Chapter 120

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"Sergeant, although this land is not bad, it is like a mountain forest surrounded by tigers and wolves, and there are many dangers. You need to read a book...or else, issue a military order and don't let anyone leave the camp."

Li Bi, who knew there were no good words to say, and who was a little proud at first and wanted to hear a few flattering words, looked at Li Po who was squatting there, wishing he could dive into the brazier, and secretly gritted his teeth.

I couldn't help it, so I went up and kicked this guy's ass.

Li Po hummed twice, rubbed his butt nonchalantly, and moved to the opposite side of the brazier.

He is in a good mood now and is too lazy to be like this crazy woman.

He just curled his lips, frowned, and looked at Li Bi, as if to say, we're talking about serious business, don't do anything.

At this time, Li Bi's good mood was immediately reduced to half.

"You are as timid as a mouse, but you are still a man."

After hearing this, Li Po tilted his head in disdain, "The sergeant doesn't understand. The man is timid because he is carrying something on his shoulders... If you don't give the order, I will have to

It would be too troublesome to tell them one by one."

"Fake military orders? Do you still want your head?"

"My head is not very stable to begin with. If you go out to camp a few more times, I think this head will fall off soon."

Li Bi rolled her eyes. She was getting more and more irritated when talking to this person. In front of her, this person was becoming more and more...?... Well, at best, he was invulnerable, at worst.

That would be called presumptuous.

This was because she was sure that she was soft-hearted and would not really chop off his head for some trivial matter.

But it is true that everything before has established his position in his mind.

There are so many people coming to Mayi, many of them are her relatives, and they have been following her for several years, but today, the person she trusts the most is a boy from Kansai with inexplicable origins.

It’s really hard to explain things clearly in this world.

However, in front of Li Po, Li Bi was already very good at suppressing her anger, so she couldn't afford another fight. The previous fight almost cost her face, and made this kid even more aggressive.

If there is another fight, the general should be replaced, right?

However, she couldn't help it and started arguing with Li Po a few more times.

He also moved the Fufeng Dou family out, wanting Li Po to know what kind of opportunity he had missed.

When Li Po heard this, his heart indeed skipped a beat.

Damn it, there are traps everywhere in Zhuo County now. If you stay here for a year and a half, you might be able to find a bunch of fellow villagers.

However, looking at Li Bi's appearance, Li Po immediately felt at ease.??

Our identity is really good. What happened to the Fufeng Dou family? He can still check if there is a little person like me in his hometown?

The two of them were completely on two lines, and Li Po said there was no pressure at all.

As for clinging to the rich and powerful, come on, the one in front of you is not good at serving him. How about another one? How many deaths will it take to get to where he is today?

It is natural for two people to quarrel, but they are not ambiguous about major matters.

In the end, Li Po's proposal won Li Bi's support.

Li Po also proposed to go to the hunting ground again and get some game back to prepare. In the winter, it wouldn't spoil anyway, and if someone named Dou came again, he could entertain him well.

Maybe as soon as they were happy with the meal, they were taken to the Zhuojun Palace.

This extremely reckless and bad idea was firmly opposed by Li Bi.

What the two people talked about after that was the matter of the military formation. After all, they were going to Liaodong with the army. Once they encountered the enemy, they didn't care how big a family you were from, or which guard house you were under.

, what you see is your real ability.

When it comes to this, Li Po is completely reduced to an audience. Li Bi's family is knowledgeable and has been in the army for many years. As for Li Po, it can only be said that he became a monk halfway. Whether it is theory or practice, he is far behind others.

Not to mention how awesome people were later, the facts told Li Po that fighting people with a knife was completely different from the subsequent war.

If you don't put your mind down and learn a lesson, and always show off your cleverness, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

This is like poetry. Li Po also remembers some famous quotes, but they have never come out of his mouth, because it can only be a matter of time, and the chance of revealing the secret later is almost 100%, which is too dangerous.


One spoke, the other listened, and asked a few questions if he didn't understand. To a large extent, this satisfied Li Bi's vanity.

After beating Li Po away, Li Bi walked around the tent a few times before feeling a little strange. Talking to this guy, she actually felt quite comfortable for the first time?

As a result, another of Li Po's shortcomings also fell into the hands of others.

However, what Li Bi didn't know was that Li Po, who had left the tent, looked back and curled his lips secretly.

Are you happy now? I won’t tell you that I said it on purpose to go hunting in the hunting ground, and I won’t tell you that although I’m not proficient in military formations, a lot of what you said is nonsense.

I figured it out a long time ago.

It's better to hide one's clumsiness than to reveal one's skill, do you understand?

Furthermore, he didn't have his own ideas about the Sui army's campaign.

Now that the army has gathered, the morale of the soldiers seems to be quite high, so I won't go into details now.

When everyone flees for their lives, that's the time to see the truth.

Therefore, Li Po was in a good mood.

If Li Bi is good at being a teacher and brings her a lot of joy, then Li Po's here is purely a sense of pleasure caused by a sense of superiority in IQ.

It was barely considered the first internal military meeting of the Mayi and Sui armies, and it ended just like that.

No matter what their mood was, they all started to execute it meticulously.

The Sui army in Mayi drew the ground as a cage and locked themselves up. The entrance to the camp was empty, waiting for no one to come in or out.

If it weren't for the many disturbing noises that could be heard in the camp even during the coldest weather, we might have thought it was an empty camp.

The five hundred Sui soldiers in the camp were not idle this winter.

After constant training, the two chief officers still had very different requirements.

As the commander-in-chief, Li Bi required strict formations, unified military orders, cooperation of various ministries, formation changes, etc.

As for Li Po, who joined the army, his requirements were much simpler, which was just one thing: physical strength, physical strength, physical strength. If you don't practice, it won't be finished if you lie on the bed at night and can't get up.

For this reason, Li Po and Li Bi fought twice more. Because of such a large amount of physical training, Ma Yi and Sui Jun finally suffered injuries.

But the final result was that Li Bi was persuaded by Li Po to leave the camp, and when he came back, he brought back two good army doctors.

Obviously, Li Bi, who was quite orthodox, was fooled by Li Po again.

(Please collect, recommend, and reward.)


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