Chapter 1202 Angry

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Time entered into September of the third year of Yuanzhen in the Tang Dynasty. A winter snow fell and the weather in Chang'an became a little colder.

The autumn harvest is completely over, and reports on this year's harvest are being reported everywhere. In August, grain teams from all over the country have transported grain to Beijing and stored the newly harvested grain in warehouses managed by the Ministry of Household Affairs. Of course, from now on these will be

It's a matter of Sinong Temple.

In fact, the war basically ended last year. The war at the beginning of this year was just the end of the war in the late Sui Dynasty. Dou Jiande cowered in Hebei and was finally killed by a hammer.

Therefore, there is no need to count on the grain harvest in Henan, Hebei, and Shandong. The sparse people there have been exempted from taxes for five years. This year's harvest is basically produced by the armies of various ministries and left for their own use.

Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to move some grain from other places for relief. Taking advantage of this time, the imperial court first implemented some new policies in these places during the summer and autumn, and promoted new agricultural tools to see the effect first.

The situation in other places is improving, especially in Shanxi, Guanxi, and Shu, which were pacified earlier. Grain production has increased year by year, and this year it has soared, because Guanxi and Shu

The land was exempted from taxes for a year, and this year the government's granary finally became useful.

However, Li Po didn't feel happy about it. This was purely a bottoming out, but he didn't have to worry about food this year.

The southern side suffered slightly less damage, but it was calmed down later. Just take care of yourself. Don't expect too much good news there this year that will make people happy.

The atmosphere of overwhelming waste lingered over Datang.

What made Li Po feel a little relieved was that there was no fighting in Hebei.

Tuli Khan Ashina was still in awe of the royal court. Under the strict order of the royal court, he did not take any action. Even though he was far away from thousands of mountains and rivers, Li Po seemed to be able to feel the presence of Tuli Khan's tent.

The promise is very popular.

As for whether his anger is aimed at the Turkic Royal Court or the Tang Dynasty, Li Po doesn't care much. If you have the ability, just send troops to Youzhou to try...


In September, the DPRK was still very busy, but everyone's attention had basically turned to several major events.

One is the revision of the Tang Code. The direction of the major has actually been set long ago. Most of the content is still based on the Sui Code, and modifications are made under this framework. For example, in criminal law, some harsh punishments are eliminated in the direction of government and benevolence.

Methods, such as boiling people, freezing them, etc.

This was undoubtedly what Li Po meant. He felt that it was enough to confiscate his family, exterminate his family, and severely punish the principal culprit. There was no need to be so cruel. Who could he scare?

Isn’t there a saying later? The people are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death? A dynasty that is not popular among the people will eventually perish. The more severe punishments and laws, the faster it will perish.

With the arrival of winter, Li Po ordered Wen Yanbo, Xiao Yu and others to complete the revision this winter. Next year he will put the Tang Code in front of everyone. Most things must be done according to the Tang Code, regardless of the etiquette performed by the Tang Dynasty.

, or be promoted to the Yamen to judge the matter, etc., all will be within the norms.

In fact, I am telling the ministers to take it out first and then revise it if it is not suitable. This period will last ten years or even longer, so there is no need to worry.

With one major revision every three years and one minor revision every year, the Tang Code may not be what it will be when it is fully formed.


The other was the imperial examination. By September of the third year of Yuanzhen in the Tang Dynasty, the Ministry of Rites had already come up with preliminary regulations.

Li Po took a look and searched his memory again, and he was sure that the Ministry of Rites was not doing its best.

These people divided the imperial examination into two parts.

One part is the rural examination. Talents are selected from all over the country to take the examination in counties and cities. Those who come out at the top can be regarded as scholars, and then these people can go to the capital to enter the second part of the examination.

The Ministry of Rites calls it Gongju, which has almost the same meaning as paying tribute, or it can also be called the Provincial Examination. It is a major examination that is set by the Ministry of Rites and organized by the Shangshu Province.

The reason why Li Po thinks that the people in the Ministry of Rites have no intentions is because these people don't seem to have considered the issue of students at all. Who will be selected to be sent to the county for examination? What if no one is selected to send?

There is no mention of this in the regulations of the Ministry of Rites...

And even if the people who finally participated in the scientific examination were all descendants of officials from aristocratic families, how could there be such a big gap in the imperial government's policies for others to take advantage of?

In a few days, wouldn't this be a feast for the local wealthy families? How could anyone with any brains come up with such a crude thing?

Liu Shan, the Minister of Rites, was quite tactful because of his age. This time he got into trouble with Li Po, and he was scolded by Li Po in the Tai Chi Hall.

"The imperial examination has been discussed for half a year, and there has been a lot of turmoil. If you are serious, you should know to prepare early, and now you come up with such a thing to show me? Who are you fooling?

Did you think that this matter would be like the one in the Sui Dynasty, where there was a lot of resistance and no result in the end?

I've said it several times, I'm not Yang Guang, and you have a good oral and auditory skills, so is it all just decoration? Or do you understand and just pretend not to understand, and just want to be your Minister of Etiquette with peace of mind?"

Li Po's anger could almost set the Tai Chi Palace on fire. He was rarely so angry, but the perfunctory behavior of the people in the Rites Department was so perfunctory that it was barely concealed.

And the imperial examination system was one of the major things that he believed must be done. How could he tolerate this kind of behavior? He could imagine that before being called to the Taiji Hall, the man in front of him had already thought about it. As long as the emperor was dissatisfied,

He can then admit his lack of talent and then bring others in to share the responsibility.

A former Sui veteran, was he perhaps frightened by the news about the imperial examination?

Li Po also regretted leaving the matter to the Ministry of Rites. It was also because other ministries were too busy that he let the Ministry of Rites take full charge. After all, after the opening of the subject, the Ministry of Rites will also be in charge of the department, so it would be appropriate to leave it to them.

But now, the Ministry of Rites slapped Liu Shanyin with a wave of his hand while he was presiding over it. Are you angry or not?

At the end, Li Po was too lazy to say anything to Liu Shanyin. He waved his hand and drove the pale-faced Liu Shanyin out of the Tai Chi Hall like a fly.

Li Po looked at his back with hatred, thinking that if this was in Jinyang, he would definitely chop off this guy's head to make him think like this, instead of rectifying him later, which means that he has already

Some were so angry that they planned to commit murder.

In anger, he immediately issued an edict to dismiss Liu Shanyin from his position as Minister of Rites, and ordered him to leave the capital immediately to serve as an official in Lingnan. At Liu Shanyin's age, he would probably never come back. In fact, it had nothing to do with murder.


Liu Shanyin was not the only one implicated in this matter. Liu Shanyin's staff, close friends, etc., everyone who might give Liu Shanyin advice were affected.

This is another high-ranking imperial official who fell to the ground after Yu Wenshiji resigned. And without any warning, and without any discussion, he was directly dismissed from the capital and was kicked out of the capital, and many people were implicated...

This chapter has been completed!
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