Chapter 1170 Oriole (2)

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The Tang army moved slowly and slowly towards the northwest.

By noon, the Tang army was less than thirty miles away from the Tibetan army, which was a distance that could launch an attack immediately.

If they are fighting the Turks, the safe distance between the two armies should be sixty miles away. If they get closer, they may be discovered by the rangers of both sides at any time, and there is no possibility of a surprise attack at all.

Back then, when Li Po led his men to the grasslands and raided Ashina Ellivo's elite cavalry, it was entirely due to the situation at that time, and it was almost a miracle of war that cannot be replicated.

At this time, a miracle seemed to happen naturally again.

The Tubo people's attention was completely attracted by the fat prey. There were nearly 200,000 people, stretching for nearly a hundred miles, and the negligible resistance made the Tubo people ecstatic.

For the Tubo soldiers, this was like a good harvest day, and it was also a gift from the gods.

Rush up, kill those who escape the fastest, drive the others back to gather in one place, and send people to guard them, while the army chases away again without stopping.

The Tubo army fell into a cycle of repeated attacks. When they entered Huiningchuan, they finally encountered organized resistance.

It is difficult to describe the chaos of the tribes that moved eastwards. Until the last moment, some people fled to the depths of Huining River without looking back. Others, even though their hearts were full of fear and despair, still followed the call of the brave leader.

He mounted his war horse, picked up everything that could be used as a weapon, and launched an attack on the Tubo people who were rushing over.

This was the last bit of resistance of the tribes who moved eastward. Apart from being somewhat tragic, it had almost no impact...


As the Tubo army moved forward, the Tang army was already behind them. Even at noon, Xu Shiji let everyone eat some dry food to fill their stomachs.

The man didn't take off his armor, and the horse didn't take off its saddle. Shi Shiran had lunch, gave the horse some water, and waited for a full hour. The spying report came again, and thousands of Tibetan troops had chased to Huining.

River, is entangled with people on the Huining River.

When all the conditions were ripe, Xu Shiji got on his horse and ordered all the troops to stand up.

Previously, Shi Guize had led a thousand men to attack Jincheng, blocking the Tubo people's return route.

The soldiers of the Tang Army marched out one after another, and the chaotic sound of horse hooves echoed on the ground. They no longer had to hide their whereabouts. The soldiers skillfully drove the horses, first at a slow pace, then at a trot, and then entered a fast marching mode. The sound of horse hooves gradually became consistent.

, galloping forward.

The cavalry groups were spread out densely in the wilderness, following the guidance of the generals' flags, and surged forward like the tide breaking a dam.

The army first moved northwest, then turned east, rewriting another similar story.


Ma Rong and his wife huddled in the crowd. Everyone, whether they had escaped before or stayed where they were, were all driven together by the Tibetans.

The Tibetan followers waved their whips and told people to stay where they were, while the serious Tubo people gathered into teams of ten, cruising nearby, watching all this with arrogance and pride.

They had once again won a brilliant victory and were in such a state of happiness that they even felt that the victory was too much. They had become accustomed to this feeling and were not as happy as before.

If it hadn't taken too long to chase the enemy and consumed too much of their physical strength, they might have played some games according to their habits to entertain themselves and their gods, such as finding some people to offer sacrifices to, or in these

Choose a beautiful woman among the slaves and do some exercises on the spot.

Women in the lowlands are much better than women in the highlands, or even in their hometowns. This is the consensus of the Tibetan people. The moans and screams they make are so beautiful and sweet.

For the Tibetans who have been fighting for many years, they have undoubtedly entered the land promised by the gods, and everything seems to be at their disposal.

Faint cries came from the carriage. Ma Rong slapped the shaft of the carriage in fear, hoping that the little kid would stop crying. He just saw those people snatching some children from the team and throwing them to the ground. The family resisted slightly.

He was cut down to the ground.

The tragic ending seemed to be doomed. Ma Rong clenched the dagger in his hand, because he was relatively honest and no one paid attention to him, but he had decided to die here, as long as someone dared to snatch his children and wife...

Looking down from the sky at this time, we can see that the team moving eastward has been cut into sections by the Tubo people. Some people are still escaping and the Tubo people are chasing them. Overall, the Tubo people have completely controlled the overall situation.

Whether to return with all the troops or to slim down the team will depend on how much food and water the Tibetans have seized. If it is too little, they will kill the elderly and children to save water.


At this time, the ground seemed to tremble. Ma Rong didn't pay much attention to it, but then the ground started shaking non-stop, and Ma Rong's heart began to tremble. It seemed that he had experienced it not long ago.

He is not a warrior and has little combat experience, but his mind is more flexible than others. The fact that he can keep his wife and children safe at this time shows this.

But now the signs were too obvious. He turned his head stiffly and looked to the west. Sure enough, the smoke and dust started to rise again, gathering together and never leaving...

There were more experienced people than him. The Tubo people began to shout, but they were not afraid. They thought it was the army from the west that sent people again? Or did Ruben (Tubo generals) leave people behind?

, did you catch up at this time?


Fifteen miles, ten miles, five miles, the Tang army was getting closer and closer, until it was visible to the naked eye. Ashina Danai first drew out the Huanshou sword and raised it high above his head. This was a signal that the battle was about to begin.


Flag of the Sun, Moon and Stars... In the flying dust, the flag was looming, but Ma Rong still saw it clearly. The Sui... no, the army of the Tang Dynasty had arrived.

In a mixture of joy and fear, Ma Rong stuffed his wife under the carriage again, and this time he got in himself.

People became commotion again, and the Tubo people finally realized in panic that it was not their own people, but the enemy came, and at the moment when they were most relaxed, they launched a fatal attack on them.

"Enemy, enemy..."

Although the Tubo people were frightened, they did not flee, but quickly began to gather and prepare to fight the enemy.

In emerging kingdoms, there are always a group of people who are good at fighting and courageous. The bravery and cruelty of the Tubo people were perfectly reflected in such a period of time.

This chapter has been completed!
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