Chapter 1134 Suggestions

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There were loud gongs and drums in front of the Du Mansion, and the door was packed with guests.

This is undoubtedly the grandest wedding in Chang'an in more than three years. The King of Wu Li Fuwei and the Du family are getting married. The emperor personally granted the marriage. Even if the two families want to get married in a low-key manner, it is impossible, not to mention that the King of Wu will not agree.

The dowry prepared by King Wu for his daughter was something that even the wealthy families in the capital would be inferior to. On the day of the wedding, the escort team stretched for several miles. Those in front had already arrived at the Du Mansion, while those behind had just left the Prince Wu's Mansion.

King Wu's cards were so luxurious that people in the capital were amazed.

Speaking of which, Du Fuwei's move was somewhat inappropriate. The emperor was advocating frugality, and the world had just been peacefully settled. Every place was in ruins. It is really unreasonable for you to be so extravagant when you marry a daughter.

Ma Zhou and Du Fuwei's family tried to persuade him, but in the end Du Fuwei still didn't care. He just wanted people in Chang'an to know that he was a wealthy king of Wu, and no one could look down on him.

As one of the few princes at the time, if he became willful, he would not be able to pull him back even if he had eight cows. Fortunately, he knew that he was marrying his daughter, not recruiting a son-in-law, and he did not let his son-in-law and daughter stay in the mansion he moved out.

Get married.

Even so, the Du family was still on pins and needles. Both the Du brothers murmured in their hearts, wouldn't a happy event turn into a funeral?

There were many people who came to watch the ceremony, and most of them had nothing to do with the two families. Some people even came to the door without receiving the wedding invitation. Even if the important officials of the court did not come, they all sent congratulatory gifts.

Apparently the news spread that King Wu had invited the emperor to attend the wedding.

The officials in the DPRK felt that they were qualified to come to the door. They would rather believe it than believe it, and came to the door one after another to congratulate him.

Seeing the splendid scene of King Wu, many people felt that even if the emperor did not come, their trip would not be in vain.

Of course, many serious people felt that the scene was too big, even when Princess Fufeng got married that day, it was not comparable to it, and it seemed to be tampering. If the emperor didn't come, the fun would probably be too much.

After that, the censors will definitely impeach King Wu, and what will happen then?


The king of Wu married a daughter and made a huge fuss, which was indeed not considered properly.

But Du Fuwei saw it very accurately. All the speculations and discussions disappeared the moment the emperor appeared. The emperor came in person, and there was a marriage in front of him. The emperor was willing to endorse him. Even if it was bigger, no one would

Come and cause trouble for him.

And Lao Du's actions to show off his wealth were indeed nothing more than a shake of the head and a smile from Li Po, and they were innocuous.

Du Fuwei's coming to surrender to the princes like this can be tolerated as long as he has no plans to do it again, because this is a sign Li Po erected after ending the war in the late Sui Dynasty, and it will not be torn down easily.


It's hard to describe the grand occasion in the Du family's mansion that day.

Du Mansion is neither big nor small. Guests who came to congratulate were packed inside and outside the mansion. All the servants were squeezed out of the door of the mansion. The courtyard was filled with tables and chairs. Many people were covered in cold and snotty noses.

, but still don’t want to leave here.

After Li Po arrived, he was immediately welcomed into the mansion by Du Fuwei and Du Zhengzang's relatives. Guests along the way stepped aside to salute the emperor.

Due to the emperor's arrival, the Du family's family seemed to have been given a dazzling halo. Although it was not a wealthy family in the world, today it was better than a wealthy family, and the family became taller in everyone's eyes almost instantly.

Anyone who can come here in person will feel honored.

It was also the first time for Li Po to come to such an occasion. For several days, he studied the history of the Sui Dynasty with his ministers. His mind was filled with difficult and difficult sentences, which made him feel extremely depressed and depressed.

Going out of the palace to attend this wedding today is actually just like relaxing.

He looked around curiously, and there was no need to socialize. The only people who could talk to him were Du Fuwei, Du Zhengzang and a few others.

The important officials of the imperial court who are often seen will not appear here because of their status. In fact, most of the officials and auxiliary officials from various government offices in the court are not here.

Only Du Yan, the minister of rites, Linghu Defen, the secretary, Zhang Rui, the minister of official affairs, Yu Shinan, the author, and others arrived.

The purposes of these people's arrival are all different. They did not arrive here only because they knew that the emperor was coming, so there is no need to list them one by one.

The Du Zhengzang brothers are both great figures in the literary world, and there are many people who interact with them. It can be said that they talk and laugh with great scholars, and there are no ordinary people in their contacts. Many of the people gathered here are well-educated people, and it is not uncommon for them to have the surname of Chang'an among them.

But as long as the emperor comes, no matter who he is, he has to stand aside, and all the light is shrouded by the imperial power. Therefore, everyone is no longer paying attention to the wedding itself, but the political significance contained in it.


A group of people surrounded the emperor and walked inside. Luo Shixin, who stood out like a flock of chickens, was moving like a pillar. No one could squeeze him.

Others who came with him were pushed to the outside.

Du Fuwei and Du Zhengzang naturally stayed with Li Po and kept flattering him. Du Zhengzang was better. After all, he was a scholar. He also presided over the revision of the Sui Dynasty. He had character, but Du Fuwei did not.

With so many scruples, he couldn't stop talking to Li Po with a smile on his face.

When they were approaching the main hall of the mansion, this man, taking advantage of his relatively tall figure, leaned into Li Po's ear and said mysteriously: "My wife is pregnant with a baby again. It can be said to be a double blessing. I have to thank the Supreme Being for all this."

It will be fulfilled."

Double happiness... Li Po is very sensitive to this word now, but after listening to Du Fuwei's words, Li Po's head was filled with black threads, and he thought to himself, damn, do you know how to speak human language?

Your mother-in-law is pregnant with a baby, why are you thanking me? You bastard, believe it or not, I turned around and left, turning your double happiness into unparalleled blessings and misfortune?

He was muttering in his heart, but he still smiled and said: "That's a good thing. We people have to give birth to a son. Otherwise, wouldn't we call ourselves heroes?"

Du Fuwei nodded repeatedly, "That's right. I've been busy for half my life. If I don't have an heir to inherit it, wouldn't it be a joke? I hope I can live up to my expectations this time... If I really give birth to a big fat boy, it will definitely be a result of my father's death."

The supreme light..."

Li Po looked at Du Fuwei who was in high spirits and extremely excited, dumbfounded. Are you relying on us? You can have a son if you take advantage of me? Why didn't I know?

In order to prevent this guy from giving birth to another daughter and making her squawk again, Li Po said tightly: "Don't worry too much about this. We are still young and our days are still long. Besides, look at your daughter now."

Didn’t I also earn a lot of face for you and come back?”

This time Du Fuwei disagreed, shook his head and said: "Sons and daughters are different after all. One has established a family, and the other is like water thrown out. After getting married, he becomes someone else's family.

In the past, I had no choice but to do many things that were harmful to my morality. I guess God also felt that what I did was wrong, so he wanted to punish me. Now I have changed my ways and worked hard for the Supreme Being. For the sake of the Supreme Being, He also punished me.

You should let me go, right?"

Li Po really didn't want to discuss this issue with him, and it didn't make sense that giving birth to a son or a daughter was the same. At this moment, he really hoped that the mother-in-law of the Du Fuwei family could give birth to a son for this guy.

While talking, we arrived at the main hall of the mansion, where the final ceremony was completed.

Li Po came in and sat on the main seat unceremoniously. Those who were qualified to enter were lined up on both sides. It looked almost like a hall, and everyone was busy waiting for the bride and groom to come and pay their respects.


On this day, all eyes in Chang'an were focused on the Du Mansion, and the rumors in the market were even more outrageous. Many rumors and anecdotes about the royal family, or the themes of the stories, actually came from this.

Probably the framework can't escape the story of talented people and beautiful women, family feuds, meeting noble people on the way to make things come true, etc. It is probably a reunion version of Butterfly Lovers.


Li Po accepted the wedding ceremony from the newlyweds in Du Mansion and said some festive words. When the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber, it was not like when he got married. The bride didn't just wait in the room, but showed up to show off.

Then there was a big banquet in the Du Mansion, which started the most important part of the wedding. The banquet guests, but the two families chose the wrong time, and the number of people entertained exceeded the Du Zhengzang brothers' expectations, and many people were thrown into the banquet.

It's freezing enough.

Of course, the emperor was definitely not included here. Li Po sat in the main hall and ate and drank with others for a while. This was enough to show Du Fuwei's face, and then he left with everyone respectfully seeing him off.

After leaving Du Mansion, we transferred to Mrs. Chu's Mansion as planned. It was time to go and have a look.

Watching the history of the Sui Dynasty with everyone these days made him dizzy. His knowledge about the history of the former Sui Dynasty was constantly increasing. He was mentally tortured and almost forgot all about it.

What's even more frightening is that Secretary Cheng Linghu Defen believed that the death of the two previous Sui dynasties was different from the former Qin, and he attributed it to the extension of the war at the end of the Jin Dynasty.

The meaning behind the words is very clear. After revising the history of Sui Dynasty, we should start the revision work of the history of the Five Dynasties.

The Five Dynasties include Nanchen, Nanliang, Northern Zhou, Northern Qi, plus the former Sui, which are the Five Dynasties at the end of Jin.

The history of Nanchen actually includes the four dynasties of Song, Qi, Liang and Chen, which were later called the Southern Dynasty. Since the Southern Song Dynasty (later known as the Liu Song Dynasty, founded by the powerful official Liu Yu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty) and the Jin Dynasty, the history of the Southern Dynasties has begun.

Like the former Sui Dynasty, these separatist forces were short-lived dynasties, ranging from twenty to thirty years to forty to fifty years.

The history of the Northern Dynasties begins with the Northern Wei Dynasty, followed by the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties, the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and finally ends with the unification of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in the Sui Dynasty.

Later people called it the Southern and Northern Dynasties period. The separatist forces in the south represented the Han people and Miao people in the Central Plains, while those in the north represented the Hu dynasty that took over the Central Plains.

In the past two hundred years of history, the world has been in chaos, with more than a dozen separatist forces proclaiming themselves emperors. You sing and I come on stage, which makes people dizzy. It seems to be a bit more chaotic than during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

After hearing Linghu Defen's suggestion, everyone gathered in the Tai Chi Hall nodded in agreement. The life span of the former Sui Dynasty was too short, and it was not as pioneering as the former Qin Dynasty. It is better to classify it as a history of the Five Dynasties...

This chapter has been completed!
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