Chapter 1175 Comedy

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The Tubo people began to attack the city.

The impetuosity of the Tubo army was not only reflected in their mentality, but also manifested itself in all aspects of the war.

They just hurriedly made some ladders for climbing, and swarmed to the city, hoping to use these things to invade Guzang Jian City.

They first drove forward thousands of slaves of various races caught on the way, presumably to test the will of the defenders first.

A shower of arrows rose from the top of Guzang City, and then fell down with a sharp roar. The slaves who lacked the necessary protection screamed and fell to the ground like wheat. Only a few of them could get under the city wall.

The frightened man turned around and ran away, but was killed by the Tubo people in front of the battle without hesitation.

The offensive of thousands of people ended in a short period of time, and corpses lay scattered under the city. It was more like the Tubo people made a joke marked with blood and human life.

The Tubo people cursed angrily and began to drive their followers to attack the city again.

The slaves stepped forward tremblingly. They had more shields than the slaves, and the casualties were not as heavy as the slaves. Against the constant falling arrows, the first wave of slaves finally came under the city wall. They were of different lengths.

A ladder that seemed ready to fall apart at any time was erected on the city wall.

The Tubo people saw hope, so groups of people rushed out of the formation on horseback. They showed off their riding and shooting skills under the city, shooting some arrows at the city, and more stones of different sizes, and

Cover the offensive of the minions.

Obviously they don't have any experience in attacking a big city like Guzang. If the generals from Henan were here, they would tell them clearly that, let alone more than 60,000 people... As long as the defenders are determined and well prepared, no matter how many people there are,

Twice as many, no matter how sophisticated the siege equipment is, it will be in vain.

What's more, the Tubo people are all cavalry, and the Tubo people's behavior at this time is much stupider than when the Turks attacked Mayi.

But this can be forgiven. After all, the Tubo people have been closed off for a long time. It is their first time to come out to see the world. It is understandable that they will make any mistakes.

The ladders made by the Tubo people were too crude, and some could not even reach the top of the city. Even if they were long, without a hook in front, they would be easily knocked down when put on the city wall, not to mention falling apart halfway up.


This is simply a disaster.

The battlefield with loud cries of killing is an extremely cruel place, and any mistakes may be costly in blood. The people of the Central Plains have accumulated countless experiences and lessons during the long years of conquest and fighting.

In comparison, the Tubo people were as pure as a piece of white paper, which brought countless comic effects to the Guzang attack and defense battle, although no one involved could laugh...

The subordinates were quickly defeated again. In addition to increasing casualties, no one was able to climb the high city wall. Seeing this, the morale of the defenders was naturally boosted.

The Tubo people were furious and killed some of the defeated subordinates again, but they did not learn the lessons from before. Without stopping, they drove the subordinates like sheep and continued to attack the city.


As the sun set in the west and the sky became dark, the Tubo people returned to the messy camp they had built with anger and frustration and began to have dinner.

The Tibetan generals once again gathered in Zilebu Maben's tent, and soon began to quarrel. The army continued to massacre the city, and the consequences of advancing too fast, without a plan, etc. were also revealed at this time.

Everyone in the army became extremely anxious after encountering a slight setback. This emotion gradually spread among the army, and there was a possibility of losing control at any time.

After all, in fact, such an expedition was beyond the control of the Tibetans at this time. Even the Mongols later only gradually expanded outward after they became strong enough on their own territory.


The Tubo people suffered the hardship of siege, and suffered more than 8,000 casualties in one day. This was a casualty ratio that was enough to break the bones, and further irritated the nerves of the Tibetan generals.

Zhileb once again used his prestige to suppress the generals' chaotic voices. As the wiser one among the Tibetan people, he had realized that this might be the farthest place the army had come.

But he was still unwilling, so at night, he asked Elder Alu to do divination.

The gods of the Tubo people quickly gave guidance. If you persist for a while, things may turn around.

As the number one magician in the Tibetan army, the results given by divination are often based on the appearance of people's hearts. Not only Zhileb himself is unwilling to do so, but Elder Alu is also unwilling to do so.

The more people guard a place, the more wealth is gathered there. Elder Alu understands this very well.

Now that the gods had said so, Zileb felt relieved. He called the generals to the tent one by one at night, promised benefits, appeased the mood of his subordinates, and then took the people to patrol the camp to boost morale.

The next day, people were sent to continue making stronger siege equipment. Well, except for the ladders and rams used for siege, the Tubo people could not make other tools.

Still idle, the Tibetans circled the city and began to shout to the people in the city, asking them to surrender.

It's just that when they first arrived, they were extremely angry and threatened and abused them, regardless of whether the people in the city understood them or not. Now they are at a disadvantage. Although they have made up their mind to kill everyone who dares to resist them once they enter the city, but

He has softened his words a lot, and promised benefits to those who understand Chinese.

After seeing the poor siege skills of the Tubo people and being well prepared, the defenders were naturally unmoved and responded by firing cold arrows at the city walls. Of course, retorts were also inevitable.

The Tubo people don't know that this is the so-called stalemate stage in the war, which is good for the party with the advantage. If the party at the disadvantage cannot reverse the situation, it will only become weaker and weaker if it drags on.


This time the Tubo people prepared more carefully, and it took three days before they began to attack the city again.

After two days of siege, the Tibetan people suffered no casualties, but the defenders became more and more relaxed. The morale of the Tibetan followers plummeted. How could Zilebu and other Tibetan generals waste the elite Tibetan people in such a war of attrition?

They are all subordinate.

Seeing this, the highlanders who came to pick up the bargain started to complain, deserters began to appear, and at night, a group of Tibetan soldiers patrolling the subordinate camp disappeared.

After the troops were stationed under the fortified city, all kinds of moths began to appear.

The next day, Zilebu beheaded two subordinate leaders, dozens of others lost their heads, and hundreds of people were whipped. According to the Tibetan habit, he continued to use high-pressure methods to suppress the subordinates.

This chapter has been completed!
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