu to behead him.

This pursuit lasted for several months and was considered a rare naval battle in the world.

Of course, Fu Gongtuo and others did not realize the significance of what they did. They just caught this enemy at sea, which made them all happy.

Just when Wang Ze and others arrived, they presented Liu Haiwang's head as a gift... It is said that the Kansai people are all murderous kings of hell. They should be very happy, right?

In addition to this very special gift, Fugong Tuo and others also remembered that the previous letter sent by the king had mentioned that he wanted them to send him some rare things obtained from trade in Chang'an, so as to make friends with the powerful.


So everyone searched around in the warehouse and found some strange things, which they thought were the heads of King Liu Hai.

Under the helpless reminders of those serious people, Fugong Tuo and others finally remembered that Jiangzuo's household registration, official registration, map registration, etc. were the best gifts.

These people have put a lot of thought into it, but some of them are not on point, and even when they are high-ranking officials, they look terrible.

Not to mention the messy tricks of these guys, the gift Wang Ze sent them is what they need most right now, a reward from the imperial court.

The official positions under Du Fuwei were relatively chaotic, with some characteristics of other rebels. Official positions were granted at will, and Du Fuwei's largest official was the King of Chu, the Grand Manager of Jiangdong, who was granted the title by Emperor Huangtai.

Wang Shichong and Yu Wenhuaji all gave him official positions, but he valued orthodoxy and despised these two self-reliant guys who killed their masters, so he was not given official positions by them.

And he did not proclaim himself emperor, so he kept messing around with the official system. For example, his son Kan Ling still held the official position of Jiangdu Tongshou, which now seems a bit nondescript.

This chapter has been completed!
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