Chapter 1164 Sacrifice

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It took fourteen days for the Tibetan army of 80,000 to cross Jishi Mountain.

At Jishi Mountain Pass, 15,000 Tibetan troops poked their heads out of the mountain pass. They were the last part of the Tibetan army.

The Tubo people don't have much logistics when fighting, and they usually fight wherever they go. The war mode of feeding the enemy allows them to move quickly, and they pursue concentrated forces and quick battles. Therefore, the Chinese army is usually located at the rear of the army, and the elite of the army are also there.

They all gather here.

The first ones to engage the enemy were slaves. When the battle was almost over, the Chinese army would swarm up and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

This kind of tactics confused the highland tribes such as Tuyuhun who were accustomed to taking turns to fight to avoid accidental injuries. Moreover, their old enemies, the Central Plains people, often used a combination of infantry and cavalry tactics, which was completely different from the Tubo people.


It must be said that the Tubo people are in a period of rapid expansion, so the morale of the Tubo people is very high. They always feel that their real enemies are the towering mountains and the lack of food and grass. As for the flatlanders, they are just their prey.

So when the time entered July and winter was not far away, they were not in a hurry.

Qilebu, the commander-in-chief of the Tubo people, was surrounded by people and came to the hillside next to the mountain pass. They were going to start a sacrificial activity here.

Because they finally defeated the Alpine Goddess and crossed her body, they had to pay respect to her. Moreover, according to the guide, although there were some mountains blocking the way ahead, they could be bypassed without entering the mountains.

In other words, after entering the harvest stage, they also need to offer sacrifices to their respective gods in order to seek the protection and blessings of the gods.

Primitive worship of gods had just sprouted in the feudal city-states, and Tubo society was still a slave society. This custom is not surprising.

According to the people of the Central Plains, they are a savage tribe that cultivates slash-and-burn farming and drinks blood.

Strong Tubo warriors cut down trees, put bird feathers on their heads, and painted their faces with dye. Under the command of the priests, who looked like ghosts, they built altars and piled up pyres in preparation for sacrifices to the gods.

Qilebu Maben and a group of Tibetan generals and merchants looked at the mighty army with great satisfaction. This was an army they had never led before.

The Tubo people's internal strife lasted for thousands of years, from mutual vendettas among tribes, to battles for territory, water sources, etc., to conquests between city-states. At times, thousands or hundreds of people were involved in a war.

Perhaps the biggest war was the war between Langri Lunzan and the coalition forces of Supi and Xiangxiong.

It is said that there were 100,000 warriors participating in that war. In fact, there were only 20,000 to 30,000 elite warriors. It was already a unique war in the eyes of the Tibetan people.

That war naturally ended with the victory of Langri Lunzan. The once powerful Xiangxiong tribe was completely in decline and was forced to form an alliance with Langri Lunzan.

These memories are not good for Qilebu, because he was born in Subi, a city-state where the queen is the head of the family.


But now, as one of the famous Tubo generals, he was commanding a huge army that had never appeared in the history of Tibet. The feeling of power that he had everything under control and could kill even monsters blocking his way filled his heart.

Even though he was so excited that he wanted to look up to the sky and scream, Zilebu still controlled his expression, solemn and solemn, just like he had always shown.

Under the attention of the gods, Zilebu has lived forty-five years this year, which is considered a long-lived person in Tubo. His body is still extremely strong, and the two dark red scars on his face show traces of

Fierce, like an eagle, his eyes reveal a ferocious light at any time.

His enemies called him Mogu, a ferocious and cunning demon in Tibetan mythology, or the black wolf of Supi, while his friends and subordinates called him Koba, the bravest warrior under the gods.


But no matter what, now he has begun to fight for his former enemy, and has shown due respect and loyalty to Langri Lunzan's generosity.


At this time, his subordinates were talking about why the enemy did not appear here. In their opinion, the enemy was so stupid that they did not fight them here. Did they want to fight the powerful Tibetan warriors on the plains?

They all laughed while talking, obviously feeling that the words of those alien slaves were not credible. The flatlanders did not know how to fight and were very timid. They had not even seen their shadows yet.

They obviously forgot how the thousands of people who came forward were annihilated before raising their troops, and how angry they were when they heard the news.

Of course, it is inevitable for those who fled back to exaggerate the enemy. To defeat the Tibetan army of thousands of people, the enemy must be tens of thousands. Moreover, the slaves also said that there are as many people as cattle and sheep in the plains.

Every time we fight, we will never have a fair fight with them.

Hearing these messy words, Zilebu also had a smile on his face. When the altar was almost set up, Zilebu waved his hand.

"Okay, all victory belongs to the gods. Elder Aru, please personally offer our respect to the gods on behalf of us humble servants. When we harvest more soon, the sacrifices we offer will be more abundant.

Please ask Him to remove our sins from us who are about to be stained with blood, and let the dead return to the Kingdom of God.”

Aru is a young man, but he is a waiter of the gods. His status is higher than that of ordinary people. Of course, after the war is over, he will be the first to select all the spoils.

Well, he has no greed, it’s just that the place where he spreads divine grace in Luoshe City needs to be repaired from time to time.

This is the Yongzhong Ben religion, a derivative sect of Tianzhu Buddhism with primitive worship mixed with Buddhist teachings. It has been flourishing in Tubo for many years.

They retain many original traces, such as sacrifices, and the red flag of Tubo, which is the color of blood and is closely related to the Yongzhong religion, so the Tubo people still worship red.

Aruyue came out and asked people to light the bonfire first. Then he and the priests danced and murmured beside the bonfire until several priests threw something into the bonfire. With a bang, the bonfire flourished.

Their singing became more and more high-pitched, and their dancing became more vigorous and powerful.

Zileb and others had already prostrated themselves on the ground. They felt the god's gaze and were about to bathe in the grace of God.

When the priests stopped, Zilebu slowly got up from the ground, and the warriors brought up the sacrifices that had been prepared without any instructions.

Those were a hundred fat sheep and a hundred slaves. There were a lot of people who needed the gods' care this time, so the sacrifices were naturally more abundant...

This chapter has been completed!
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