Chapter 115 Poaching

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In a place surrounded by a large army, there are naturally no birds and beasts, and almost everything that can move has entered the belly of the soldiers.

However, isn't this place close to the Zhuojun Palace Hunting Ground? The wild animals there are extremely abundant.

Li Po took only five people with him and quietly left the Mayi camp and headed west.

The army is forming, and various military orders are being passed around in the army, making it very confusing.

Taking this opportunity, several people passed through the camp without daring to approach the central army. They walked in a big circle and quietly entered the royal hunting ground in the evening.

Among the five people, Cheng Zhijie and Luo San are naturally indispensable. They are both physically strong and are standard candidates for coolies.

Among the others, Shi Da is an Orion hunter in Mayi, so just do your job well.

The other two, one surnamed Chen, ranked third in the family, and Chen Sanlang, who is not tall and has a bit of a pretty face. He is not Li Jing's in-law, but a householder in Mayi, but his family background is also very good.

A good bow.

On the Lingqiu Road that day, this boy nailed the heavy rider in the eye with an arrow, saving Li Po a lot of danger.

The other one, whose surname is Huang, is called Huang You, a solid and honest man from Mayi.

This is an old soldier from Mayi. He has been in the army for seven or eight years. He is very ferocious. Back then, in the Mayi army, a group of people called him "Black Face Lang", which made him very ferocious. He knocked down two pairs of people in the same group.


Like Cheng Zhijie, he is the best among thugs...??`

These crooked men and women are now under Li Po. They have been trained to be quite well-behaved when they meet the more ferocious and ruthless Li Po...

I entered the hunting ground at night and did not wander around in the hunting ground.

Li Po took them to the hunting area first.

It was a place in Laoda, where not only the officials and guards of the hunting ground lived, but it could also be said to be the royal residence. In other words, it was a post station set up by the royal family in the hunting ground.

Most people who go to hunting grounds to hunt will rest here and replenish various supplies.

Although this is a small place, it has all the necessary features, making it look like a small county town.

Of course, this is the royal hunting ground of Zhuojun. Compared with the hunting grounds in places like Chang'an, Luoyang, Jiangdu, or even Jinyang, this place can only be said to be crude and a mess.

When he arrived at the nearby area, Li Po ordered a few people to wait in the leeward area while he secretly entered the hunting ground.

Li Po was very familiar with such sneaky things.

Not to mention the events in his early years, let's just say that he did a lot of things in the city of Mayi County.

The little man's ability to survive is vividly demonstrated in him.

I have been staying outside the hunting ground for some time, and I can talk to the people inside the hunting ground. This time I came to poach, so I came to say hello first and find out the news...?`

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Is there a risk? Yes, but it's not that big.

The petty officials and guards at the hunting ground were all natives of Hebei. When the emperor came to Zhuo County, several officials and generals were in charge. But unless the emperor came here to hunt, then there would be horses and cavalry accompanying him in the hunting ground.

Most of the middle-aged people can’t get involved.

In addition, the hunting ground is actually a place dominated by Hebei people.

Poaching is also banned repeatedly, not to mention that it is still the season when large armies gather, and there is not much you can do if proud soldiers secretly enter the hunting grounds to perform tooth sacrifices.

Of course, if Zhuo County had not been so ruined now, there would be no difference between copper coins and scrap metal. Otherwise, if he wanted to enter the hunting ground to poach royal prey, even if Li Jing came in person, he would have to be caught and beheaded.


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