Chapter 126 Liaoshui

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Yan County, this is the center of the army, a large Sui city where Yang Guang was last stationed in the Sui Dynasty, and the forward of the Sui army has arrived at Huaiyuan Town.?

There was already a large amount of food, grass and ordnance there, waiting for the Sui army to use it.

When the army passed through Huaiyuan Town, it was blocked by the roaring Liao River. This is now the national border between Goguryeo and the Sui Dynasty.

When the army crossed the Liao River, Huaiyuan Town was actually an important town for supplying food and grass to the army.

In March of the eighth year of Daye, the army rushed to the banks of Liao River one after another.

The surging Liao River rushes past.

On both sides of the river, dark military formations were lined up, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Goguryeo had already made preparations and stationed heavy troops on the east bank of the Liao River. As early as January, it began to drill through the ice of the Liao River.

What the Goguryeo army didn't expect was that the Sui army arrived so late.

By March, the ice had already melted in large areas, and the main force of the Sui army arrived on the west bank of the Liao River.

How should I put it? The Sui army was full of confidence. From top to bottom, they did not pay much attention to the Goguryeo people. In the eyes of many generals of the Sui army, Goguryeo was just struggling in vain at this time.

As the army moves forward, all resistance will be in vain. The front of the army will crush everything in front of it into powder.

However, the Goguryeo people on the other side of the river are not bad in confidence and their morale is quite high.?

They were not afraid of a battle with the Sui people, and even many Goguryeo generals did not believe that the Sui people could break through the Liao River and enter Goguryeo territory.

You may call them arrogant or arrogant.

Anyway, Goguryeo, which is located in a remote corner of Liaodong, has been invincible since its rise. It conquered many tribes in Liaodong, and this is how the country of Goguryeo emerged today.

Their folk customs are naturally strong, and the multi-ethnic groups living together have also caused disputes among them to never end.

However, most of the time, it is a fight among my own family members.

It can be said that they did not have much contact with the Sui people and the Turks, two powerful empires.

In other words, this is an authentic local bully.

The famous allusion of Liaodong's dung ministers has not been long gone, but the Goguryeo people have almost miraculously forgotten the embarrassment of the past and regained their full self-confidence.

Therefore, the Sui army's millions of troops came overwhelmingly to the east bank of the Liao River, which did not make the Goguryeo people feel that terrible.

They arranged their defense system in an orderly manner. When several major military generals were discussing, they were even more ambitious and prepared to give the Sui army across the river a head-on blow.

And they did.


The central army of the Sui army finally arrived on the east bank of the Liao River.

When the emperor comes, whether the generals do it intentionally or the soldiers do it voluntarily.

Anyway, when the emperor's chariot appeared, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami of "Long Live Our Emperor" resounded through the sky, thousands of troops shouted, the spring breeze stopped, and the Liao River trembled.

The roaring sound like muffled thunder spread out into the distance.

Within dozens of miles, the officers and soldiers of the Sui army raised their swords and guns and shouted loudly. If you had not been here in person, you would never have imagined what kind of momentum this was.

At this moment, the Goguryeo army located on the east bank of the Liao River felt a chill in their hearts. It seemed that only then did they realize that they were facing the powerful Sui Empire.

But at this time, the head-on strategy could no longer be changed. The Goguryeo army could only defend the east bank to prevent the Sui army from crossing the river.

The Sui army, in the past year, slowly formed a million-strong army, and also delayed the most important fighter opportunity. It was unable to cross the Liao River when Goguryeo was unprepared, turning this huge river into a natural chasm.

into decoration.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty also experienced many wars.

Although, his "brilliant" achievements actually had little to do with him. Most of the time, he was a bystander, witnessing the Sui army's victories one after another.

But after all, he was not an emperor who was raised in a deep palace and knew nothing about military affairs.

Therefore, he did not let the forward army rush to cross the Liao River when the Goguryeo army gathered on the east coast, which would only increase casualties.

Instead, he chose the strategy of carefully preparing everything and advancing slowly.

At the beginning of the war, this was undoubtedly a wise decision.

The emperor's chariot stopped on a high ground behind the army, and the Sui Dynasty's sun, moon and star flags fluttered in the wind.

Li Po's left guard, the Mayi Sui Army, was lucky enough to find a commanding position where they could see the mighty Liao River and the densely packed army.

This is a very spectacular sight. The opportunity to see such a scene is rare in one's life.

At this time, Li Po was no longer in the mood to rant.

The roar that resounded throughout the world before undoubtedly shocked him, but now the heads of people were shaking and the soldiers were flashing with a dazzling cold light, almost replacing the sun in the sky, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

Countless flags were flying fiercely in the air. Each flag represented a powerful Sui army general and countless Sui army soldiers.

This is completely a military world, and there is no room for anything else.

A cold breath rose up, and there was a chill in the world.

At such a moment, Li Po's face finally turned gloomy, and his hand involuntarily held the waist knife.

The man's heart has moved before the wind and clouds move, and the man is in high spirits when he comes here.

If a true soldier remains indifferent in the face of such a scene, then he is not worthy of being called a soldier.

War is undoubtedly ugly and cruel. Li Po has a deep understanding of this and tries hard to stay out of it, not wanting to experience too many unnecessary dangers.

But at this moment, the strong aura of war came overwhelmingly, and it infected him instantly.

As a seven-foot man, as a soldier, the hot blood in his chest finally boiled, as if there was a wild beast roaring in his chest, trying to break through the prison of reason and release the endless power contained in it.

The smell of blood.......

At this moment, he could no longer hide his ferocity and brutality.

Because this is already the most barbaric realm, and he is also in the midst of the most ferocious group.

Along the Liao River, things gradually became quiet.

But the feeling that the war is coming is becoming more and more obvious.

The Sui army began to set up camps. They did not plan to spend too much time on the west bank of the Liao River, so the camps were set up very roughly.

Li Bi ordered people to set up camp on the spot.

She became more and more concerned about Li Po, her confidant.

Perhaps he sensed the difference between Li Po and when setting up camp, he deliberately approached Li Po and asked provocatively, "What? Were you scared before the battle?"

However, her efforts were in vain. Li Po, who had already done a good job of psychological construction, curled his lips habitually, "Save it, it's not our turn to be heroes now, what should I be afraid of? I will fall into the river and drown while crossing the river.



This chapter has been completed!
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