Chapter 1206 Preparation

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In September, Chang'an is already a silvery white.

In addition to preparing to reward merit at the end of the year, the three provinces asked the emperor to grant amnesty to the world.

Amnesty has been around since ancient times. The emperor asked for amnesty when he ascended the throne. For example, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, Liu Heng, was sitting in the palace, and all the ministers had finished shouting "Long Live the Mountain". Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, this matter has gradually become a common practice.

When the emperor gives birth to a child, he also wants to pardon the world. This depends on the emperor's mood, otherwise the person who committed the crime will definitely be very happy. Most emperors have many children. If one child is pardoned once, everyone can probably let it go. .

When the world has a good harvest, there may also be a general amnesty. For example, during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, there was a record of a good harvest of silkworms and wheat today, and a general amnesty was recorded.

Others saw a flock of birds gathering in the city, lingering around, and the year was good, so they thought it was auspicious to offer it to the emperor, and if the emperor was happy, he would be able to grant a general amnesty to the world.

All this shows that amnesty is very arbitrary. An emperor who has not given amnesty is obviously not a good emperor.

For example, Yang Guang only granted amnesty once when he came to the throne, and then he was overwhelmed. During the two or three years after he ascended the throne, major projects were implemented one after another.

People died one after another, and people who made mistakes in various projects also came one after another. There were more and more people evading civil service, and there was no amnesty at all.

Moreover, he also led a large group of people to wander around. Everywhere he passed, the sky was three feet high. Even the people on the grasslands outside the Great Wall couldn't bear it, let alone the people in the Central Plains along the way.

In the eighth year of Daye's expedition to Liaodong, starting from the seventh year of Daye, millions of troops gradually gathered in Hebei. At that time, from south to north, from east to west, there were either troops rushing to serve in Hebei or groups of troops on the road. People who were transporting food could be seen dead on the road everywhere. Even if Yang Guang wanted to grant another amnesty, it was no longer possible.

Because it is useless, the cruel face of the king has been clearly exposed in front of the world, and the act of amnesty will not help.


Li Po was the founding king of the country. When he came to the throne, he granted amnesty to the whole country. The purpose of the title was clear, and the target was also very clear: those who were captured in the war.

This year is even more important, because the Tang Dynasty finally wiped out the princes from all over the country and unified the world. The amnesty at the end of the year is a good time to show the emperor's kindness and benevolence.

Li Po still showed great restraint as always. He mainly targeted the surrendered prisoners of Xia and Liang as subjects of amnesty, because many of the surrendered prisoners of Jiangzuo and Hebei were still under military control. After the amnesty, these restrictions were waived, allowing them to choose their location. And live.

In addition, there are some officials and prisoners who have committed crimes, and their crimes will be reduced to one level as appropriate. That is to say, as long as you have not committed serious crimes such as treason, killing in the street, etc., those who are worthy of beheading will be exiled, and those who are exiled will be banned, etc. .

So this year's Autumn Competition has come to a halt, and the happiest people in the capital are none other than those who got into trouble during the official exams.

Some people sent their foolish sons to the Senniu Bishen Prefecture, others replaced them with official positions with book boys, and some were illiterate people who infiltrated the civil service... These were all serious crimes that were worthy of exile. They delayed it for a while until the amnesty came down. They can go to the Ministry of Punishment or Dali Temple to get a meal and go home to recuperate.

As for the surrender of those princes in Beijing, it actually has little impact on them. Many of them have already been appointed, and the remaining ones who are not accepted can stay for a while and then go back to their hometowns.

The imperial court obviously has no plans to settle scores in the future, and is quite tolerant of surrendering. As long as you don't hold anger in your chest and speak openly like Xiao Lang, at least your life safety can be guaranteed.

Didn't you see that after Dou Jiande hunkered down in his house for several months, he finally took a chance and went to Dongshi for a walk, but nothing happened.

In contrast, King Wu Li Fuwei simply had a lot of fun. Not only did he travel around Chang'an for fun, but he also recently heard that he wanted to build an academy. It's really weird that there are so many things happening every year, especially this year. I wonder if anyone will dare to do it after he completes it.

To be his student?


No matter how random the amnesty is, for many people it is something that comes only by chance.

For example, Ma Zhou, an aide in Prince Wu's palace, couldn't help but be overjoyed after receiving the news that the imperial court was about to grant amnesty. Although he had expected it, he couldn't help but feel happy.

For him, the advantage of amnesty is that it can eliminate the criminal record. He was arrested and taken to the Chang'an Prefecture last winter. Although he was later released safely, he left a record with the Ministry of Punishments.

He was a person who aspired to take the imperial examination. Although the King of Wu was kind to him, if he wanted to make a difference, it would be a bad idea to stay under the wing of the King of Wu.

There were not many choices available to him, so the imperial examination became a life-saving straw.

However, having records in the Ministry of Punishment means that it is impossible to take the imperial examination again, because to participate in the imperial examination, one must have a clean financial background. To be stricter, the ancestors cannot be slaves within three generations, nor can they be a son-in-law in the yamen.

Criminal record.

The nobles naturally don't care about this, but people like Ma Zhou must follow the rules.

Now that the amnesty is coming, but there is no news about the imperial examination, Ma Zhou feels that he has lost three points. The only thing to worry about now seems to be that the literary style in the south is flourishing. Once the subject is opened, he will definitely have an advantage. A person like him with a wild background

It is very possible that you are not as good as someone with skills.

So he had to start preparations. According to his prediction, if the imperial court opened the subject, it should be next autumn at the earliest. After the autumn examination, it would be time for the talents selected from various places to enter the capital in the spring of the following year to start the Beijing examination.

If it goes as expected, he still has one year to prepare, which is enough time. The troublesome part is that before that, he cannot study with peace of mind, and he has to help King Wu build an academy.

Du Fuwei was very concerned about this matter. After several months of preparation, everything was ready.

The next step is to ask the court for help. Now it seems to be just a formality, because the emperor's permission has been obtained before, and the details still need to be discussed with the courtiers. For example, should the court formally come forward, or should the King of Wu be solely responsible?


Judging from King Wu's character, these are not big things. King Wu Du Fuwei only cares about reputation, and everything else can be discussed.

The initial site of the academy has been roughly selected. In fact, King Wu Du Fuwei waved his hand and said, "Let's build it in the southern suburbs of Chang'an. What we teach is water work. There is a lot of water in the south. If it doesn't work, we can dig a lake to do it."

For boating purposes.”

This person is really thinking about where he is. In fact, according to Ma Zhou, the places with more water are obviously in the north and west of Chang'an City, and there are also several ready-made lakes in the old site of Shanglin Garden in the Han Dynasty.

Well, anyway, there is really no shortage of water in Chang'an at this time. Are you kidding me that nine waters are surrounding Chang'an?

If we really wanted to locate the site according to the actual situation, it would not be the southern suburbs of Chang'an. The north would be more suitable. It is close to the Wei River and has dense waterways. However, water transportation was becoming more and more complicated. It was impossible for the imperial court to stop water transportation and allocate all the land to the academy.

Therefore, once the academy is built there, it will face a lot of troubles.

Du Fuwei obviously didn't care about this. He felt that if he was closer to Chang'an Academy, he could get some light or something, and he seemed carefree and didn't think deeply about it.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Running a school is similar to doing business. What is needed is personal popularity. Later, people also paid attention to the aggregation effect, driving each other and competing with each other. After forming a scale, the popularity gradually increased.

Lao Du obviously does not have such clear developmental thinking, but he just feels that it is better to do this, and you can't do anything. Lao Du is obviously the kind of person who is blessed with luck. He does things based on intuition and never fails.


There is Lishan Mountain in the south of Chang'an City, where the royal gardens are located. Although the current emperor has never been there once, there are two emperor's summer palaces there, which are not accessible to ordinary people.

The manors of Chang'an nobles also gathered here. For example, in Hu County, southwest of Chang'an, there was Li Yuan's manor, where Li Xiuning's Detachment of Women raised troops.

So how to acquire land is also a matter. This is different from when Chang'an Academy was built. It depends on how powerful the court is. It is true that King Wu is rich and powerful, but there is no way to deal with these nobles who have manors in the southern suburbs of Chang'an.

Another issue is the issue of students. King Wu Du Fuwei means that those who are willing to sail on the sea are the children of poor families, and the nobles are not willing to go to the sea if they have nothing to do.

This is the truth. Ma Zhou helped with the detailed research and felt that even if you want to recruit people, they are not willing to deal with you. Didn't you see that it is also difficult to recruit students at Chang'an Academy?

Therefore, if you can recruit some students in the beginning, it is a victory, and you don't have to stick to your family background.

In addition, since the emperor is very concerned about this matter, he may have other plans, and he will just follow orders when the time comes.

In early September, the people from the south finally arrived in Chang'an under the leadership of Fugong Tuo, who was a sworn brother to Du Fuwei.

He had many ideas, but he was far less generous than Du Fuwei. When he came, he wanted to serve as a sacrificial wine for the academy, and even urged Du Fuwei to use money to bribe court officials.

Ma Zhou accompanied Du Fuwei and drank wine with this man several times, and he became wary of this man.

This man often regarded himself as a counselor. He had read some books, but he disdained loyalty, filial piety and etiquette. When he was drunk, he didn't say anything. The one he admired the most was Lu Buwei of the former Qin Dynasty. He seemed to have great ambitions.

When he came to Chang'an, he seemed to be in a very bad mood. He didn't say anything else when he met Du Fuwei. He just drank and reminisced about old times with Du Fuwei. He always recalled the time when the two worked together to conquer the world. Obviously, he was very fond of it.

Du Fuwei left his foundation and came to Chang'an to kowtow to others and was very dissatisfied.

After several rounds of questioning, Ma Zhou shook his head secretly. Could it be that this person came to Chang'an to seek death? If that's the case, don't bother others. I still want to live for two more days.


On this day, there was another light snowfall in Chang'an. After the snow, it started to clear up and it was freezing cold.

Ma Zhou was hiding in his room and was reading books. There were many benefits to following Du Fuwei. All he had to do was open his mouth to read any book he wanted. Moreover, Du Fuwei also paired him with two beautiful maids. His red sleeves were even more fragrant. Ma Zhou

I have never received such preferential treatment, so I am naturally very happy...

This chapter has been completed!
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